Chapter 2: Nom Nom

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Ryan quickly walked towards the tiny cafe which he often ate at. He didn't have to worry about be blocked by someone or anything like that. Ever since the first incident with his runes, everyone except his friends (plus a few other people), avoided him.

Even though everyone somewhat got over the accident, and just ignored him, he got a few curious looks at he walked by.

Ryan knew he didn't look the best, but he didn't look that bad, did he? Maybe it was because he is up way sooner than this and more than likely causing chaos with Matt? That could be it.

He sighed, and decided to ignored the looks directed at him and just focused on getting to his friends.

He soon had the little cafe in his sight, and picked up the pace.

Pushing the door open, he walked in, scanning the room for his friends. When he opened the door, multiple people looked up, but upon seeing him, quickly looked down or back at their friends.

"Ryan!" Someone called.

He looked over to see Matt waving his hand, looking at him. Quickly, Ryan walked over to them, pulling up a unoccupied seat.

"Dude, you look like hell." Matt told him, once he sat down next to him.

"Ya, ya. Shut up, you look like worse when you wake up." Ryan fired back, elbowing him.

"At least he gets up before noon." Lexi told him, before taking a bite of he sandwich.

"I did get up before noon." he defended.

"Ya, twenty minutes before noon." Matt said. "So, how long did you stay up?"

Ryan yawned. "Still before noon." He didn't answer the question. The answer? He finally feel asleep around 4:30 in the morning. He did not need to tell his friends that.

"Anyways, here, I got you a burger." Tori spoke up, handed him a wrapper up a burger that was giving off amazing aromas.

"This is why we're friends." He told her, gladly taking the burger.

"Everyone here likes food." Matt spoke up.

"I can agree with that." Tori told him, watching Ryan greedily eat the sandwich.

"Wait, didn't you sleep in late one time Matt?" Tori asked him. "I think I remember a time when you got up after one after we stayed up late one night."

Ryan, who was happily being quiet and waiting his burger, nearly choking on the bite.

Tori patted his back a few time, trying to help her crush not choke to death.

Finally not choking, he looked up at Matt. "When was this?" Ryan asked them, trying to not laugh, his face red from the lack of oxygen.

An awkward silence enveloped the three for good reasons. "It was when you were..." Lexi droned off making weak circular hand motions.

"Oh." Ryan knew exactly when it was. It was when he was on the run from the lovely first principle last year right after he accidentally showed his runes to the whole school.

He didn't remember much when he was unconscious, though he remembers one time when he woke up, giving Slade a heart attack when he did. Though he felt bad for his friends even more, they had no clue where he was along with Slade.

"Anyways," Tori began, her voice quieter than before. "What do you guys wanna do for the rest of the day since someone is finally up."

Everyone could tell that she wanted to get off of that topic. They didn't blame her, it wasn't a fun time for any of them.

Ryan gave a small groan. "That is going to follow me for the rest of my life."

Matt slung an arm over his shoulders, which Ryan quickly shrugged off. "Yep! Because I doubt any of us will let you forget it!"

"I second that!" Lexi called out. "Though before we do anything, I think we should finish our food." She pointed to the unfinished food on everyone's plate. 

"I agree." Ryan told her. "I'm starving."

"I wonder why? It's like you skipped breakfast." Lexi and her smart mouth.

"And dinner." He added on quietly, though it was of no use, they all heard it.

"What!? Ryan!" Tori smack his arm.

"I forgot to eat okay! It happens once in a while, nothing serious."

The others just stared at him. "How can you forget to eat." Matt spoke with disbelief, looking shocked at Ryan.

He shrugged. "I get distracted easily." Then, he took another bite of his burger, not wanting to answer any more questions.

Lexi gave Ryan a stare. "I think we all new how easily distracted you can get. Especially if you don't want to do something."

Ryan just shrugged. "Ya," He began. "It happens often."

With that being said, the conversation quick died, everyone engrossed in their own food to talk. That, Ryan was thankful for. He didn't feel like being grilled for any more information.

Sometimes, they act like his daycare friends. He would consider Tori could be compared to Unicorn, the peacemaker in the group. Matt could have been Goldy, just less oblivious. Then Lexi and Tina. That reminds him, he needs to talk to them again.

Last time he talk to them, Unicorn was building some machine. He didn't know what, since he wouldn't tell anyone of them.

Goldy, she was going with Unicorn, after they finally started dating. It took Unicorn quite a bit to gather up enough courage to just blantly tell Goldy he wants to date her.

Tina, he has no clue. Last time he talk took her and asked her what was going on over there, she just giggled a bit and told him that they were moving schools. Tina and Tony.

When he asked what school, she gave a smile (they were on Skype) and told Ryan that he knew of the school.

He's dreading the moment when he finds out.

Soon, however, the meal was coming to an end, when almost everyone was nearly finished.

"So... what did you forget at your house?" Tori asked.

Ryan's brain froze then went a mile per minute. He swallowed. Suddenly, the food didn't seem so good. He shrugged. "Nothing important?" 

His ability to lie is +20 to strangers, -15 to friends.

Ryan was pretty sure they could hear the lie in his sentence. Because after all, a doctor prescribed medicine is 'not important'.

"Oh." Ryan cringed at the hurt in her voice.

Lexi looked at him with a leveled glare, like she was trying to extract information from him with pure will. One that went unnoticed by Tori and Matt, who was either eating or picking at their food. Ryan folded underneath her glare for two reasons.

1- You don't go to L.I.F.E. Academy and not respect women. They would be on your tail instantly. It also doesn't help that 2/3 or the school is woman.

2- She could pass the role as part demon when she wants to.

"So," Matt dragged the 'O'. "Our freedom is being taken away tomorrow. What do you wanna do until then?"

"Didn't you get a new video game? We could play that." Lexi responded, looking away from Ryan.

Matt nodded, unable to talk since his mouth was stuffed with a hot dog. Swallowing, he spoke. "Or we could go to sleep, since someone loves to do it."

Ryan's response to that was to groan and fall down on the table. "You're dead to me." He mumbled out.

Matt just laugh and Tori gave out a small smile at his dramatics. "Let's go." Tori said, hoping that Ryan would open up to her sometime about whatever it is.


Hello everyone!

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