Story Of My Life (Song Preference, His POV)

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Ashton: "She told me in the morning she don’t feel the same about us in her bones"

She looked up at me, a glint seen in her eyes. She looked worried, but there was something else that I could see in her eyes. She looked terrified of something, and she immediately looked away once she saw that I was looking back at her. There was definitely something wrong, and I needed to find out what that is. There was something she wasn’t telling me, and the both of us promised not to keep secrets from each other. I placed my large hands on her dainty ones, and she looked up at me almost immediately. “Y/N, is something wrong?” Her hand felt really cold for some reason, and she gently withdrew her hand from beneath mine. She flashed me a small smile, but I could see that it wasn’t a genuine smile at all. She was trying to mask something behind that smile, so I placed my warm hands on either side of her face, cupping her soft cheeks. “You can tell me anything, baby. No more secrets, remember?” I whispered, watching as a tear rolled down her beautiful face as she closed her eyes. She shakily placed her much smaller hands on top of mine as she let out a sharp breath. She took a moment before opening her eyes, fixing her gaze on me. There was something unreadable in her eyes, and I wanted to ask what it was, but then she spoke up. “I… don’t feel the same way I used to,” she says, barely louder than a whisper. In a flash, my world began to come crumbling down on me, and all the life from my body slowly began to drain away. I dropped my hands to my side and plopped down onto the couch behind us. I looked down, clearly shocked upon hearing her words. It was like I had nothing to live for, the one person who made me the happiest destroyed all my happiness and made my world crash down on me. I looked up at her with pleading eyes, holding on to her hand. “Please tell me you’re lying, please tell me it’s not true. Please take your words back, please Y/N,” I pleaded, the tears starting to blur my vision. There were tears streaming down her face as well, and she sobbed, pulling her hand away from my grip. “I’m so sorry, I loved you once Ash. I’ll always love you, but not the same way I used to,” she says as she placed a firm kiss on my head. “Be good, don’t ever forget me. You will move on, I just know it. But for now,” she looks up at me and gives a sad smile. “This is goodbye.” She says, before whipping around, racing out the door, leaving me in tears and brokenhearted.

Michael: ”The story of my life, I take her home. I drive all night to keep her warm and time is frozen”

I glanced at her from my peripheral vision and smiled slightly. She was singing at the top of her lungs to John Mayer on the radio, and she was dancing around as she did. She was absolutely perfect in every way, she was everything I ever hoped and dreamed of. She giggled as she leaned into her seat, taking my free hand that wasn’t on the wheel in hers. She kissed my knuckles, and I grinned at her, making her smile back at me. We have been driving around for the entire day, as a change of scenery because being cramped up inside that hotel room was really suffocating. A few hours later, and the blue sky was replaced with darkness, and the moon appeared in the night sky. Stars were also scattered in the evening sky, and I glanced up in the sky. I love the night time, it was just so beautiful here and being bathed in the twilight made me feel alive for some reason. The road was empty and we were probably the only ones outside now. Turning my head towards her, I smiled as I took in the scene in front of me. Her eyes were closed shut as she leaned her head onto the side. Her breathing was slow and steady, and I could hear soft snoring coming from her. Driving around must have tired her out a lot, she was usually full of energy and this made me pull over on the road side. I watched as her chest rose and fell in  a steady pace, and smiled as she stirred in her sleep. I began to stroke her hair and put a hand on her forehead, pressing a soft kiss against it. I withdrew from her for a little while to grab a blanket I had brought along from the back seat, and draped it onto her body. Her lips curled into a small smile when I pressed another kiss onto her forehead and I whispered, “Sweet dreams beautiful.” I smiled as I began to stroke her pink cheeks, trailing my fingers down onto her jaw and pressed a kiss onto her plump lips. Pulling away, I examined her up close - she had her flaws, as everyone but she was beautiful. She was absolutely beautiful, but she doesn’t even see it. During the entire time I stared, I was drawn to her absolute beauty and felt as time was frozen. Everything about this moment was perfect as I entwined our fingers together. “You’re so beautiful,” I muttered, pressing another kiss onto her soft lips. “Michael,” she mumbled in her sleep with a smile. “I love you.” she says and I said those words right back to her, restarting the engine.

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