You Have A Fight/Argument

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Luke: You didn’t think Luke would go to such extremes. He had no reason to end his life, unlike you. “Luke… You don’t have to do this. Just leave, I don’t want to see you get hurt” you said to break the silence. He didn’t reply. “Luke! Listen to me! You have so much to live for! You have your friends, family and fans who care about you so dearly! You can’t let them down…”. He lifted his head and kept firm eye contact, “I know that…but you see I let the one person I truly love down; you. This is the only way I can repay you”. You were speechless, how could Luke even think like this. You looked at the large clock in the train station; only a few minutes till everything would end. Luke held your hand so tight that it went numb. You could see the numerous amount of tears rolling down his cheek. You were more scared for Luke, than you were for yourself. You could see the train coming, so you stood up; still holding Luke’s hand. Now the train was only a couple of metres away, “Jump in 3, 2, 1!” you slightly yelled in fear. *this is where you can change to the sad ending if you want* The moment you left the ground you were pulled back. You didn’t land on the bottom of the train tracks, but in the chest of your boyfriend. “I told you this was the only way I could repay you…(Y/N) I would never let you do that. You mean too much to me, I can’t let you go that easy” he said as he hugged you tight while you cried into his shoulder.

Sad ending Luke: You both jumped, but you didn’t end up on the tracks; Luke did. He had pushed you back onto the platform so you wouldn’t get hurt. “Luke! Luke! No! Luke are you okay!? Luke!!!!” you sobbed loudly. Once the train passed, you say Luke’s dead body. Blood everywhere and bones not in the right places. You were mortified. Other witnesses came to help the boy, but it was too late. He risked his life for you, like he said he would. 

Ashton: This time you weren’t going to let him go that easy, so you ran after him. You grabbed his wrist making him stop walking. “(Y/N) please go! I may hurt you! I told you I’ve changed! I got angry at you just because you told me to play softer!” he exclaimed. “Ash, that doesn’t matter..I’m not angry or upset with you. Just can we talk about this?” you said in calm tone. Ashton didn’t say anything, he just walked away. “You can’t keep running away Ashton! It doesn’t work like that! You hurt me more when you say nothing at all!” you said a little too loudly. He punched the wall in frustration, “You don’t get it, (Y/N)! You are making it so hard for me to start a new beginning. You see basically the whole world told me I should disappear because I’ve fallen in love with you! And I’m criticised by everyone, they say that I’m not good enough for you and that you deserve better! It’s true, you do! I’m just a drummer who is helplessly fallen in love with a beautiful woman”. You didn’t know what to say so you just kissed him. “Don’t you ever let anyone tell you that you are not good enough. I love you and I could not ask for a more perfect boyfriend.” 

Calum: he pulled you away from Dylan sharply and took you back to your shared apartment without saying a word. When you got back his face was still red with anger. “Just because I kissed a girl, doesn’t mean you can go off and flirt with some random guy! For gods sake! First you say you don’t love me and then you go off and flirt with the first guy you see!” he yelled out of anger. “I still love you cal…it’s just at the time I was so annoyed and hurt from your actions, but in reality what you did was not too bad. It was just one kiss. Also Dylan and I had like a 3 minute conversation so there was nothing going on!” you explained to your very furious boyfriend. “Oh really?! It didn’t look like nothing to me! It looked like he was going for a kiss!” Calum yelled. “Then you know how I feel when I saw that picture of you and that bimbo…” you mumbled. He paused, now seeing your point of view clearly. “I’m sorry (Y/N)..I’m such a bad boyfriend..” he said with his head towards the ground. You lifted up his head, “You’re a great boyfriend” you said in between kisses.

Michael: You walked slowly towards Michael, feeling a little uneasy about this whole scenario so far. Once you got to him he didn’t say a thing. “What the hell Michael?! I’ve been looking for you! Where have you been?!”. “Getting ready of course…” he said in a posh accent. For some reason you became aggravated by his silly games he was playing with you, “No listen to me Clifford, I waited for you to finish those stupid games of yours! I got so bored of waiting that I went into town and you didn’t even notice I was gone for at least 3 hours. Yes, I did bump into an old friend, but nothing ever happened. I can’t believe you didn’t trust me!” you yelled. He said nothing and just got on one knee. You were very confused by his actions. “(Y/N) I told you I would take you somewhere special. I also knew that you couldn’t wait, so I made you wait. I wasn’t actually angry at you, I just acted like it so I could get this suit from the dry cleaners because you know how they are and- …Anyways, I love you (Y/N) and I guess what I was trying to get at was…will you marry me?”he looked up at you with a goofy smile. You jumped into his arms hugging him tight, “Yes! Yes! Yes!”


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