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You woke up, your vision foggy. You blinked, taking in your surroundings. “Where am I?” You asked, your voice not even familiar. “Oh my God, you’re awake.” A tall boy with red and black hair sighed in relief, tears staining his cheeks. You looked at him in confusion, and at the two boys sitting next to him. A boy, about 6 feet tall, walked through the doorway holding a few cups of coffee. “Ashton?” You asked. “(Y/n)!” he yelped, setting down the coffee cups and rushing over to your side. “How long has she been awake?” He asked the other boys. “A few seconds, actually.” The boy with the colorful hair said. “She hasn’t even spoken to her boyfriend yet,” he mumbled. “My boyfriend’s here?” You asked, looking around. Simultaneously, the boys laughed. “Why… why are you laughing?” You asked, slightly hurt. They all stopped immediately, and the black haired boy’s jaw dropped alongside of Ashton’s. Your eyes met the colorful haired boy’s, and he gave you a small small, although he was crying. “I-I…” he stuttered, trying to wipe away the tears. “Can we just get the nurse?” He asked, his voice trembling. 


You held Calum’s hand as tightly as possible as you sat in the hospital. “Calum, (y/n)?” Ashton’s mom walked out into the hallway. “He’s awake,” she said, her smile pained. You both jumped to your feet, following her to Ashton’s room. You couldn’t contain your smile as you saw him, and apparently neither could Calum. “How are you?” He asked. You could see confusion written all over Ashton’s face. “Are you one of the doctors?” He asked, and you watched Calum’s smile fall. “No… I’m Calum.” He said, running a hand through his hair and squeezing your hand tighter, fighting back tears. You looked back at Ashton’s mom and her lip quivered. “Amnesia,” she whispered. “He doesn’t remember anyone. He knows he’s in a band, but he doesn’t know who’s in it. He knows how to play drums still, but… he just doesn’t remember anything.” She explained. Calum lifted your hand with his to wipe away his tears as he turned to walk out of the room.


You had an aching sensation in your head as your vision cleared and you saw what looked like a hospital room. Next to you sat a boy with golden hair and hazel eyes, staring intently at you. “(Y/n)?” He asked, suddenly becoming alert. “Ashton?” You mumbled, not knowing how you knew his name. “I’m so sorry! I was so stupid, letting my clumsy girlfriend carry a box probably twice her weight.” He groaned. “Girlfriend?” You asked, and he looked at you in confusion. “Yeah…” he said. “I’m your girlfriend?” You asked in shock. He nodded, all happiness leaving his eyes. “How did that happen?” You asked in awe, looking over your gorgeous “boyfriend”. He chuckled a little before taking your hand. “I’ve asked myself that every day since we started dating. Why would a beautiful girl like you date a guy like me?” “Why wouldn’t I?” You asked, alarmed. “You’re gorgeous! Wait, you’re not a serial killer or anything… right?” You asked, panic flooding your head. He laughed. “No, I’m not quite that bad.” A nurse walked in holding a clipboard. “Amnesia,” she said in an affirming tone. “You’ll have to work with her to get her to remember, but it’s not permanent.” 


You had your head buried in your hands when you heard a mumble from the hospital bed in front of you. Your head shot up. “Luke?” You asked, holding your breath. He blinked rapidly, looking around. “Where am I?” He asked, gripping the sheets. Michael sat upright beside you. “You’re in the hospital, mate. You hit your head pretty hard.” He said, concern in his voice. “I hit my head?” He asked, looking over you. “Who are you?” He asked, his tone defensive. It hit you like a punch to the face. You tried to swallow the lump in your throat and stumbled over your words. “I-I’m (Y/n)…” You muttered. “She’s your girlfriend.” Calum added from the doorway. “No… I don’t have a girlfriend…” he said, looking at you. “But… you’re really pretty. Please don’t cry! What did I say? Did I say something wrong?” He asked, looking around at the boys for help. You attempted to wipe away your tears and you smiled a little. “I’m sorry I don’t remember you. I wish I did.” He said, his eyes truly sad. “Don’t worry, (y/n).” Michael whispered, rubbing your back. “We’ll get him to remember.” He said. “Hey Calum,” Luke whispered rather loudly. “Should I ask (y/n) on a date with me?” he asked, making you laugh. “I think that’s a smart idea, mate. Except, you should probably wait until you aren’t attacked to IVs.” Calum chuckled. 


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