Christmas Special

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Ryan actually enjoyed wrapping gifts, unlike other people. Maybe it was just the repetitive pattern that calmed him down and enjoy it, or maybe it was just because of how they look in the end.

A week ago, Life Academy got out on Christmas break. Unlike most kids, Ryan and his friends stayed at the school for Christmas break. They all knew there was a reason each on didn't go home, but they didn't pry. It was time for joy, not stress and tears. Well, stress for family matters. It was time for stress related to Christmas shopping.

A few days, the group of four left the school (after getting permission from Petra, the Dean), and went to a nearby mall. The guys went one way, the girls went another, planning to get their significant other a gift. It was a pain, Ryan would say.

He'd never really had to buy a gift for anyone before, let alone his girlfriend, and neither has Matt. They were both clueless and stressed.

In the end though, they found a gift for each one. It was hard, Ryan thought, trying to get Matt a gift when he was finding presents with him. In the end, he managed to get one.

That's how he ended up here, wrapping the presents carefully. He would have to bring them to the school wide tree some time soon.

It was their school's thing he guessed. A tree was placed in the center of the large stadium, and everyone that stayed, which was like 20 people, helped decorate it.

That doesn't mean it went peacefully at first. There was a large argument of what colors to use. Some wanted to do gold and silver, one wanted blue and purple, and the list went on.

Most people stayed out of the argument, just watching, seeing which one would win. At the time, he had a headache, so it wasn't the greatest to hear a ton of people arguing.

So he just suggested why not a rainbow tree. It was amazing how many people agreed with that, especially since it was him and not many people really enjoy his presence at all.

It was difficult since the tree was so large. He didn't want to know how they get that thing there every year.

The people with the Wind Runes, had to fly up and put the lights and decorations up there, since no one else could. You did where you could basically.

So Ryan stuck at the bottom. He didn't feel like burning the tree down.

So that's how the tree came to be. The rainbow colors starting from red and fading to the next color as you looked down. It especially looked pretty with the snow covering the ground.

There was a special thing underneath the tree that stopped the snow from getting under it, so people could put their gifts underneath the tree.

Ryan wrapped the last one and called it good. The living room was covered in items to wrap presents. A few rolls of wrapping paper, wrapping paper scraps, tape, and ribbons were splayed everywhere.

He looked around, and sighed. Now he had to clean up. Groaning, he began the tedious process of cleaning up then he can go crash into his bed.


Ryan's alarm went off with a very annoying beeping sound. Groaning, he hit the snooze button and rolled over. If he needed to get up, his friends can drag his dead body out of his bed. Unless they had tea, then a compromise could be made. He shuffled back down into his covers and closed his eyes. With his Fire Runes making his body unnaturally warm (His common temperature is 101 degrees Fahrenheit (38.33 °C)), underneath his covers was amazing for a person who now naturally seeks out warmth. Which, with the Fire Runes, is Ryan now.

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