Chapter 38: Run Run Run

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Here it is! The 250 vote reward.

Ryan- Has Code Red and Purple, and is one of the two people that has two Runes.

Explorer. He is Tori's boyfriend, and is slowly gaining bonds with people as the year progresses. He prefers not talking about his past, which is why no one really knows it. He knows a small amount of parkour from the Daycare and being on the streets (Which affected his eating habits). Because of that he often has to be moving around in one way or another. From his past he occasionally suffers from night terrors and panic attacks but those are rare and are often triggered by being forced to talk about something he doesn't want to. The only thing that knows is Anti/Jacob.

The soul of Jacob tends to hang around him, making life difficult in revenge for Ryan accidentally leading him to his death. Overtime, the taunts from Anti began to affect him, and he began taking meds. The only person at the school who knows about the meds (Besides the people from Daycare) is Aaron. He knows Aaron has insomnia, but also knows not to tell anyone. Over time, he became frienemies with Aaron during their late night talks but still will fight Aaron without a problem. Ryan also knows a bit of science from Unicorn's blabbering, and excels at math, which he likes to hide.

Also, 4312 words, not including the bio! Longest chap so far. Have fun reading! >:)


Ryan hated half of his classes, so he was happy when the end of the school day came by. He gathered around the papers he was handed for homework and stuffed them into his binder. "You guys can go ahead without me," Ryan told his friends. "I'll catch up shortly."

"You sure?" Tori asked.

"He wouldn't tell us if he didn't want us to Tori," Matt, who was sitting above them, stated. "It's not like he's a slow runner or anything."

"Still. Are you-"

"Yes Tori." Ryan assured her. "I'm fine. I just need to organize my papers anyway." He gestured to the pile of papers that was haphazardly thrown in there.

"Okay then," Tori looked down, tightening her hold on her book and notebook. "If you say so."

He waved to them as they left the classroom, and got to work on organizing the papers and notes. His last class was Runes Overall, meaning that he had quite a few papers on every Rune. Plus considering that it was the beginning second week of the class, they were getting a whole boat load of papers.

Ryan began shifting through his papers, creating a small pile for each Rune. Water Runes, Earth Runes, Morph Runes (which are more commonly called Beast Runes), Lightning Runes, Dark Runes, Psychic Runes, Fire Runes, Tech Runes, Healing Runes, Wind Runes...Ryan never realized there were so many until this class.

He stacked the papers on top of each other, and put them in the binder. Sure, he probably should have put a separator in there, but in the end he'll have to do the process again. In other words, he'll do it later...


...probably not.

He stretched his hands over his head and yawned. "Tired?" A voice piped up behind him.

Ryan jumped, and turned in the direction of the voice. Alfred was standing there, looking at the few papers that have yet made it into his binder.

Before Ryan could reply, Alred continued. "For how well you do in this class, it is amazing how terrible your organization skills are."

"Thanks?" Ryan was unsure how to respond. One one side, that was a compliment, on the other side, it was an insult.

Hm, I kinda like him.

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