Chapter 68: Being Stabbed Isn't As Cool As It Seems, Except With This Knife

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Time slowed as Anti, no, Jacob, went on and on. It seemed too unrealistic. His old friend, the one Ryan was so heart broken about his death, somehow came back as a ghost with the sole purpose of causing his death.

Ryan believed in ghosts, but this was too close for comfort. Way to close.

Ant- Jacob continued yelling and snarling and growling at him, each word adding onto the invisible weight on his chest making it hard to breathe.

He didn't know when he backed up against the wall, but he felt the cool surface against his body; The coldness seeping through his clothes and onto his body. Grounding him to the scene and all the words Anti- NO.....Jacob, spat out at him.

It was a totally different version of the honorary brother he knew. Sure, he thought they looked similar, besides skin tone, but did he really want Ryan dead? Did the person that Ryan had his back with wanted him dead?

"Ryan!" A younger Jacob laughed out. "Stop it! Let me have it!"

Ryan stood over Jacob, balancing precariously on a broken chair, holding up a beaten up backpack. "Come on!" Ryan laughed. "I know we're smaller than we should be, but come on! You can jump higher than that. Don't you want the stuff inside?"

"But it's my birthday! Do I really have to jump?"

Ryan gave out a laugh and shook his head. "Guess not." In a quick but fluid motion Ryan jumped off the chair and onto the ground.

"You know, I could have kicked that chair from underneath you."

"You wouldn't dare!"

"What's wrong 'friend'?" 'Jacob' dragged him out of the memory as he stalked closer, snarling the sentence. "You're looking a little pale."

Ryan tried to say something, but no words would come out of his mouth. What was he going to say if he could anyways? 'Calm down' seemed like it wouldn't work.

Jacob continued on, not even giving Ryan a chance to speak. His hands gave harsh waves to empathise whatever point he was spouting out. His eyes gleamed with a feral glow, and suddenly, Ryan wasn't sure if he was going to survive this encounter.

He gave a shaking sigh. This was it wasn't it? He was going to die. He didn't know how he was going to, but he knew he was. This Jacob wouldn't drop all of this on him and then leave. No, he stated it himself. He was tired of waiting...

Ryan would have yelled out a curse if his body was working with him.

He didn't want to die, not anymore at least. He had friends, he had people that cared about it, he had a home! Plus, what would happen afterwards? Would Jacob in spite go after his friends, pick them off one by one? They literally wouldn't know what killed them.

He didn't want his friends dragged into his mess of a life, but it seemed like he ended up just doing that. Just after he found somewhere where he somewhat fit it, this had to happen.

The thought froze in his head.

He fit in.

Sure, not completely, but he found somewhere where he fit in. Where he wasn't looked down on (most of the time) for his actions. They didn't see him as someone who didn't care about school and just goofed off; They figured out what was wrong and worked on it. He was ahead, so they were in the process of getting him where he should be but still by his friends.

No one hated him for how loud and 'feisty' he was. That personality came with a few other Runes, just toned slightly different. Instead of giving them detention for something they couldn't change, they made them burn off their energy by various activities.

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