Chapter 26: Flashback

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I plopped on the sand, not caring that Slade was right next to me. I stared out at the lake; The ripples that I made with the rocks already were gone. It was only Wednesday, so much has already happened. Ugh, I hate life sometimes.

"Are you alright now?" Slade asked.

"A bit." That was the truth. Taking the anger out by throwing rocks is way better than you know, burning the school down.

I ran my thumb over the rock that still rested in my hand. It was a simple ball of rock, not even near flat. I probably wasn't paying attention and was just tossing rocks.

I rolled it on the sand, and the rock rolled for a small amount, until it stopped. I noticed a small crack in it. Maybe from all the heat I put the poor rock through?

"Ryan," Slade spoke up. "Come on, we should get back to the school."

I gave a sigh but stood up. "Alright."


We arrived at the school a bit later. A few leaves and twigs were stuck in my hair, and I quickly pulled them out. "I would suggest heading to your dorm and try to get at least an hour of sleep."

Not happening Slade.

"I'll try?" I lied.

Before Slade could point out the obvious lie, I spun on my heel and sped away, heading to the guys' dorms.


My alarm went off when I was just laying in bed. I actually got a few hours of sleep, with no nightmares, surprisingly. I woke up a bit before it went off, so I was already awake when it began that horrible noise.

Groaning, I turned it off. I did not want to start this day at all. I had to face my friends some point in time after all.

More than likely they will confront me before I'm ready, so that's great.

I sat up, and sighed. I just want to lay here, but school has to exist.

In about ten minutes, I was ready. I turned off my runes, since it's not known by the first years yet, until the end of the week that is.

I dragged my feet as I got ready. I didn't even have the energy to do school right now. I probably shouldn't have been up all night almost. If I wasn't though, I wouldn't have discovered the portal though.

Well, half of the portal.

I remember when it happened the first time, and the accident that followed.

~~~ Flashback ~~~

We all stood in front of the unstable portal. Unicorn teleported over to the school Tina and I were going to, and basically kidnapped us away. Hey! I'm not complaining, History was next and I didn't want to go.

Tina wasn't so happy, considering she had P.E as her next class, and that was her favorite class.

Unicorn explained the situation to us. Simply, something happened to cause the portal to destabilize, and it tore itself into two trying to stabilize again. "Goldy! Don't touch that!" Unicorn yelled out.

We all turned to look behind us, and Goldy was holding this weird looking bottle. It held this yellow looking liquid inside, and this strange symbol was written on it. I don't really remember what it looked like, since I didn't get a good view.

Goldy ran up to us, still holding the bottle Unicorn instructed her not to touch. Before we could say anything, Goldy tripped, and the bottle smashed on the ground.

I felt the effects before I heard it. It was like a bomb. Light flared through the room, and electricity slammed everything back. It gave us all a good shock. I didn't see where Unicorn went, or what Goldy's condition was, since I was pushed back, into the portal.

I slammed down onto this strange yellowish-white rock. It was hard, and I didn't do my fried body any favors. I laid there a few minutes, before getting up painfully.

I spun in place, taking the strange world it. The rock I landed on was covering the whole ground, and cut off randomly. Confused, I went to figure out how far the drop was, until I realized I wasn't alone. These strange people were everywhere.

They were double my height, and completely black, minus their purple eyes. I had a gut instinct to not look them in the eyes, and I followed that instinct. Better safe than sorry. It was hard to see where they were though, considering that the sky was pitch black.

A roar pierced the air, and I suddenly realized the strange people weren't the only things here. A dragon, a freaking dragon, dived down at me. I dodged to the side, and was narrowly missed.

A purple beam was connected to the dragon, when it suddenly moved where it was coming from. Tall towers surround the place, and it looked like they were made of obsidian. I didn't even see them.

Not watching the dragon, I noticed it was coming at me too late. I slammed me, and tossed my into the air. That's how I realized the place was an island, surrounded by an abyss of blackness.

I fell into the abyss, and blacked out.

I awoke in Unicorn's lab, with Unicorn, Tina and Goldy looking over me. "Cutie!" Tina cried out. "You're okay!"

Unicorn looked relieved, and I realized I was on a bed of some sort.

I was fine a few minutes later, but I kept noticing everyone looked at me like I was made of glass. I didn't understand why they were worried, it's not like I died.

I told them what happened later on, and Tina shared her story. Apparently she went through the portal too, but ended up in the place a fire. Lava was everywhere, and strange glowing blocks hung from the ceiling. The common ground there was this red rock, which she brought out for Unicorn to study. Apparently she nabbed some up, along with everything else she saw.

She talked about the soil that stuck to you and slowed you down, and these white crystals that she thought looked pretty. (Unicorn made her a necklace of it as a peace offering later on because of a prank we pulled on her.) She came across these dark bricks, which made corridors and rooms, kinda.

There, she saw these dark skeletons like creatures, that made you feel sick if you touched them apparently. Rotting pigs, standing on two legs, were everywhere, and carried golden swords, but seemed relatively peaceful. Weird floating creatures were there too. 'They shoot freaking fireballs!' She cried out, and it made since why some of her clothing was scorched.

'That's not the only freaking thing there that fires fireballs!' She yelled. 'These giant flying jellyfish, with eyes too by the way, make this god awful crying sound, then shoot freaking fireballs at you! What's up with that place and fire!'

I was glad I didn't go there.

~~~ End Flashback ~~~

A knock drew me out of my memories. "Ryan?" A voice asked.

Tina. I thought. I knew they weren't going to give me time.

Hey guys! Sorry it took so long to get this chapter out. It was kinda boring to write, plus I've been kinda sick lately. My fever finally broke Wednesday, and I thought I was getting better, but I seem to be going back downhill again. I know my immune system isn't the greatest, but come on! Anyways, thank Stov for getting on me, he's the only reason this is done so soon.

Hope you recover!- Stov.

Word count: 1,190

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