Wanted (Song Preference)

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Ashton: "You know I’d fall apart without you, I don’t know how you do what you do"

He didn’t want to let go. You didn’t want to let go either. It was pretty obvious that neither of you wanted to let go of each other, not until they heard the familiar call for their flight. He had to pull away first and he gave you a sad smile, wiping away the tear that rolled down your cheek. “Don’t worry, Y/N. Three months will be over before you know it!” He grins, but you weren’t having any of that. You didn’t know how to spend three whole months without Ashton - your best friend, your other half, your boyfriend. Three whole months without him will be hard, and you knew you couldn’t last long without him. But you had to stay strong for him, so you gave him a firm nod and said, “Just make sure that you’ll call me every night, alright?” He leaned in and placed another kiss on my forehead, and said with a huge smile, “Of course,” Slowly, he separated from you and began to walk away. “I-I love you!” you called after him, and he turned around, but continued to walk towards the terminal. "I love you more, Y/N!" Once he had said those words back to you, he turned back around and you exhaled sharply. You knew that once the second week rolls around, you would crash and burn without him. He was your rock - he was the only source of happiness you had left in your life, and now he was leaving to follow his dreams. You didn’t know what exactly he does to make you feel better at the slightest touch, or how he made you happy by doing nothing at all. But you promised him you could get through three months without him, you had to learn how to stand on your own two feet. You had to stay strong, for him, and that’s exactly what you’re gonna try to do.

Michael: "And I wanna call you mine, wanna hold your hand forever"

You watched as he began strumming his guitar, and you began to scream as loud as you can. He looked up from his guitar and you two locked gazes. He shot you a flirtatious smile and a wink, before he walked over to Luke and Calum. Your felt the heat rise to your cheeks from his actions, and you screamed out your lungs. Michael Clifford winked at you! You began jumping up and down as Luke had started to sing the chorus to Out of My Limit, but you only kept watching Michael. Him, and only him. You were in love with a band member. You knew that you were in this shit too deep - you didn’t just idolize him, you actually fell in love with him. Your feelings for him were genuine and true, that it actually scared you. You knew it will hurt like hell if you fell for someone like him, but you couldn’t help it. You wanted so desperately to call him yours, and you wanted you to be his. You knew it was almost like an impossible dream, but you had that tiny spark of hope inside of you. That tiny spark kept you going, because you just fell so hard for a boy who didn’t know you existed, and is loved by teenagers from all around the world. You noticed him glancing over at you and he smirked, approaching you. You watched as he knelt down in front of you and continued to play the guitar, as if he was showing off. You smiled up at him and literally screamed, “I love you so much Michael!” in his face. He just nodded and grinned at you, leaving you alone once again. You knew he didn’t know the deeper meaning behind your words, but that didn’t matter right now. You just focused on him the entire show, all the while imagining how it would be like if you two really got together.

Calum: “As good as you make me feel, I wanna make you feel better. Better than your fairy tales, better than your best dreams”

You’ve always been a hopeless romantic kind of girl. You wanted your love story to be cliche and just romantic, like the ones you see in the movies. You wanted a kiss in the rain, you wanted someone to stop you from leaving in an airport, you wanted to have your own happily ever after. You wanted everything to be perfect, and you couldn’t believe your luck when you met Calum. Calum wasn’t like most of the boys, he actually put you first and treated you like a queen. He was so much better than the prince charming you’ve always wanted to have since you were a little kid, he was the person who made all your dreams come true. You want the sea but he’ll give you the world - that’s the kind of guy he is. He’s been giving you everything you want and more, but you feel like you aren’t giving it back to him. You don’t feel like you’ve been a fair girlfriend, so you decided to surprise him today. “Hey,” he says as he kisses your cheek. “Welcome back,” you giggled, looking up at him with a huge smile. “Cal, remember how you said you wanted a stuffed puppy to cuddle?” He nodded and scratched the back of his head, “I can’t believe you still remember that,” “Of course I do, I pay attention too, you know.” You laughed, “Umm, I sorta got your puppy but…” You sidestepped to reveal the basket of puppies on the couch and his eyes widened when he saw them. “Puppies!” He said, picking up one of the cute little puppies on the basket. “I wanted to surprise you, I think it’s about time I pay back everything you did for me.” He turned to look at you and smiled, “I don’t need you to pay me back, love. I just want to see you happy, is all. That’s the best thing you could ever give me,” before kissing you gently on the lips.

Luke: "You’re more than everything I need, you’re all I ever wanted"

You stared at him in disbelief, as he looked down at the carpeted floor sadly. You couldn’t believe what he was just saying, you must have heard him wrong. “W-wait, Lukey, you’re not serious right?” You asked, tears welling up in your eyes and your voice broke. He took a deep breath and let it out as he looked up at you with a serious expression, “I’m dead serious, Y/N. I want to break up,” he repeats. You couldn’t understand why he wanted to break up with you out of the blue. Your relationship with him isn’t on the rocks, in fact, you two kept telling each other how much you love each other every single hour. “I-is it me?” You asked, trying to blink back the tears stinging in your eyes. “No, it’s not you,” he replied, returning his gaze to the floor. “It’s me,” he continued, and you felt anger bubble up inside of you. You looked up at him in rage, “Bullshit Luke! That line is so overused! Now give me one good reason why you want to break up!” He didn’t reply for a couple of minutes. You then noticed his shoulders rise and fall, then you could hear sniffs and sobs coming from him. Your gaze softened as you realized he was crying. "That’s the thing, Y/N. It’s me, I don’t.. I just don’t think I’m good enough for you," he says, glancing up at you with teary eyes. Your heart broke at his statement and you slowly walked up to him, pulling into an embrace. “I wan-want you to find a guy b-better than me, Y/N, you deserve s-so much more,” he tries to say in between sobs. You silenced him with a soft kiss, pulling away with a small smile. “I don’t want anyone better, you’re more than everything I need, Luke. You’re all I’ve ever wanted and more, I don’t want anyone else but you. You’re the best thing that’s ever happened to me, Luke, I love you.” The smile returned to his face when you said that, and he immediately wiped his tears, “I’m so lucky to have you, Y/N.”


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