Chapter 56: Past and Present

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Ryan likes running. That was a fact that Tori knew. He was always the fastest out of anyone that he ran against. When most people would collapse, he would continue on. She remembered asking him how he never got tired, and he simply laughed. "I do. My legs get sore, my lungs hurt, and my body is exhausted, but I simply ignore it."

"Ryan, you shouldn't push your body so much!" Tori remembered herself scolding him. "One day you're going to collapse!"

Ryan laughed, simple but full of happiness. "I'm fine Tori, don't worry about me. Maybe check up on Matt, who seems to be dying of no oxygen." Ryan nodded his head towards Matt.

Tori faced in that direction, to see Matt on the ground like a seastar. She laughed, and went over there to check up on their fallen friend.

Tori felt a smile appear at the slight appearance of the memory. Where did that come from? She doesn't know, but they were happy that day, and that's what matters the most.

Her smile wavered when she realized something. When's the last time she actually heard Ryan laugh? She didn't have time to focus on it though, when Ryan took off running so suddenly. Tori should have seen it coming honestly, but she was so lost in her thoughts to see the little signs of him about to run. Tense muscles, slight shaking of the arms; Just little things that can point to when he's planning to run off.

"Wha- Ryan!" Tori took off after him. As Tori raced after her boyfriend, she frowned. Why did it seem like he was faster than normal?

"Ryan, left!" Tori yelled. She might as well give him the correct directions.

Ryan darted left once he reached the turn, disappearing from her view. She raced after, her breaths becoming more labored as she went. She really needs to get back in shape; Especially if she plans to win the competition this year. She is going to show that just because she's a healer doesn't mean she can't fight offensively.

The hallway passed by her in a blur, as she ran. Her footsteps tapping rhythmically against the floor. She slowed to a stop, doubling over, hands on knees, trying to catch her breath. Her breath got caught in her throat when she heard Ryan give a surprised yell, and a flash of red appearing.

Pushing up, she raced towards his overall direction. She heard footsteps farther behind her, and she figured it was the other's turning the corner, her stomach rose to her throat.

Rose was standing there, holding a box loosely in front of her, while Ryan stood there staring up right at her. His posture looked relaxed, but even from behind Tori could see that he was about one second from attacking her.

His hands were balled into fists, and his head was slightly tilted to the side; Analyzing. She watched him enough times fighting to know his ticks. One of the reasons why she hoped that he would be in the competition. Not because she wanted to beat him physically (she wants to win, not beat up her boyfriend), but to show him that she was strong enough to hold her own.

Tina's words flowed through her head. "No no no. You don't understand. You don't just attack Ryan and expect him to be fine after. He will be after blood. Someone needs to be with him when he wakes up. Who's willing to fig- Aaron, you're staying with him."

Ryan proved that right, with Aaron's short explanation. Now, there was Rose, the person that attacked Ryan, right in front of him. "Ryan! No!"

Tori shot her hands out, activating her Runes. A green barrier rose and surrounded Ryan, stopping Ryan from attacking Rose. Rose's eyes were wide, and shot between Ryan in the barrier, to Tori with her Runes up and being used

"Rose!" Lady Ophelia roared behind Tori. she stepped in Tori's view suddenly, in a protective manner of sorts. "What are you doing here? Have you not learned your lesson‽"

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