Late Night Talks

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Sitting alone in the living room, with the football game on TV and a beer in his hand, Luke was quite entertained for the next few hours. He had went to bed earlier but regretted it when he thought about the game playing around 2AM since it was filmed in America. He had wandered quietly down the stairs trying his best not to disturb you knowing how grumpy you could be without your beauty sleep. Sitting looking really intense at the screen he heard the small footsteps coming closer to the stairs. "Fuck" he muttered, turning his head around to see you walking down the stairs. He chuckled eyeing you up and down. Your hair was a mess, eyes half closed, pants free and you were only wearing one sock. Stumbling over to Luke you plopped yourself down on the sofa. Wrapping an arm around him, you started to play with his shirt. "Couldn't sleep?" you asked. "That, and I really wanted to watch this game. Did I wake you up?" he questioned looking down at you. Closing your eyes you leaned your head on his shoulder. "No I just really needed to pee and then I heard you down here yelling about some football player who apparently didn't do what you wanted him to." "But he was so close to the goal and then he just topples over his legs like when we played football outside and you fell over the ball and I started to laugh so much that I almost peed my pants!" he explained to you. Laughing out loud remembering the memory from last summer you cheekily commented, "You did pee your pants that day Lukey just admit it." "I did not!" "Yes you did!" "OKAY, fine I did can we please talk about something else now?" "Fine, whatever you say big guy!" You said with a wink.
"This is just heaven." You whispered to yourself digging deeper in the chocolate ice cream craving for some more. Every time you were on your period all you wanted was chocolate. So there you were at 3AM sitting on the kitchen counter enjoying the feeling of pure chocolate heaven. Being so into the ice cream you didn't hear Calum coming down the stairs heading towards the kitchen. He had heard some weird noises going on downstairs, and wondered if it was a robbery. Checking on you failed, when he heard you talking to yourself and when he flicked the light on to the kitchen he saw you with chocolate all over your face with a spoon in your mouth and wide eyes. "Well I did not expect this" He muttered with a raised eyebrow. "This is not what it looks like." you tried to explain. I thought you said you were on a diet? Let me guess, Mother Nature paid a visit?" He said walking over to the drawer of different cutlery, taking a spoon and walking over to you, digging into your ice cream. "How did you know?" You asked curiously before stuffing more ice cream in your mouth. "You've been kind of cranky the last couple of days. Besides you've bought like 5 cartons of that chocolate ice cream." He said. "You boys are just so god damn lucky!" You said with a groan. "Yeah we are. No period, no mood swings, we're not going to give birth to a baby and we'll keep our last name. It's harder being a girl than a boy." Opening your mouth slightly in surprise you answered, "That's the first time I've  ever heard a guy say that." "Well it's true. I'm so happy that I'm a boy. I would be so exhausted if I were a girl." "Oh you wish." you muttered before digging the last piece of ice cream, tossing it in the trash and going to bed again. "Night Calum" "Night Y/N"
Strumming lightly on his guitar Michael sat in his room in the dark humming to himself and playing some different chords. *beep beep* Looking to his left he saw his phone lighting up informing him of a new message. Grabbing and unlocking his phone he goes straight to the message. "Is it you who is making noises or should I be nervous?" from you. Laughing quietly, he texted back "Yeah sorry I just couldn't sleep, too much jet lag." Sending the message and not long after, he hears your footsteps outside his door. Walking over to his door you opened it slightly peeking your head in to see Michael sitting on his bed, guitar on his right side, smiling. "Hi" you said walking in and sitting next to him on his bed. "Hey" he answered. "What were you playing?" Smiling he grabbed the guitar and started to strum a bit. "Nothing really. Just a few chords. I seriously hate jet lag. It's one of the worst things ever." He chuckled to himself. "who would you choose if you could? The guitar or me?" you asked playfully. "My guitar of course." He answered cheekily back. Acting hurt you held your hand to your chest and gasped. "How could you? I thought our relationship was real!" You tried to keep the act going but failed, ending in a fit of giggles. "Y/N you are a terrible actor admit it. "Okay okay I am but come on would you really choose that over me?" You asked seriously." I would choose you both okay I will explain later why, you should go to bed Y/N you look like you got hit by a bus. "Gee thanks Michael" you said giving him a light kiss on the cheek and raising yourself from the bed. "Night night Y/N" He said and you mumbled something with "You too," before walking out of the room and into your own.
"Well this is nice." He said throwing more wood on the fire. "Yeah it's quiet relaxing." you answered. Shivering you pulled the blanket closer to your body. "Are you freezing?" He asked raising an arm for you to join him under his blanket. "Maybe a little bit." You said scooting closer to him, feeling his warmth immediately. "Isn't it weird?" You asked looking at the blazing fire. "What do you mean?" he asked scooping his marshmallows into his hand. "This is all so quiet. No screaming fans, interviews or security guards. We're just sitting here alone, out in our backyard doing nothing besides listening to the fire and the distant sound of the highway out in the city." He thought for a minute taking your words in. "Yes it does feel weird but I love both things. Going around the city seeing how happy my fans are just because of me. And then just sitting here with my favorite girl, getting fat on marshmallows. It's like being two people, but I'm still just one. And I couldn't be happier." He added smiling to himself. "That's so sweet." you muttered kissing his cheek. "Well I am quite sweet." He said cheekily looking down at you. Bursting out laughing he started to defend himself. "Hey that wasn't meant as a joke." "No Ash you don't understand." You tried to explain through giggles. "Your marshmallow is on fire." "WHAT" He almost yelled looking back at the fire, to see his marshmallow black and slimy with a little spark of fire on it. "Well shit." He muttered trying to blow the flame out.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 10, 2015 ⏰

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