You're Best Friends

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Ashton: “No, Ashton!” You stuck your tongue out at the nineteen-year-old, and he pouted in return. “Come on, one last shot!” He says, but you shook your head. “No, seriously! We’ve been taking pictures for about three hours, and most of them were of you.” You were supposed to be adventuring with Ashton in New Zealand, but all you did was take pictures of him posing everywhere you went, and he wanted another picture right now. You sighed, no one’s a bigger white girl than Ashton Irwin. You spun on your heel and began to walk away, when you heard him shout, “Y/N, wait!” You picked up speed and ran away from him, although you knew that it won’t be of any use, because he was a boy. He was a boy with longer legs, and of course, like you thought, he caught up with you. He wrapped his muscular arms around your waist, stopping your movements. “Let me go, Irwin!” You screamed, as he quickly lifted you up and threw you over his shoulder in one swift motion. You began to yell thrash around, but he just wouldn’t let go. “That’s punishment for not taking my picture,” he sang, then proceeded to head to the next sight to see on the map.

Michael: “I think Squirtle’s better than Pikachu, to be honest,” you stuck your tongue out at Michael, who was busy playing his new Pokemon game on the Wii. He paused the game and turned to look at you with a dark look on his face. “You take that back,” he says, but you just stuck your tongue out at him. “Never!” He stood up and said, “Pikachu can beat the shit out of Squirtle anyday! Plus, the damn turtle’s weak to Pikachu’s lightning attacks, so take that!” You knew he was right, but you didn’t want to lose. You had to prove that your favorite Pokemon’s better than his, so you say, “Squirtle’s shell gives him extra protection, I don’t see Pikachu having a cool add-on.” He opened his mouth ro argue, but he closed it again and you smirked victoriously. “Ha-ha, I win, Michael Clifford!” You say, bouncing up and down. He just tackled you randomly, and you two fell on the bed. He started to tickle you and you squirmed under him, giggling like there was no tomorrow. You tried to push him off, but being a girl, you couldn’t win against a guy. “Just say Pikachu’s the best Pokemon,” he smirks, tickling you even harder. You burst out laughing and yelled out, “Okay, okay, Pikachu’s the best Pokemon ever!” He stopped and got off you, and you punched him on the arm playfully, rolling your eyes.

Calum: “Calum!” You slapped his knee and he glared at you, giving you that ‘what-the-hell’ face. You sent him a mischievous smile and gestured towards Luke, who was fast asleep on the sofa. He raised an eyebrow at you, clearly confused but you just rolled your eyes at him and stood up. Your eyes stop a black Sharpie sitting on the table and your lips curled into a smirk. You picked up the Sharpie, popped the cap off and made your way towards the sleeping blonde, and noticed Calum sitting up with a huge grin on his face. You began to scribble random stuff on Luke’s face like, “I suck” on his forehead and “Y/N is fab” on his cheek. You also began to draw a mustache, and a a few other doodles before ge began to stir. You pulled away, biting your lip and suppressing a laugh. Calum was doing the same, and when you returned to your spot next to him, he burst out laughing and pats your head, saying, “I taught you well.” You heard Luke groan behind you and you turned around to see him rubbing his eyes, and you struggled to keep the laughter in, but Calum laughed even harder when Luke made eye contact with him. “What are you laughing about?” Luke asked, as he stood up and turned around. “Calum, have you seen- Holy shit!” Ashton yelled, entering the room.

Luke: “No, that’s not right,” Luke says, fixing the placement of your fingers. You frowned, muttering an apology under your breath. He noticed the frown on your face and said, “It’s okay to make mistakes, Y/N. I used to make a lot when I was only learning to play,” You looked up at him and he wore that beautiful smile of his, which made you smile as well. “Okay, now strum,” he says, and you did as you were told. You saw him smile upon hearing the sound, and he grinned, “That’s it! That’s right, you’re so good!” Your best friend was trying to teach you to play guitar, because he was really interested in the idea of the two of you making a cover. You had an amazing voice, and when you two sang together, your voices would blend together perfectly and create the most beautiful sound ever. You smiled, “Just a little more,” He nodded, ruffling your hair. “Okay, why don’t we practice the first verse and chorus again?” You nodded, and he began to strum. “For a while, we pretended that we never have to end it, but we knew we’d have to say goodbye.” You smiled upon hearing his angelic voice and began to strum along with him. “You were crying at the airport when they finally close the plane door, I can barely hold it all inside.” You began to sing along with him with a huge smile, “Torn in two, and I know I shouldn’t tell you but I just can’t stop thinking of you, wherever you are. You, wherever you are. Every night I almost called you, just to say it always will be you… wherever you are,” He wore a huge smile which made his dimples show, and you giggled. “That was amazing!” He says, ruffling your hair.


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