Chapter 22: Change of View

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Chapter 22:

"Petra, why is there a broken portal in this closet? How long has it been here?" Oh god oh god oh god! So many things can go wrong! I gotta calm down. Calm.

I took a deep breath, and exhaled in slowly. Petra looked at the portal, a rare expression on his face. Confusion. Sure, I seen fear, happiness, excitement, worry, on him before. The only other time I can clearly remember him looking confused was when it came back that Ryan's Runes were Code Red. Well, that time, and recently with Ryan's Runes. It's doubling and the issue. God, everything's going down hill quickly. What's next? Someone dies?

No. I'm just worrying right now.

"I don't know why it's there." It looked like it took Petra all his strength the say that. He prides himself on his knowledge; Admitting he doesn't know something, that had to be hard.

"I do know," Petra continued. "That it has been here since a few days before school started. It exploded into existence."

What now?

"It created a boom, that's how I figured out it was here." I guess I showed my confusion.

Petra walked into the room, closer to the unstable looking portal. "Petra! Are-"

Petra cut me. "I've been in here many times; Even tampered with it. Don't go in it, and you should be fine."

Why am I the one with the most logic in this school? Ryan is danger-prone, Pred went insane, Amelia is herself, Petra tampers with an unstable portal; Am I the only one who thinks about the consequences?

Petra looked at the portal, his expression unclear. "I can tell one thing though. This isn't a normal portal. Someone made it- or tampered with it enough so it wasn't natural any more- and something happened so it split into two."


"I don't know. One thing I do know is that if this isn't fixed, bad things will happen. The person who made this should be panicking right now."

Unicorn's POV

I stared at the broken portal. It was past nine o'clock, and I should be getting some sleep, but I can't. I feel like something is going to happen, but I don't know what.

Dude Terra offered many times to reach out and ask for help from Life and the other academies, but I ask him not too. I don't think he realizes that the government doesn't know about this. Sure, I pop in when the police force or the army needs help, but they don't know the extent of my experiments I do.

If I tell someone else, that's another person who knows, and another person who can accidentally reveal it. It's amazing Goldy hasn't ruined it yet, though no one can really take her serious. She smart-just in her own way.

You can't sit her down and teach her; It just won't work. She learns her own way. Good thing we came to Terra Academy; they understand that people learn differently. Someone moved over here from Life, and apparently they are the exact opposite. You sit down, and you learn. Goldy, Ryan and Tina would hate it there.

I wonder how the scientist is at Life. Apparently Dude is a good friend of him. What was his name. Petra, I think. My phone buzzed lightly in my pocket. Who's talking to me now? I feel like everyone would be sleeping...

Ryan. It's going to be Ryan. He really needs a better sleep schedule. He's going to pass out randomly one day.

In a few minutes, I found out whom. Lo and behold, it's Ryan.

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