Chapter 61: Machine

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Slade walked out of the lab, his steps echoing on the stoned ground. The sky was dark out already, and he was just leaving the lab. His hands were stained slightly from grease from beginning to build the machine.

It seemed like a dream almost. They were finally able to build the machine to stabilize the portal and then figure out a way to fix it. After the group of friends came down after the classes ended for the weekend, Ryan was dragged (By Unicorn) into the small group they had that was discussing the blueprint.

In no time, they fixed the blueprint of minor mistakes (A few wires that would cross and end up exploding was one), and told the rest of the people hanging around. Sabre ethusatically told his friends that they would be able to go soon, who seemed ecstatic, and Ry laughed, before groaning. Something about a huge stack of catch up work when he gets back, while Aaron just rolled his eyes and continued on with his conversation with him. That was the strangest thing he probably saw, Aaron willing talking (Aaron of all people) to another version of Ryan (Ryan).

Slowly though, after time went on of gathering up supplies and building to the beginning portion, the kids had to go eat lunch, take a break, work, then dinner, before being waved off when they offered more help. Slade, Petra, Unicorn, and Sabre were the last ones working on the machine, until it reached too late into the night to continue.

That's how he got there, walking in the quiet of the night. The air cool wrapped around him, reminding him that the weather was going to get colder soon, after August heat passed first, although it was a cooler year than usual.

Slade yawned, resisting the urge to rub his eyes. He didn't think getting particles of grease and metal in his eyes would be good for his health. He was about to enter the dorm building (since the first floor was designated for teachers) when a few words caught his ears.

"-- ca-eful --- dor-." The person spoke, it was so low spoken it was hard to tell who said that, and where from. The slight rustling of tree leaves and wind wasn't helping him either.

Tree. The word popped into Slade's mind, and he quickly back-peddled away from the entrance, and looked up, over to the side. One silhouette could be seen sitting on the ledge of the dorm building, seeming way too relaxed and calm for being so close to a huge fall.

Although, he only knew one person who was insane enough to sit there and had the ability to get up there. Sighing, he activated his Runes. Slade hated teleporting, but that was the only way (for him) onto the roof.

Well, for someone sane enough to not climb the tree and jump to the roof. Slade didn't know where Ryan had the guts to do that; He'd be slightly scared that he would miss and fall to his death. The drom building was 40 feet (12.192 meters) tall and that was a fall that could fatally injure someone.

Focusing, Slade teleported up to the roof, ignoring the sense of wanting to throw up as the world came back around him, this time on the roof. Metal was the first thing he saw, and Slade realized he managed to teleport behind the A/C and heater system that rested on the roof.

"How are you so calm sitting at the edge?"

Slade bit his tongue from cursing out and revealing his position. Whatever that thing was, he was going to punch it so hard.

"So do you plan on joining the competition Dork?"

Again, Slade had to bite out from speaking out in surprise. Aaron was up there? With Ryan? Willingly? What was happening to the world?

"Yep!" Ryan popped his 'P'. "Can't wait to rub your face into the ground."

"Like hell that'll happen." Aaron snapped out. If only Slade could see their body movements without giving his position away.

"Sure. Do I need to remind you of the kerfuffle we had in our first year and how it went?" He heard rustling of fabric, before it stopped to a standstill once more. Maybe one stood up or moved?

"Low blow and stop smirking, you know it was." Aaron huffed out. "And can you not? You're giving me anxiety just watching you do that?"

"Oh no, please continue."

Slade sighed. Should I reveal myself? It's not like they'll be talking about anything important, plus if that mass (he doesn't trust the name it gave him, but he was still curious) was telling Ryan to do something, it can't be good.

"What? This?" Slade could hear the smirk in Ryan's voice. "Oh! Watch this!"

Judging by the choked exclamation of words, Ryan did something Aaron wasn't too happy about. "Do you have a death wish‽" Aaron hissed out. "Didn't you even say a friend of yours literally fell to his death? And you're doing that?"

"You are so glad you can't see me." The mass huffed out. "Or I would've just slapped you."

"Ya." Rya sighed sadly. "Been awhile."

"Oh really!?" He snapped out. "Maybe just 'fall off' and fix the whole 'been awhile' thing!"

A pause, before. "Don't tell me what to do!"

Slade felt like he should intervene, or at least show he was there, but his feet were unmoving. What was up with that pause?

"Oi, didn't you say his name was Jacob or something?" Aaron spoke out. "Also at least get off the ledge. You can do cartwheels on the roof, but please don't do that again."

Jacob. The name echoed around Slade. Jacob was the name the thing gave him, stating that was his past life. So he was Ryan's old friend? But ghost don't exist....right?

At least he had the information, and without the awkward conversation of asking Ryan.

"Aw!" Ryan cooed out. "Someone cares! And ya, why?"

"No, I don't care. I just know everyone would kill me if you died and I didn't tell you to move away from the edge."

"Eh, I was planning on heading back to my dorm. I need some sleep at least."

"Ya right you idiot." 

"Fine. shoo shoo." Aaron scoffed out.

"See ya!"

Aaron grumbled a reply, and a sudden wooden thunk was heard along with a sudden loud leaf shuffles. Slade gave out a sigh. Maybe he shou-

"You're not sneaky, you know that right?" Aaron spoke. With Ryan gone, clearly Aaron had to be talking to him. "Highten sense and all."

Slade stepped out of his small hiding spot, shaking his head. "I shouldn't be shocked that you found me. Although I am quite surprised that the both of you were up here."

Aaron was leaned against the wall, arms crossed and ears pressed back. Earbuds ran up from his phone, that layed next to him, up to his ears, playing some kind of music. "Shut up." Aaron snapped. "Don't think I won't fight the Dork."

"Wasn't saying you weren't. Though may I ask why you two were up here?"

"What's it to you?" Aaron crossed his arms, looking up at him, before sighing. "Niether of us could sleep. Happens often."

Slade sighed, looking away from Aaron, to the tree Ryan scales often apparently. Huffing, Aaron picked up his phone, and stood up, dusting himself off.

Neither spoke, until Aaron sighed. "Phycic Runes mostly deal with mind stuff right?"

Slade looked back towards Aaron, who stared right up at him, but the usual bite in his glare wasn't there.

"Yes?" Slade asked. "Why?"

"Just- Just wondering." Aaron looked away, and also looked at the tree. "You see it don't you? That mass thing?"

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