What He Does To Make You Smile

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Ashton would make you laugh through his laugh - his laugh was one of the most contagious ones ever, and you’d end up laughing along with him about nothing at all. He’d then try to tickle you because he knew how ticklish you were, making all of your negative thoughts fade into the back of your mind, and he’ll make you forget all about your worries.


Whenever you’re feeling down, Michael would show you one of his fetus videos with the band. You thought he was just the cutest thing with his natural hair and incredibly long fringe, and his hair was just so fetus-y. Your favorite video was the One Thing chipmunk video he did with Calum, because you thought he was really silly in the video and it shows his inner dorkiness.


Calum would try to act all cute and precious when you’re feeling low. His pink lips would be stuck out, and he’d look into your eyes with those big, brown eyes and you would fall victim to his puppy dog look. You couldn’t resist his puppy dog look at all, and you would pull him into a kiss, with a huge smile on your face. He’d kiss you back, making you feel his love and he’d pull away saying, “There’s that smile.”


He knows exactly how to make you smile - and he’d do the deed by dancing in front of you. You knew he wasn’t the best dancer, plus the fact that he’s just an adorable awkward penguin makes him look even cuter, and funnier in your eyes. His awkward dance steps would make you roll on the floor, and he would give you a dimpled smile, knowing he accomplished his task and will pull you in for a cuddle to make you feel even better.


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