Chapter 78: Portal

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So...I've been dead on here for a while, but! I am now going to try and update more often, hopefully. I think I am somewhat out of the woods with my parents, so let's hope this doesn't ground me.

I have a longer chapter as an apology. Enjoy! >:3


Apparently Ryan's eyes were glowing. For better or worse, he does not know. Lelon seemed interested in his reaction, which was more of a panicked sound than anything.

"Ryan!" Tina's voice called out, drawing his attention to the side. "We stayed- Uh, Ryan?"


"Your eyes are uh-"

"I know." His voice took a slightly higher octave. "I'm gonna go find Unicorn. Or Slade. Maybe Petra?"

"Ya..." Tina grabbed his arm. "Come on."

Lelon, who was just watching the interaction, shrugged. He didn't see the issue. So what if his eyes were glowing? It's not like it was going to kill him.

Seeing that Ryan was more focused on the ground and not making any movement to seek out said people, Tina slowly pulled him away. "Come on, maybe we can find Goldy after this and glitter bomb her again."

Lelon was concerned with how Tina said that, and the word 'again'. Looking at the two, Lelon turned the other way and began walking off the field. Maybe he should leave his sister alone for a bit. The guy was strong, no doubt about it, but last thing he wanted was for the two of them (and whoever else) to come after him if he screwed with Tori.

He liked playing tricks, but he's smart enough to know when to back the hell off. He just had to wait until he goes against Tori, and if Ryan has to fight her, well, it doesn't matter who wins. If Tori wins, he will go against her and if Ryan wins, he'll go against him. Either one, he's happy.

The only problem was that no one else had to beat them. Ryan, well, he's strong enough to get through until they fight again. Lelon was merely holding back, testing the waters. Sure, the sudden surprise of Fire Runes instead of Psychic surprised him, but he got through it.

Tori though, that was an issue. Sure, she has strong Healing Runes, but that's all. A few feeble barriers won't stop everyone.

"Lelon." A familiar voice called out as he left the stadium. His twin, Lilan.

"Lilan." He nodded.

They were twins, a pair, two peas in a pod. Lilan raised his eyebrows, giving Lelon a look.

Most would think that Lilan was judging Lelon for something, or surprised, but not them. They grew up together, bonded for life over a multitude of things. They know each other's strengths and weaknesses, each tiny tick and tiny movement to them can be read as whole conversations.

'You followed the plan.'

Lelon rolled his eyes. 'Of course. Your analysis of what would happen was pretty spot on.'

"Duh," Lilan spoke out loud. "Come on, let's find somewhere to sit. I'm getting tired of waiting." In between the lines said, 'let's find somewhere else where eavesdroppers can't hear.'

"You weren't the one to fight, you have no room to talk." 'People just watched me fight, I think they know better.'

"Ya ya, everyone is going to fight at one point though." 'That isn't stopping someone from listening in.'

"Everyone you say?" Lelon gave a surprised look. 'What? Where?'

"Yep." He made a dragging motion with his hand, going to the left. "Life at some point is going to drag them towards a fight. They just have to be ready." 'To the left. I don't think they know we know.'

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