Chapter 44: Online

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Monday came quickly for Ryan, though he thankfully got all of the work he missed completed last week to turn in. The only reason history and English got competed was because of his friends, but he still got it done.

He sat in the living room portion of his dorm, tapping mindlessly on his keyboard. It was after school for all the other kids, but now he needed to hop on to the meeting with all of the other kids like him.

Ryan nearly snorted at the thought. For once, he could actually (Somewhat) relate to people.

Sighing, Ryan quickly hopped onto the app where the class would be held. In no time, he had the info typed in, and only had to click a button to login.

"Only can get worse." He told himself, and clicked the button.

From the looks of it, Ryan was the only one on (Even though it was ten minutes until it began. He forgot, okay!) and he was slightly grateful. Turning, he went to work on some homework he got from today, only to hear a ding go through the room.

Ryan's attention was drawn from his math work, to see that someone else was on. A boy. "Oh! Hey," He chirped out. "You must be the new one the professor was talking about."

The boy had a different style than Ryan would say was the norm. Goggles were pushed back on his head, holding back the mess of brown hair from cascading into his eyes. A black hoodie adorned his body, but Ryan could see a stripe of pink that was probably his shirt underneath.

"Uh," Ryan internally groaned at his start. "Hi? Ya, I would guess?"

"Well there's not many of us so I would say ya. My name's Dan. Earth and Water user. You?"

"Ryan," Ryan prepared for the dark looks soon to be thrown his way. "Fire and Psychic."

Recognition flashed in Dan's eyes. "Oh! You're the one that burnt down that studium!" The amount of happiness threw Ryan slightly off.

"Ya," Ryan spoke. "Though I don't clearly remember it."

"Don't feel bad dude," Dan waved his hand through the air. "I drowned ours in water in my first competition when I lost control. So what school are you at? Sky? Terra?"

"Life." Ryan replied.

Another ding, and the screen shifted to accommodate the third person, one Ryan recognized. "Oh hey Gizzy!"

"Ryan! Nice to see you again. Same thing to you Dan."

"Likewi-" A bark was heard. "No Grim. After I finish this okay? Sorry," He looked at the screen. "my- uh- dog?" He sounds kinda unsure. Odd.

"So how have you two been doing?" Gizzy asked.

"Good," Dan nodded. "It's been kinda boring her at Sky Academy."

"Stressful." Ryan spoke simply.

Ryan's computer dinged once again, letting him know that another person was joining. It was another guy, causing Ryan to wonder why there were no girls. Hair was brushed off to the side with the clear use of gel. Clearly whoever spent time on it judging how neat it was. Ryan then nearly groaned at the similar style clothing he was wearing to Ryan. The only thing different was the color. As to where Ryan wore blue overshirt, the new person wore red.

"Hey guys," The new person spoke. He wasn't even looking at the camera, but instead of what looked to be machine parts to something. Ryan wasn't sure. "How's it going?" He finally looked up. "Oh, the new person's here."

"Yep!" Dan nodded. "Ryan- Oh this is going to be annoying- this is Bryan. Bryan, met Ryan."

Gizzy let out a chuckle. "Wow, almost like twins if you just consider the names and clothing."

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