Chapter 57: Chirp Chirp!

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Ryan dove to the side as claws came racking down right where he stood moments before. Tina stood there, crouched down low, ears back, reading for another attack. Ryan could feel his body heat up as he got ready to use his Runes. Right when Tina charged, Ryan flared out fire from the ground, creating a barrier-esq structure.

He couldn't see Tina, but he could hear her give a curse as she presumably stopped in her charge. With a wave of his hand and some prompting from his mind, the wall vanished, letting Ryan set off his own attack. Three fireballs darted towards Tina, and she quickly transformed into her tiger kit form to dodge them.

Not missing a beat, Tina darted towards him. Leaping up to tackle him, Ryan waited until the last second to dodge, sending a well placed, but small fireball as his own attack. It made contact, and Tina was catapulted to the side, landing in the out of bounds area.

Shifting back into her human form, Tina grumbled. "Watch where you aim those." She rubbed her rib cage, where the fireball hit her.

"Ah, you'll live."

"End." Lady Ophelia said.

"Here," Tori spoke up, her own Runes activating to heal the injury.

In all honesty, Ryan forgot about the people in the room during the fight. The others were all around the room, spectating the fight with eagerness. Unicorn was in what Ryan would consider his 'Science mode'.

Even though he wore a mask, Ryan knew his eyes were wide as he took all of what happened. After so many years at the Daycare, it was almost impossible to not learn what Unicorn looked like in each 'mode'. Even with the mask, Unicorn was probably one of the most expressive people in the Daycare, excluding Goldy.

Unicorn wasn't the only one that was basically dissecting him in their mind, though. A few of the more science inclined Councilmembers took the chance to see Ryan's Runes in action.

"My turn!" Matt looked like he was three seconds from skipping towards the circle.

It was a simple circle. A thick white line went around them indicating in bounds and out of bounds. All around the room were benches, which were being taken by the audience, all except one wall. That one wall held a multitude of weapons, from knives to boa sticks. Guns hung up there too, more closer to a door with the signs 'Shooting Range' and 'No more experiments with guns → Talking to you Jamie.'

It was a plain room, but it did its job all in all.

"You are so going down." Ryan commented, shifting in a fighting stance.

"Ya right." Matt stuck out his tongue.

Ryan heard a few give comments on if it is a smart idea to let him fight someone with the Light Runes right after being electrocuted, but Ryan tuned them out, focusing on his new opponent.

"Start." Lady Ophelia said, and then continued on with the conversation with Lexi.

Had Ryan not boosted his dodge with a few explosions underneath his feet, he would've been instantly out. Lightning crackled against Matt one minute, and the next Matt was only a few feet away from him, sending a well aimed punch.

Ryan skidded against the ground, nearly losing balance. Matt had the decency to look shocked, and gave a look at Ryan. "You- You dodged that?"

"I'm full of tea, energy, and spite for the world, come at me."

Matt seemed little off-put by Ryan's comment, but did as he was told. Matt shot forward, with a ball of lightning crackling dangerously in his hands. Matt pushed the ball forward, and Ryan quickly did a small spin to dodge it.

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