Chapter 62: Ghosts

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Slade stood there looking at Aaron longer than he would like to admit, running what Aaron said in his head like a broken vinyl disc. The outside noises seemed to be smothered out by the noise of his thoughts in his head. Aaron stood in front of him, slouched down, looking to the side, at the tree Ryan scaled down.

"You- what?" Slade managed to choke out.

"I can see that thing too." Aaron flicked his eyes towards Slade, speaking slowly as if he was talking to a toddler. "I haven't said anything, but I can see it."

"And you didn't think that it isn't a concern to bring up to a teacher‽" Slade spoke in disbelief.

"I didn't really think much of it. If Ryan can see it, he doesn't seem bothered." Aaron merely shrugged. "First time I've seen one around here." He added as an afterthought.

"This isn't the first‽"

Aaron flicked his ear backwards at Slade's slightly louder exclamation. "There are people sleeping you know?" He huffed out. "And of course it's not the first. Do you know how many humans are on the planet? Of course some would stay back after death."

Slade couldn't stop staring at Aaron. What is he talking about? He thought mildly, and apparently his face showed his thoughts, considering the fact Aaron continued.

"Right, forgot. Not common knowledge." Aaron sighed. "What's your opinion on ghosts?"

"Ghosts?" Slade found himself asking. "What does this- oh." Slade blinked a few times. "They exist?"

"Duh, or whatcha call it wouldn't be hanging around the Dork." Aaron scoffed. "I didn't know you could see it until I heard you sharply inhale when it spoke."

"You heard me?" Slade shook his head. "Not important, but since clearly," He leveled a look at Aaron, who glared up at him. "Talk, and get along, with Ryan better than anyone thought, do you know if he sees the stupid thing?"

"First off, the only reason why we talk is because we're too tired to put up a fight, so don't get any ideas. Second off, he hasn't made any reaction to the actions it did. Pretty sure he winced a few times at the more hurtful things, but he was always doing something stupid at the time, so I'm not so sure."

Slade groaned, and ran a hand down his face. "Do I want to know?"

"Well, he just did a cartwheel on the edge of the building, so you take a guess."

"He did- he what?"

"You heard me." Aaron scoffed out. "I can see why his friends stop him from doing idiotic things, he has zero self-preservation. Anyways, it's about two, and I need some sleep."

Before Slade could tell or ask Aaron anything else, he transformed into a small bird. Apparently he had his Runes on, but it was so dark he couldn't tell.

Slade watched Aaron fly off, mildly impressed and agitated. On one hand, to transform into a smaller animal for Morph Runes (Beast Runes, whatever) is impressive, since those transformations could easily injure a student. On the other hand, Slade wanted to find out more, and Aaron just up and left him standing on the roof in the cool night.

Sighing, he activated his Runes once more and felt the familiar pull of teleportation; The pull that makes him feel slightly nauseous and makes him abhor teleporting sometimes. He couldn't figure out how Ryan was up and hyper after his teleporting spree. Well, after he woke up from passing out.

He should get some sleep, then go back to help tomorrow morning.


Slade wasn't expecting to see Aaron and Ryan so early in the morning; Especially with how late they were up and it being a weekend.

Slade and Petra were discussing where to find the rest of the components they needed. Unicorn, by the looks of it, composed a list of everything else they needed, and ultimately crashed on one couch.

Said list rested neatly next to the beginnings of the machine, which rested on a few tables the kids dragged in. Boxes of wires and metal scraps sat underneath the tables, but it wasn't all they needed.

"So just wait here for the others?" A voice spoke up. Ry. They weren't the only one's in there though that were awake. Ry merely listened in from his spot on the floor, flipping through a book (Potions by the looks of it, yay) with mild interest, looking more ready to jump up and run around. He never understood his liking of chilling on the floor, but who was he to judge.

Slade wasn't surprised Ry was up though. Considering the fact the top portion of his hair was purple, his body occasionally let off a few sparks, and he was sitting in his seat nearly vibrating, giving the impression one of his positions didn't go to plan.

"It would be easier that way, yes." Petra answered.

What was surprising to him though was when Ryan and Aaron walked through the doors, together, without arguing or bickering. Ryan held a rubix cube and was idly moving it while Aaron watched. He knows that they get along somewhat well, but it was still weird to see. Especially since last night he only heard it, and not really seen it.

Plus the fact that it was around five in the morning, and if Slade was doing the simple math right, that would have only given them three hours to sleep. Slade shook his head. When Ryan would say his sleep schedule didn't exist, he didn't think it was that bad; Aaron too.

"Morning?" Petra spoke slowly, looking at the sight with confusion.

Ryan looked up, and blinked, before smiling. "Morning."

Aaron merely scoffed, and sat down on the couch that didn't have Unicorn sleeping on it. "So, do you want us to find the rest of the items, or just wait for everyone?"

"Wait." Ry spoke up from his spot, making the two look at him.

"Well, something went wrong." Aaron scoffed out.

"Clearly," Ry replied. "Not the intended effect, but hey, at least I don't look that bad with purple hair."

Ryan took a spot on the opposite end of the couch, mildly turning the cube in slow motions. "Most of your fail potions change hair color don't they?"

"Ya... At least you know Goldy doesn't look that great with pink hair."

Slade sighed. He's seen that girl with a multitude of colors of hair ever since Ry and her began trying potions. At first they were against it, but once they realized it wasn't too harmful potions, they let it slide.

Mostly because they knew they would've done it anyways.

"Here." Ryan commented out, tossing the cube haphazardly in Aaron's direction.

A slight nudge on his arm caught his attention, and he looked towards the side to see Petra looking absolutely lost at the two. Slade gave a sigh; Looks like he would be explaining tonight.

And maybe he could ask Petra what he should do about the apparent 'ghost' problem.

"You do these too quickly." Aaron grumbled out, moving the sides in no particular order, before tossing it right back at Ryan, not checking to see if he was paying attention.

He didn't blame Petra for feeling lost. Slade knew they kind of got alone and he still felt odd watching the two talk without arguing. 



It is just 30 minutes before midnight.... Whoops. In all honestly, I thought it was Thursday, so give me a break.

So, do you guys have any ideas for the story? I will gladly take them, and oh! Still up for pairs for the competition. I have one of two chosen, but I'm still all ears. After all, you guys are they ones reading this.

Stay happy Peeps!


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