Chapter 30

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Tina, Tony, and I met with Petra after lunch. I don't know what he wanted, especially with us three. I would have figured it would've been Lexi and Tori before us three. You know, the calm ones. Not us, where we tend to create explosions every other week.

Well, Tony is calm, so mainly just Tina and I. I swear, we tend to cause more destruction than my Runes did last year.

We were walking down the hallway to the main part of the lab, where we think Petra would be. It's funny really, Tina and Tony would've gotten lost already had I not been there. So far, they have tried to go down the wrong turn four times so far.

"We go left here, I'm positive." Tina spoke.

"Nope." I popped the 'P'. "We go straight, then a left turn. Then a right, another right, straight, then a left again."

Tina tossed her head back and groaned loudly. "I hate this place! It's a labyrinth!"

Tony nodded in agreement. "I've been in difficult mazes easier than this."

"Hey! I didn't design the place."

"Well the person who did maybe should rethink their way of building things." Tina grumbled.

Nodding, we fell into a silence, only to be broken by Tony. "Why do you think he wants us?"

I gave a shrug. "I don't know. I don't understand him half the time anyways."

"Well, there's the door." Tina gave a smirk. "Race ya!"

She bolted forward, her hair a flag in the wind. "Hey!" I pushed off and caught up to her "No fair!"

She slammed her hands on the door, still running. "Life's not fair!"

"You don't think I know that?"

The door swung close slowly, while a new voice came through our conversation. "Ah, you three- Where's Tony?" Petra asked.

"Here I am." Tony walked through the door, looking unimpressed by us.

"Ah! There you are! Now we need to wait for a few others and I'll be all set to explain."

"Aw!" Tina moaned out. "I was wanting to know why you wanted us!"

"Well then, you'll have to wait."

Tina threw her head back and groaned. "I don't wanna wait!"


The others that Petra was talking about were Slade, Tori, Lexi, and Matt. From Tina's constant questions, I figured out the reason why we were called was because of the portal. Tina doesn't know that, all Petra said was that there was a problem that we dealt with before, and might need our help.

I'm not sure how to feel about adults needing help from teens though. You'd think that they would have better help then teens.

Tina didn't seem happy with the answer, but she stopped bugging him for answers. She just went to her tiger form, and took a cat nap, waiting.

When the others arrived (finally), Petra sighed, and began. "So, only a few of you know about a problem that has arisen lately."

"What's the problem?" Tori asked. Her shoulders were squared, and her hands messed with a hair tie around her wrist.

"Remember that mirror last year?"

Tina and Tony frowned. I never told them about the mirror. Man, I hated that thing. "I don't think any of us could really forget." I said. "Because that definitely was a normal mirror."

"Is it back? Please don't tell me it's back." Matt looked at him, and Lexi gave his hand a reassuring squeeze.

"It's not back-" Everyone relaxed a bit. "It's worse than that."

"Mirror? Worse? What are you talking about?" Tina's ears and tail twitched. "Ryan." She turned her gaze to me. "What's going on?"

Why me?

"Remember middle school?" I asked.

"...ya? That's quite a big time frame though, and a lot of near death things happened." Almost everyone gave an alarmed sound or movement. "Ryan I swear to god I will kill you if you don't tell me."

"Eighth grade, about middle of the year."

Tina's eyes widened, and her ears fell back, pressing against her head. She gave Ryan a horrified look. Tony shifted side to side, groaning.

"Again!?" Tina yelled.

I nodded. "Yep."

"Hold up! hold up!" Lexi looked at us. "Care to share?"

"Long story short there's a portal that split in two, now it is destabilizing and if it doesn't get fixed, time and space will tear itself apart, killing everything and yay?." I blinked. Maybe I should've sugarcoated it at first.


Yep, I should've.

"Well," Petra gave a dry laugh. "That's- uh. That's one way to say it."

"Hey," I shrugged. "It's the truth."

"Ryan," Tori breathed out, eyes wide. "How can- How can you be so- so calm!? That's- that's a major problem!"

"Hey!" I raised my hands. "You don't think I don't know? I've dealt with it one time, I don't really want to deal with it again!"

Petra gave a small wince. I wonder why. Maybe Unicorn told him what happened last time with the portal? I am so not going in there. Sure, I came out alright, but still, no thank you.

"I don't think anyone wants to deal with it again Ryan, considering what happened." A voice spoke up. One I recognize real well.

Looking over, I saw a purple hoodie with a horn and a pink mane, black mask, and a person dressed in yellow nearby.

Before I could say anything, Goldy ran up, nearly tackling me in a hug. "Hey bud!" She detached (finally) and went to do the same thing to Tina, who responded by dodging it and smacking her on the head. "No."

"Aw~" Goldy whined out. "You know you love me!"

"No I don't." Tina deadpanned, but everyone saw the small smile on her face.

Slade gave a cough, and looked at Petra. "Who are they?"

Unicorn stepped up this time. "That's Goldy, a student of Terra academy, and I'm Unicorn, head scientist at Terra."

"You're the head scientist?" Matt asked. "You look and sound our age dude."

"I am." He grabbed Goldy by the shirt (Who was about to wander off) and pulled her back. "Oh no you don't."

"But it's so colorful!"

"And explosive. Judging by the colors, those are some of the most highly reactive metals known to man, so no."

Petra looked where Goldy was heading, before sighing. "I told Amelia to not do that here." He shook his head sadly.

"So, that's explosive?" Lexi pointed to the experiment.

Unicorn gave a nodded. "Yep, wait!" His head darted side to side. "Where's Goldy?"

Everyone paused, and looked around. "Goldy!" Tina yelled. "One minute! One minute and you already wandered off!"

I gave her a look. "You're surprised?"

Tina shook her head. "One minute though. One minute."


Thirty, I never expected it to be this popular.  When I first posted the first chapter in this book, it was July 21, 2019, and that is only for this version, not the original I unpublished and deleted. It has probably been over a year guys. Wow.

Thanks to everyone that has read and voted. 

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