Chapter 36: Rooftop Talks

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Edit (6-5-2021) Sorry guys! Took care of a few things and all.

Ryan left before Unicorn could catch him. If he wasn't going to talk, he wasn't going to talk.

He slowed down once he got out of the lab. He didn't need to avoid Unicorn anymore, since Luke was going to stay in the lab for the rest of the night.

Ryan looked up at the sky. It was a clear night and he could see the stars. It helped that there was no light pollution like in the cities. He mainly grew up in cities, so seeing the stars every now and then was nice.

Maybe he'll go onto the roof and look at them for a bit. Relax from all the chaos that has been happening. Sabre, Galaxy, Rainbow, and now him.

It was a mess to say the least.

Ryan saw the tree he climbed, and began to scale it with ease. One good thing about living on the street in a large city when you have little self-preservation, you can climb buildings!

Until it kills your best friend that is.

God Anti, can't you just go die?

Like Jacob?

Ryan's hands nearly missed a branch. In turn, that would've caused him to fall down quite a bit.

Are you trying to get me killed?!?

That or go insane.

I'm talking to you, I think that makes me insane enough.

Anti gave off a bone-chilling laugh, before materializing on top of a branch Ryan was about to grab. Huffing, Ryan swatted at the area Anti occupied, only to be surprised when his hand met some resistance.

That never happened before. Anytime Ryan would try to slap or hit Anti, his hand would merely go through. After all, you can't slap something that isn't there. However, the meaning behind the slap was blatant though. So, to feel a slight resistance was a surprise.

Anti merely disappeared, and materialized at another branch. "I leave you like you say, and when I come back, you try to hit me. Is that how you treat old friends?"

"You're not my friend." Ryan hissed at Anti. "You never were."

Anti mocked an expression of hurt, his eyes flashed with anger. "How you wound me with your poisoned words."

Ryan rolled his eyes, and continued on up. "Can't wait till that medicine arrives..." Ryan's sentence hung out, while Anti laughed.

"Now you notice that it is late? Wow, and you consider yourself smart."

Ryan hopped onto the roof with ease. "I technically am."

Anti didn't move off of the tree, but just simply materialized on the ledge of the dorm building. "If you're oh so smart," Anti gave a snort at that. "Then why didn't your Unicorn pal ask you for help with the portal right away?"

Ryan opened his mouth to retort, only to find nothing coming out. Why did Unicorn not tell him? It's not like he was killed or anything the last time this happened; He was only knocked unconscious.

"See!" Anti hopped off of the ledge and walked up to Ryan, completely silent. "You can even think of a reason. You wanna know why? He didn't want to. Deal. With. You." Anti took a step closer with each word, to the point where Ryan began to back up. "But don't worry!" Like a switch, Anti was back to being a happy 'person' again. "I won't leave you, unless you tell me too. Though that's iffy sometimes."

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