8 (Number Series)

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Ashton:               It was 8pm when it all happen.  At that moment the only thing that was going through your mind was worry.  Fear evident through yours and Ashton’s eyes as they searched wildly for each other.  Both of you so close yet so far away.  Both of you pushing through bodies, hand running through you hair in frustration, slowly feeling the anxiety creeping up on both of you. Gunshots are still being heard throughout the restaurant mixed wit the screams of people.  A hand grabs onto your forearm pushing towards them making you scream and start throwing punches like a mad woman butt person was too strong.  Colliding with the persons chest you instantly smelled the familiar cologne.   Looking up you quickly wrapped your arms around Ashton’s neck hugging him as if your life depended on it.  He rubbed your hair and whispered comforting words in your ear.  People pushed you two in hopes of getting out of there as fast as they could.

Michael:              You couldn’t believe this, the last 8 months
were a complete lie.  Feeling disgusted with yourself you quickly ran out of Michaels house, slamming the door while doing so.  Arriving to your car you heard the door open and Michael desperately calling your name, ignoring him you continue searching for your keys.  “(Y/L) please hear me out!” he said behind you clinging onto your left hand and turning you around to meet his eyes.  Instead of answering him you slapped him as hard as you could with the back of your hand , making him stumble back a bit.  “I deserved that” he muttered while rubbing his now red cheek.  Scoffing you turned around and finally found your keys, quickly opening your car and entering it.  Starting the car you were about to drive away when Michael got in and sat in the passenger seat.  You turned and looked at him directly in the eye and took a deep breath.  “Listen the bet was off-“ you held up your hand not wanting to hear anything else.  “Michael listen to me, don’t interrupt, just listen cause I’m not gonna repeat it again, I am not a person who can be taken advantage easily.  You somehow did that, I don’t know how but you did. For what? For Money and let me tell you something You will never be forgiven, ever, I don’t care how much you beg, I’m not coming back into your arms like nothing ever happened.  Us? We’re through.  I don’t deserve this, I’ve gon’ through so much shit that I’ve learned when to avoid stuff that are going to do harm in my life.  You Michael have been added to the list and I hope you actually feel like shit for doing this.  Now I want you to get out of my car and let me drive away because I’m sure both of us know I’m not gonna come crawling back to you.” By the time you finished your rant tears were streaming down both of your faces.  Muttering a last sorry Michael got out of the car and let you speed off.  You didn’t know how much money he go for dating you but  you knew one thing for sure, that was the last time you open up to someone so quickly.

Calum:                    “Just one more store, I swear” Calum said as he dragged you into yet another store.  When he first asked you to go shopping with him you thought nothing of it, boys don’t take a lot of time shopping right? Wrong.  Your boyfriend took twice the time a girl would take and that’s a lot to say.  He had already bought probably the entire mall and had about maybe 15 bags in his hand, but of course he insisted on entering another store, the eighth store you’ve gon into to be exact.  You understood he needed new clothes for the upcoming tour but you were pretty sure he didn’t need the closet of Paris Hilton or some shit.  He had about 10 new shirts, 7 new skinny jeans (that were too tight, but you didn’t mind) , and 2 new shoes along with countless of beanies and snapbacks.  Dragging you into this store he immediately went towards band tees, exclaiming that he needed more shirts.  At this point your feet hurt and you had a headache.  Whining towards him one more time in hopes of just going home and cuddle, he simply just said the now familiar words of “We’re leaving soon love, just give me 10 more minutes”. You sigh and kept following Calum knowing that this wasn’t the last store you were gonna buy in.

Luke:                     “8  kids???” You asked your eyes the size of bowling balls .  With a big smile Luke nodded his head like if what he just said was completely normal.  You and Luke had been married for about 2 years now and wanted to finally start your family.  Asking him how many kids he wanted to have he said 8, 8 kids, 8 kids you’d have to push out, 8.  “Lucas are you drunk?” you asked knowing he wasn’t.  He shook his head with a slight chuckle noticing your facial expressions. “Too many?” he asked with a shy look on his face.  “Waayyy too many Luke, I love you and everything but I don’t think I can handle 8 kids just, no” you said shacking your head at the thought.  8 kids, meaning 8 different birthday parties, 8 different occasions that you probably would have to go to the principles office, 8 kids going through puberty and having mood changes, you couldn’t do it just couldn’t.  Looking up at Luke you both started laughing at both of yours expressions.  “Alright, how many do you want to have?” He asked you with a smile.  “Um I’d like 2 maximum 3” You said confidently.  “Two or three kids, I can handle that, boy or girl?” he kept on asking.  “I’d like the boy first and then a girl but either way is perfect” You responded already picturing how everything would go.  “Alright so when do we start?” Luke said with a cheeky smirk and a raised eyebrow making you laugh.


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