Chapter 75: Good Reunion???

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Lexi dove to the side, narrowly missed by a large water ball sent out by Heather; An apparent water user judging by her instant attack.

Now, this wouldn't be a problem, had she not been a Tech Rune user. Electronics and water never really mixed together, especially since Lexi's waterproofness in her mech form wasn't the best.

It wasn't up to date... or existent, at all.

Sure, she can handle drops of water, but having a water attack go straight for her inner mechanics? That was a large no no.

So maybe it was a good thing that Heather sent out an attack right at the start, and not when Lexi was in her Mech form.

"I take out that Water User! You go for the guy!" Pip called out.

Pip was alright, she felt. Somewhat cold shoulder type, but they got along well enough. Maybe if she got to know him better it wouldn't be so much of a cold shoulder.

Plus he had the Morph Runes, which would go way better against water than her Mech Runes. Animals could be hit with water and be fine.

Lexi didn't bother responding, simply going for an attack against Clark.

He was small and skinny, which Lexi knew from experience meant that he was probably quick and nimble. Something that she learned from Ryan real quick. It doesn't take much for him to duck under a punch, when Lexi's arm already is by the top of his head.

Clark met her half way, and promptly ducked and rolled under her quick jab. Movement caught her eyes, and Lexi jumped over and away from the swing Clark sent out with his legs.

He was trying to knock her to the ground. "You're quick!" Clark stood up and back off, resting in a slight defensive stance.

"Well," Lexi followed suit with a shugg. "Let's say this isn't my first time fighting someone who's a sneaky bastard. Gotta learn their ways."

"Aw," Clark gave a pout. "Guess that means you'll be harder to take down." With that, his Runes activated.

Lexi tried dodging to the side, but it seems as if Clark was waiting for that, and Lexi got a nice blast of lightning to the stomach.

The ground met her back while her lungs ached for the air that was rudely knocked out of her. A shadow covered her, and on instinct she rolled.

She managed to dodge a very well placed stomp towards her stomach. Maybe training with Ryan and Tina was a good thing, since they loved to use dirty tactics to win.

Like, knocking someone down to the ground...

Lexi smiled, and swung out her legs and managed to catch Clark by the ankle.

Faintly, in the background, she could hear the cheering of the crowd and the narration of the fight from Thomas and the others, but she merely ignored it.

It sounded like Pip was winning, which was good.

As Clack fumbled around, trying to stand, Lexi used that time to stand up and gain some distance. "Wow, use my own trick against me? Rude."

Lexi's response was to activate her Runes, and go into her Mech form. Not the largest version, but large enough for her weapons to knock Clark out with a few shots. If she went any large...well, she didn't want to kill Clark. Just knock out.

"Oh boy oh boy!" Clark backed up with the help of his Runes, using it as a small speed boost. "This will be fun!"

Lexi frowned. It seemed as if Clark could use it for a small boost, but nothing major like her boyfriend can. She smiled. That was good.

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