Chapter 52: Council?

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Ryan and Slade walked back to the lab, where everyone should be at. That is, if they came back for their search already. Ryan's head hung low, dreading each step to the main lab. His hair hung low, blocking some of his sight, but he didn't make any motion to fix it. His arms tightly hung his torso, trying to warm themselves back up.

After he noticed it was slightly chilly, he couldn't get warm again. Slade offered his jacket, but Ryan quickly denied it, saying that he was used to being cold.

Besides the occasional crinkle of stepped on leaves or a branch, the walk was silent, each step echoing through the air. Leaves brushed past them, hanging on to the branches. The sky was slowly growing lighter, changing from a dark blue to lighter colors of a sunrise, slowly snuffing out the shine of the stars.

They broke through the forest edge sooner than Ryan would have liked, but he could do nothing about it. A few early risers were walking around, getting ready for the beginning of the day. They sent curious glances over at the duo walking, but said and asked nothing.

Ryan and Slade managed to quickly get into the lab coridiors no problem, and to the main section of the lab easier than that. Sighing, and squashing down the sense of unease in his stomach, Ryan clicked the button that made the doors slide open.

Everyone was sitting or standing, talking quietly to themselves. Well, they were, until Ryan opened the door. Slade gave a gentle nudge, coaxing Ryan to actually step into the room.

"Hey-" Ryan began, only to get cut off by his friends.

"RYAN!" Instantly, he was nearly tackled by Tina and Tori. The only reason why he didn't fall was because he stepped backwards to deal with the extra weight that was literally thrown at him.

Almost instantly the two let go, and Tina finished off by giving a quick punch to the stomach. "How much of an idiot can you be‽" Tina seethed out.

Ryan groaned out in response, sucking back in air that was forcefully expelled out of his body. He winced as he stood back up, no doubt there will be bruising there. "Hey guys." He tried for a smile, but he wasn't sure if he actually succeeded. It felt wobbly, like it was going to fall any second.

Lexi walked up next, and smacked him lightly on the head. "Ow! Wh-" He cut himself off in surprise when Lexi bent down slightly and hugged him. The most affection she shows most of the time is light side bumps, so hugging was a surprise.

"We- Uh," Unicorn gave a slight cough and Lexi detached herself. "-filled them in as they looked for you. Explained everything, you know? I told them you probably didn't go far too, considering that you wouldn't run that far before you realized your mistake."

"Ya..." Ryan rubbed the back of his neck. "Sorry Lexi. Sorry Matt. Kinda panicked and darted."

"Darted?" Matt shook his head. "Dude, you bolted. Glad you're fine now though." Everyone knew his words had a double meaning, but no one called it out.

"Come on," Tori grabbed his hand, pulling him off to the side. "As we were waiting for the rest to show up, we grabbed some breakfast. Here." She tossed a saran wrapped sandwich. "I'm pretty sure you're hungry with all that running you did."

Ryan felt his face heat up. "Sorry."

"Better be." Lexi grabbed hers, which was already open and had a few bites taken out of. "Nearly gave us a heart attack when we couldn't find you."

Ryan shrugged. "Common reaction I have. Sorry."

"Ryan!" Aaron snapped out. "I swear to god if you say 'sorry' again I will body slam you into the ground."

The door swished open, revealing Rose. "Ah, the boy is back." She rolled her eyes. "I must thank you for delaying our plan. Now where is everyone else?"

"Petra and Matt haven't come back yet, and Goldy is getting Sabre and the other's up." Tori explained.

Rose merely rolled her eyes. "Of course. I guess I'll go explain to my boss why we're late then." She shot a look at Ryan, who quickly glared back, and walked back out the door, clicking on her phone.

"God I hate her." Aaron spoke up. "Please tell me I'm not the only one."

"She's kinda a jerk." Matt agreed, seemingly surprised. "And she must hate your Runes dude, since she's glaring at you anytime you are in her sight."

Ryan nodded mutely. "Nice to know I'm not the only one who has seen that." He mumbled quietly.

The door swished open again, revealing Matt and Petra. "Ryan!" Petra exclaimed upon seeing him.


Ryan stood next to Tori as Matt, the Director, and Rose explained what was going on. Another person, one Ryan didn't recognize, stood next to them, Shadow Runes activated. He looked almost like a walking pole, with how skinny he was. Rose came walking back in with him once she left to call her boss, as she stated.

"Lady Ophelia had decided the best way to decide the course of action is to not simply hear about what is going on, but to meet you all and make her decision from there. The Council is already meeting, and is simply waiting for us to arrive." Rose nodded to herself. "So I hope you are all ready to meet the leader of the Council. You know, the person who will decide what happens from here."


Hey guys, sorry it's not a long chap, but next one will be longer. 


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