Chapter 32: Friends

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Ryan's POV

All of us sat in the main part of the lab, beside three people. Slade, Petra, and Unicorn left us alone. They were going to have a private conversation about what to do with Older Sabre, Galaxy, and Rainbow. I really don't know what we're going to do with the trio.

It's even stranger to see Sabre, one of my old friends, but older and more reclusive. He stuck with Galaxy and Rainbow in a tight group, sending weary looks at us occasionally. I haven't seen Sabre in real life many years? I don't know. Too many, that's for sure, so it was really strange.

Tori stuck close to me too. Her Runes were activated, and she kept scooting closer to me on the couch, until she was against my side. Unlike the weary glances they are sending us, she kept sending them worried glances. "One's injured, but not at the same time." She mumbled to me.

"What?" I whispered back.

"His aura, the rainbow one, is off. He's injured, but not physically."

"Come on Rainbow~" Galaxy whined out loudly, leaning against Rainbow. "You know you care!"

"Get off me!" Rainbow pushed Galaxy away.

"Rainbow Steve, Galaxy Steve!" Sabre said. "Now is not the time!"

Both looked at him, and they both mumbled an apology. "Are they like that all the time?" Lexi asked Sabre, looking up from her phone. Matt, who was leaning against her, looked up from his.

"No!" Both 'Steves exclaimed, while Sabre just nodded. "Yep."

"Hey!" They turned to him.

Sabre merely laughed. "I will smack you with a stick." Rainbow threatened, pulling out a stick.

"Oh! I have my Galaxy Stick!" Galaxy exclaimed, pulling a stick out.

"Although that would be interesting to watch," Slade suddenly spoke, scaring everyone in the room. "I would think that your circumstance is a bigger priority."

"Nice job at scaring us all Slade." Matt breathed out, hand over heart. "Didn't even hear you come in."

"I suggest then to pay more attention to your surroundings next time Matt."

"Wow, that's just cold."

"Just like my heart." Lexi commented.

Slade ignored them, electing to look at the new trio. "I believe that you guys came through a portal?"

"Of course we did!" Rainbow exclaimed. "How else would we get to this place?"

"I was just curious. The two people that aren't currently in the room, Petra and Unicorn, are figuring out a way to make the portal stable enough to have you guys go through, unless you wish to stay here and wait until the portal is fixed."

I watched as the group looked at one enough, before quickly whispering to one another. "How safe is it to go through the portal right now?" Sabre suddenly asked.

I winced, making Tori give a look at me. I knew how 'safe' it was, and I doubt that they lived in that awful land. Stupid dragon, stupid void. What gave it the right to toss me off the freaking island!

"From what I gathered, not safe."

Really now???

"I don't like this Sabre." Rainbow spoke. "If we go through the portal before it's fixed, who knows what will happen, but if we don't, how long will we be stuck here?"

"I know you don't like it Rainbow," Sabre gave him a sideways hug. "But this is life, sadly enough."

"What's wrong with our school?" Lexi huffed out.

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