Chapter 9: Comforting Friends

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Tori's PoV

I crouched there, next to Tina. Her eyes were wide, like a deer caught in the headlights, while her tiger ears were pushed back against her head. 

"Um... Hi?" Ryan stood in the doorway, looking absolutely lost at what was going on.

I could feel heat flush to my face. I'm great at sneaking around, I should've been paying better attention.

"Your fault." I whispered to her.

A quick side glance was all I got from her.

"Hey Ryan." Tina squeaked out. I'm guessing she doesn't get often caught too.

Slade stood behind Ryan, looking unimpressed at the two of us.

I looked at Ryan, and a saw things I never really noticed before. His shoulders sagged, like he held up the sky. His hair was messier than usual, like he was out of energy to even try to fix it.  I

I was really hoping Aaron bothered him recently. His look right now overall look exhausted with life in general.  A little voice reminded me he had the science project with Arron. She hoped that was the issue, but from the talk she overheard, and the little knowledge she had, how would she know?

"Why am I not surprised?" Slade breathed out. "They're friends of yours. Of coarse they would sneak around." It sounded more like he was talking to himself than Ryan.

I got up from my crouching position, though Tina, she had other plans. She darted forward, and in a quick fluid motions, pinned Ryan against the wall. What. The. Hell.

I wanted to say something, but my mouth wouldn't work. Only a few sounds came out. I looked at Slade, who seemed equal confused and horrified at what just happened.

Tina held one of Ryan's wrist out against the wall, officially pinning it, and her other arm was holding his arm against his chest. Tina looked ready to kill him. Her eyes were glaring at him, while her tail behind her twitched like mad. 

Honestly, I wanted to stop it, but she looked scarier than Lexi right about now. If they were friends their whole life almost, how the hell is Ryan alive. With her and his habit of zero self-preservation, it's a miracle he's still alive.

Ryan's eyes were wide, but only for a second. He simply smiled and laughed. Laughed!

 I think I found the reason why Ryan laughs when Lexi or I is pissed at him. 

Like that, I called Tina's name. "Tina!"

Her eyes only simply glance at me before glaring at Ryan again. "I should've been expecting this honestly." Ryan simply commented out, not looking disturbed by the events at all.

The talking seemed to knock some sense into Slade, who was standing there with his eyes wide. He can go to space, and be fine, but yet this shocks him? 

"Ryan! Tina!" He has this tone of commanding, where he could shout your names and you know what he expects.

Tina gave this look to Ryan, to which he responds with a smile, before sighing and unpinning him.

 "Okay, what the hell are you three hiding?" She asked, looking at one of us at a time.

Ryan gave a dry laugh, rubbing his neck. "So, who wants to start?"


Tina stood there, looking at the three of us. We moved to the main part of the lab, which held Petra talking to his sister, Amelia. It was interesting, since only a few words were discussed between them, yet in still conveyed what was going to happen. 

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