Chapter 46: Council

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Sunday morning: 9 A.M

"We're seriously going to let him stay with both Runes?" Someone called out. She was a younger girl, with bright red hair pulled up in a bun. With her sharp jawline and piercing gaze, she held this aura of demanding. "You saw what he did last year!" She spat out, throwing her arms out wide to emphasize her point.

She wasn't the only one in the room. 5 men, and as twices as many women, listening to her exclaim her points. In total, 15 people. They all sat together at one large round table. It wasn't a normal table however, not one you can just find at a store. It was quite large, giving at least two feet between each person, and the most obvious thing was the hollow center.

There was one break in this table. The break was there so you could walk into the center without a problem. That wasn't the only thing strange. On the opposite side of the table was a raised seat; Like some god picked up the seat and stretched it, making it taller than the rest.

"What point of last year are we talking about Rose?" A man decked in a red and black checkered shirt commented. He sat right next to the raised seat. "The time he lost control due to him hiding his Runes from Pred and us, or the fact that he helped save the world and everyone on it."

The woman, Rose, flared her nostrils. "Matt! You must at least realize the danger the boy brings!"

"Danger to us or to anyone who wishes to harm people?" Matt retailated. "Since last time I checked, last year you were on Pred's side, and he wanted to kill everyone and everything. That includes you."

Rose opened her mouth to make a retort, but didn't get the chance.

"Sit the hell down Rose." A wolf hybrid demanded. He was often a quiet one, preferring not to speak, but Rose was getting on his nerves. "I'm tired of listening to your high-pitched squeak you call a voice. Sure, the boy's powerful, we all get that, but what are we going to do? Kill him? That would make us no better than Pred." He snorted. "Then again, you did seem to like Pred."

"I do not wish to kill the boy-"

"Sure seems like it." Some else mumbled, too low to tell who.

"-but he is a danger Jake!"

"Rose," A new voice chimed into the conversation. "That is enough." It was another woman, with an aura of power around her, yet it wasn't one of demanding, like Rose's. She seemed to be the exact opposite of Rose, with a smoother look to her than Rose. Her eyes scanned over each person in the room, taking in their faces and body posture. She was the one that sat in the raised seat, giving her the ability to look down at everyone.

"Lady Ophelia," Rose began, only to get cut off.

"No Rose." Her voice was calm, and held little emotion. "That is enough. You have already made too many mistakes. You are lucky that you still reside in the Council. I only need to say the word and you are gone. I am pretty sure that scientist at Terra had a more collected mind than you."

Rose gnashed her teeth, but sunk back down into her chair, grumbling. "Still don't see why you appointed him. Only a stupid teen."

"Rose has a point." A new man spoke up. He was smaller than the others, but you could tell by his look that he was older than the rest.

"Thank you Erick." Rose huffed out, crossing her arms.

Lady Ophelia sighed, shaking her head. "Not needed Erick. Yes, the scientist that is at Terra is extremely young to be a head scientist, but his IQ is higher than what you shall ever experience Rose." She ignored how Rose's face turned to the color of a rose. "Now, I believe a few of you may have questions as to why I elect we do nothing about the child."

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