Your Little Daughter Has Her Fist BF In Preschool (Luke Imagine)

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I was on my way home from work when all of the sudden I got a call from Luke.  ”Hello” I answered a bit confused because we had just talked on the phone less than ten minutes ago.  “We have a problem” Luke said into the phone causing me to worry knowing he was supposed to pick up our daughter today from pre-school.  “What happened? Is Emily ok? Where are you?” I started asking questions like crazy scared that something happened to my baby.  “Emily’s fine, we just got home. The thing is Em told me she has a boyfriend, and she couldn’t stop talking about how this boy let her borrow his red crayon she needed, and how he kissed her check.” Luke said with what seemed was anger and panic in his voice.  Immediately after hearing this I started laughing and smiling at the thought of this mysterious boy who has seemed to have stolen my daughters heart because of a red crayon.  Luke hearing me laugh quickly responded “(y/n) don’t laugh, this is serious. I knew this day was gonna come but I didn’t think it was going to be when she was four! I mean this kid probably picks his own nose and eats his buggers!”  I chuckled hearing his voice getting worried with each word he said.  ”Luke their four, it’s nothing to be worried about. In fact when I pick Emily up tomorrow I’m going to try and snap a picture of the two.” I said knowing it would irritate Luke more.  “(y/n) no, you are not taking a photo of my precious little angel with a 3 ft. monster, I will not accept it.” He said completely and absolutely serious.  “Luke stop thinking and worrying about this, It’s just a tiny crush which at their age is adorable. Start worrying about boys when she’s older and wants to go to parties.” I said trying to get him to see that this was probably the most exiting thing happening in her life right now.  “Fine, fine but I swear if he hurts my baby I don’t care how old he is I am cutting off his tiny testicles” Luke said without any hesitation. I chuckled before replying “That’s illegal” before hanging up.


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