Chapter 73: Partners

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Ryan couldn't help the grin that stretched across his face. He knew the chances of being paired with someone he knew were low, but this? This was near impossible. They were going to wipe the floor with their opponent.

Gizzy stood next to him, with Dan on the other side. "Do you see your name?" Gizzy asked them. "I can't find mine."


Apparently something tipped them off in Ryan's voice, but how could he not be excited? This was like an early Christmas, though any day was better than most his Christmases now that he thinks about it.

"Oh boy oh boy, whatcha got?" Dan asked.

"Who are you paired with?" Gizzy looked more concerned than curious.

Dan scanned the list that hung in front of Ryan. "Who the bloody hell is Tina?" He asked, spotting his name.

"And we're dead!" Gizzy cheered out. "Yay!"

"This is going to be so much fun!" Ryan bounced lightly on his feet. "I wonder if she's seen the list."

"Ryan!" Tina's voice broke through. She came up, tail twitching slightly behind her. "Did you see! Did you see!"

Ryan's fast pitched nodded, and their double high fiving seemed to knock it into Dan that this was one of the worst pairs ever. "Oh no, we're so done for."


"I can't believe it!" Matt collapsed onto the couch, face first. "Like, come on!" His words muffled against the couch.

Lexi merely looked up from her book she had, flipping a page slowly as she watched her boyfriend act like a toddler. "Can't believe what? That you ended up pair with Echo? Or the fact Ryan decided to hang out with other people? We both sure as hell know he needs more social interaction then he gets." She glanced down at her book. "Both of you two, really." She mumbled.

"Just-" Matt flipped, staring at the ceiling.

"Just what?" Lexi prodded. She looked up from her book. "Oh! Are you jealous?"

"I am not jealous!" Matt defended. "It's just, he chose them over me! Like they're better than me since they're special and whatnot!"

Lexi refrained from tossing her book at him. "Both of us sure as hell know Ryan doesn't think little of you." Her tone was ice. "He isn't power hungry, and he sure as hell isn't a jerk. Sure, he forgets things often, and often can't stay still, but he isn't a jerk."

"I know!" Matt groaned into his hands. "It's just- I guess I'm not used to him having others to be around..." Matt closed his eyes. "Plus it's not like we're been the greatest of friends as of late. Any of us really."

Lexi slipped her bookmark in and shut it slowly. "I can agree with you on that one. Maybe we can make it up to him."


Lexi rolled her eyes. "What's the one thing he would die for?"

"Probably us. He pushed Aaron out of the way of that blimp/ship thing last year when that blob came, who knows what other things he would do."

Lexi gave a snort. "Ya, can't disagree on you with that one. Hell, we did save the world, and we sure as hell wouldn't have been able to get to that base if it wasn't for Ryan."

"We erase da space base!"

"You are so immature."

"But you love me!"

"Wrong choice, really."

"Hey!" Matt shot up, and gave her an offended look.

"So, back on topic, what would Ryan probably die for, besides us?"

"Uh...Oh! He loves tea!"


"Come on sis," Lilian smiled at his sister from the other side of the door. "Can't you just tell them you want to quit, spare us the embarrassment of having you fail the first round."

"I will not." Tori glared at him in the eyes, wondering if she should shut her dorm's door. "I have a few tricks up my sleeve that will not leave me defenseless as you think."

"What? Your partner told you to stay hidden already?" Lilian scoffed. "You will never be able to go against us."

"I know for a fact that my partner admires strength, and he sure as hell would have told me to stay back by now if he didn't trust me. Aaron respects strength, and he wouldn't tell anyone to hide."

"Oh, so someone has hope in you." He gave an eye roll. "Woo-hoo! But come on sis, just back out, none of the family will judge you. Trust me, father has been spamming messages telling me to convince you to back out before you got hurt."

"Did he forget I am a healer?"

"Probably. But come on, just back out. You won't win! Even if you did get far, you'll have to go against your so-called boyfriend sometime."

Tori put her hand on her hips. "Excuse me? I will get far, all the way to first place, and my boyfriend understands that we'll go against each other. Just hope you get out before you go against him."

"Why?" Lilan groaned. "I'll win."

"I wouldn't be too sure about that." A monotone voice spoke up. Both heads turned to see Aaron standing there, looking unimpressed at Lilan. "While I don't know what family drama is going on, I will tell you Tori, while a girl, has a strong punch and strong determination. I suggest you focus on your own partnership rather than tormenting others."

Lilan rolled his eyes once more. "Fine! Go ahead, just don't be surprised when you have to pick up her slack."

Tori was somewhat surprised to see Aaron having to hold back from punching her brother. "Thanks." Tori sighed as Lilan's back disappeared.

Aaron only huffed, rolling his eyes. "You said it yourself, I admire strength, and you, even if you are a dork, are strong, I'll admit that. Now, I want to win, so let's go over some plan ideas before the first match."


Wow, sorry guys, but I have some reasons why this is late and short.

One, my mother just recently got surgery, and had to go back in since she got an infection and all.

Two, I have a job at Subway, so that takes up a bit of my writing time.

Three, school is kicking my ass.

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