Chapter 76: Squabble

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Ryan felt like screaming. Out of everyone that he disliked, it had to be freaking Pip that also had Runes. Pip chatted mildly with Tina, while Lexi just eyed the three, more focused on Ryan and Pip, who was sending the other occasional glares.

Ryan toned down the anger-fueled glare when he caught Lexi sliding in between Ryan and Pip slowly, giving both of them a suspicious glance off and on. He didn't blame her, Pip and him were currently glaring at each other.

"So when do you two go?" Lexi asked.

"Oh!" Tina jumped up and down. "Right after this next one is done! I'm sooooo excited! I haven't fought someone in forever!"

"Didn't you just get in a fight with Aaron a few days ago?" Lexi questioned. Ryan could only look at Tina in surprise. He didn't even know Aaron and Tina got in another fight recently.

"Bahhh!" Tina batted the air. "Those aren't real fights!"

"Fighting isn't always the answer Tina." Pip spoke up.

"It is not!" She defended. "It's the question, and the answer is yes. Anyways! How have you been Pip!"

"I've been good. Could be better."

'Preferably away from here.' Ryan thought. "Anyways!" Ryan gave a clap. "I'm going to find Tori. Addio!"

With that, he gave one last glare at Pip (who returned the gesture) and spun on his heel and left.

He found Tori sitting on a lone bench, with Zaver resting next to her, so he decided to not interrupt them, choosing to wander around for a bit.


Ryan gave a leveled look at Unicorn. When he decided to wander around the campus before the next fight, he didn't mean to be dragged to the lab by Unicorn for testing.

"Can't you just use Petra's notes?" He spoke. Ryan wasn't whining, nuh uh. Definitely not.

Unicorn glanced up from his papers he had, mostly notes that he had on the Fire Runes. "Stop whining. You should be used to this."

"And I will pretend I didn't hear that." A new voice popped up.

Both heads swiveled to see Slade standing there, drinking some liquid out of a straw. "Slade, help meeeeee."

Slade merely raised an eyebrow and took a long sip of his drink.



"Anyways!" Unicorn shifted through the stack of papers, until he landed on a certain one filled to the brim with questions. "Can you change the color of the fire?"

"Why are we doing this now?"

"Because I have time now since the portal is 'fixed'. Now answer the question."

"I don't know. I got it to purple once."

Unicorn quickly jotted something down. "Was it because of the Psychic Runes or did you force it to change?"

"When did this turn into an interrogation?"

Unicorn slapped him on the top of the head with some spare papers. "Answer the question."

Ryan gave another pleading look to Slade, which turned to absolute betrayal when he seen to look of humor (which was then quickly covered up) on Slade's face.

"Shouldn't you be in the stadium waiting for the next round?"

"Ryan! Answer the question or I swear I will get Goldy to screw with your tea."

Ryan ignored the choking sound that came from behind him, prompting the glare at Unicorn. "You wouldn't dare..."

"We've been friends since Daycare 'bud'," Ryan narrowed his eyes. "Do you really want to try me?"

"I hate you."

"Ah," Unicorn gave a pout. "I thought you cared for me."


A door opening caught their attention, to see Petra looking at the group with a look of confusion on his face, along with resignation. Apparently expecting he can't stop what was or is happening. Probably for the best. "Is everything... alright?"

"Yes." Unicorn.

"No." Ryan.

Petra glanced at Slade, who seemed to finally have his breathing under control, and he only shrugged. "None of them have threatened each other yet."

"Hey!" Ryan called out. "Blackmail is a type of threat!"

"Oh be quiet!" Unicorn once again smacked the top of his head with some papers. "You have a record of blackmail too, stop acting so innocent."

"Honestly though," Ryan stared at him. "It is probably the only reason why Tina hasn't permanently killed one of us?"

"Permanently?" Perta's voice interrupted.

"Long story." Unicorn explained. "But back on track, did you force it to change or not?"


"I can call Gol-"


Unicorn gave a smile that was too bright for Ryan at the time that it was.

"See! That wasn't so hard!"

"Does this have to deal with Ryan's Runes?" Petra asked.

"Yep." Unicorn nodded.

Petra gave a confused look. "I can share my notes so you don't-"

"Good luck!" Ryan huffed out. "He likes taking his own notes. No matter how time consuming it is."

"You don't know what information wasn't written down or hidden!" Unicorn explained.

"Which is also the reason your lab blew up who knows how many times!"

Both teens ignored the two concerned exclamations from Slade and Petra.

"You are the other half of the reasons!"

"You should have no by then leaving me and Tina alone was a bad idea! Many times too!"

"I still don't forgive you about the chickens!"

"That was Tina's idea, not mine!"

"I know, but you supplied it!"

The sound of someone clearing their throat made everyone jump. "As entertaining as watching you two squabble," Alfred droned out. "I was tasked by my brother to fetch a Unicorn. The next round is about to begin any moment."


I have no excuse for being this late and having it this short, but... here? Happy Halloween!

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