Chapter 11: Lunch Time

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First off, I looked at the demographics for this story, who the hell is reading this in Australia and the Philippines? Second off, Hello, school's a pain, and I'm slowly dying inside!


Tori's POV

After they announced to us what Runes Tina and Tori had, we all just fell into an almost silence. Ryan and I asked questions back and forth to each other quietly, and I was trying to use this time to try to figure something out about his past. However, it just ended up as a Truth or Truth, including the strange questions.

"Okay," I knew the answer to this question shouldn't be that bad. "Besides here, what is the most non-injury accident you have caused?"

I doubt he would've done something horrible.

Ryan gave a low chuckle. "I would think the worst non-injury accident I caused would be blowing up a school bus."

...what? Say what now? What!?

Slade and Petra stopped typing on the computers and turned to him. "What?" Slade inquired.

"What what? I accidentally blew up a school bus with a cannon."

He sounded so calm when talking about this. I thought in disbelief.

Slade and Petra reluctantly turned to the computers again, but I could tell they were listening in, so it was my job to figure out what the hell he did. "How?" I questioned. God Ryan. What the hell.

"Okay okay. When I went to another school, we visited this Civil War museum as a field trip. During lunchtime, Tina and I-"

"Wait, Tina was there?"

"Oh ya definitely. Her dad moved to where I was at the time unknowingly." He gave a smirk. I wonder why. "Anyways, as we ate lunch and talked, I accidentally bumped the cannon that we were by. It fired. At the school bus. With no one in it. Then the bus blew up."

Slade and Petra gave up with typing and were looking at Ryan. Slade looked between Ryan then at the door where Tina and her brother would walk through when they get out. Was his skin always that white?

"Then what?" I pushed.

"Oh, we had to get friends or family to pick us up and bring us to the school; The trip was cut short."

"You didn't get in trouble?" Seriously, how could he not get in trouble for that?

"Oh no, we were both expelled that day. The principal was livid. I think Tina and I were in his room for the rest of the day."

Slade just looked down at his lap, shaking his head.

"Hey, it was an accident! I didn't purposely cause the cannon to go kaboom!" He smiled. "The owner of the museum was shocked though, people were trying to see if it would work for a long while before they gave up on it."

"Dear god Ryan. At least don't destroy the school with Tina. Wait until we graduate."

"Or wait forever. I'd appreciate it." Petra interrupted.

He just laughed. "I'll try." I could tell he was trying to calm his laughter, though a few giggles escaped from his lips.

It's so weird to think how only a few hours ago he was crying. It's like the tears were never there. He just buried them and moved on.


Is that why he always seems happy? He buries his negative emotions?

Oh god. How did I never see it? How often was he upset but just pushed through and acted happy; And I call myself a good friend.

Why Ryan? Why?

A bump threw me out of my thoughts. "Thinking much there? You were staring off into space for a bit."

"I'm alright."


It was only ten minutes later when Slade announced that Tony was out. Although, it only reached me, since Ryan slowly fell asleep, slowly sliding down the wall until he was leaning against me.

I guess that small cry tired him out more, since I doubt he was wide awake when he woke up in the infirmary.

The door clicked, and opened. Tony stood there in the doorway, the white gown that everyone has to wear hung loosely around his feet. "Hi?" He spoke, looking uncertainly between us all.

His eyes landed on Ryan, and he looked shocked for a second, before schooling his features again.

"What happened?" He questioned. "Also, can I switch to my clothes?"

Tony walked the rest of the way in, pushing the door shut, until it made a small click.

"Tori, can you-" Petra's sentence stopped short when he noticed Ryan using me as a pillow. "How long has he been asleep?"

"About 5-10 minutes." I responded, before shaking Ryan gently.

"Jacob." He whined out. "Leave me alone."


Who the hell is Jacob?

I shook him harder, and this time he actually sat up. "Jac-" Blinking, he looked around. "Oh, it was a dream."


Ryan jumped at the sound, and his eyes quickly went to the source of the noise.

Tina stood there in the doorway, her eyes light with fire. "I'm awake!"

"Dear god Tina. You nearly gave me a heart attack."

"You'd live." She dismissed him with a wave of her hand. "Now where are my clothes since I want out of this gown thing."

"Tori, Ryan, can you fetch their clothes?" Slade spoke up. " I believe that it is nearing lunchtime, so I'm pretty sure you guys are hungry, I'll go fetch Matt and Lexi, ask them to bring something down."


In about an hour, Tony and Tina got their clothes switched, and Matt and Lexi came down, holding enough food for all of us to eat.

"Thank god, I'm starving." Ryan said upon seeing them.

"Ya." Lexi smacked the top of his head. "I wonder why. It's like you missed dinner and breakfast."

"Ow." He whined out.

"You'll live."

In a few more minutes, they created a small ring on the floor in the main lab part, since there wasn't enough chairs in the break room and none of us wanted to bring any.

Matt's POV

I sat there, chowing down on my pancakes, as I listen to Tina explain how she found out about the Runes. From what I got from her, I think I have a new pranking partner.

I used one hand to use my fork and my other hand was holding Lexi's hand, who was my girlfriend. I know. Surprising.

Lexi shook her head at the end of Tina's explanation. Lexi took a bit out of her waffle, like me, she has a love for breakfast food. Pointing the fork at Tina, she spoke. "I'm honestly not surprised you found out sooner than planned. You are friends with Tori and Ryan. Honestly, if Tori's into it, she gladly sneak somewhere."

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