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"Michael, where did my money go?" You asked, searching around for the glass jar you kept most of your money in. "I don't know, check your purse." Michael said, not looking up from the T.V. "I could have sworn..." You muttered a few curse words. You had been saving up your money so you and your friends could go to a concert out of town. "Was it in a glass jar?" He asked after a while. You looked over at him. "Yeah, why?" "Well, the guys and I wanted to buy something really cool for Ashton's birthday and I remembered it was sitting there for a really long time and it hadn't been used so I just took it and figured I'd replace it later." He said nonchalantly. "You what? Michael, I was saving that money up for a concert! It's next month! There's no way I'll be able to get enough money by then!" You yelled at him, furious that he hadn't even thought to ask before he took it. "It's no big deal, I'm sure they'll come around again." Michael paused his game, setting down his controller. "Bands don't just come around here, Michael! This is the first time in years they've come remotely close to here! How could you be so stupid?" Michael looked taken aback. "Well, pardon me. I know that the boys think you're too smart for me, but I didn't think you did, too." He huffed. You rolled your eyes. "Michael, don't make this worse than it already is. Sometimes you act like such a baby and I'm sick and tired of it." You growled. "You know what, just shut up, okay? Just go to your freaking concert and stay away awhile, would you?" "I would gladly! Except that you stole my money!" You screamed, marching towards the door. You waited a while, your hand on the doorknob, for him to say something, anything. Nothing came. You should have known better anyways. You fight was so stupid, but both of you were way too proud to admit you were wrong.


"Oh, who's this?" You asked, sitting down on the couch next to Calum and a girl you'd never seen before. "This is Lucy," Calum informed you. Lucy. You'd heard of her. She and Calum had a little history together. Nothing major, but still, you couldn't help but feel a little jealous. "Nice to meet you," You said, smiling. "You too," She grinned back. She seemed nice, so you really didn't want to be jealous of her. You decided that this wasn't really good for you, so you decided to retreat upstairs and wait for her to leave. You waited for about two and a half hours, scrolling through Twitter and Tumblr, answering questions and reblogging things. You decided that you'd waited long enough and went downstairs. You didn't see Lucy or Calum on the couch, so you made yourself a pizza and sat down on the couch. You were just starting a show when the timer for your pizza went off. You stood up and turned, only to be greeted by the sight of a flustered looking Calum with an undone belt buckle and Lucy walking out of the house, her head hung low. You drew your eyebrows together in confusion. "Did you just..." You asked, using an accusing tone. He just lowered his head guiltily and redid his belt buckle. You drew in a deep breath, took your pizza out of the oven, and walked upstairs. Calum followed you as you packed your stuff. "It wasn't as bad as it looked." He said, his voice barely above a whisper. "Really, Calum, then what was it? Just a friendly goodbye?" You snapped, throwing random clothes into your duffel bag. "Yes! Well, I don't know! One minute I was saying goodbye and hugging her, and the next she was kissing me. I didn't know what was going on until..." He explained. You nodded. "But you let her kiss you anyways?" You asked. "I-" He started, but realized he couldn't explain it. "That's what I thought," you scoffed, throwing you bag over your shoulder. "I thought you were different." "I am! It won't happen again! It wasn't supposed to happen at all!" He sounded desperate. You couldn't bring yourself to look at him. "My mom told me that cheating is never acceptable, no matter how long you've been with the person. Goodbye, Calum."


"Are you ever going to spend time with me anymore?" You sighed, speaking to Ashton on the phone. "Probably not for a few months, at the least. With recording for the new album, scheduling venues, and writing new songs, I just don't have much free time anymore," Ashton sighed as you switched the phone to your other ear. "Not exactly what every girl wants to hear," You groaned sarcastically. "I know, and I'm sorry. Oh, Alex is here. I've got to go." You were greeted by the dial tone, a sound you had grown all to familiar with. Not even an "I love you". You thought, hanging up. You were sick and tired of Ashton not giving you the time of day. Some people may think you sounded selfish, but this had been going on for at least a good month, at least. You didn't want to wait for him anymore. Picking up a pen, you scrawled a note onto a piece of paper.

Ashton- I don't know what happened to us. I remember when we first started dating. We were so carefree, so happy with each other. So in love. Now we hardly talk. We never say "I love you" or kiss each other goodnight. I wouldn't even remember what your laugh sounded like if it weren't for those keeks you're always filming. I didn't want things to happen this way. I'll always love you. Maybe just not like before. Goodbye.

You placed the note on the counter, along with the pen and your promise ring he had given to you for your anniversary. Not even bothering to gather your stuff, you walked out the door, unsure if you were going to regret this later.


The waitress winked at Luke, who smiled up at her, and strutted away as if she were on a runway. "God, is this ever going to end?" You complained. "Wha-?" Luke asked, looking away from the backside of the waitress. "These girls keep flirting with you!" "It's not my fault I'm so attractive," Luke joked. "Yeah, but you don't have to stare at them and grin like an idiot." You replied. "Don't overreact, (y/n)." He warned, and you cracked a smile. "I just hate girls staring at my boyfriend like he's a piece of meat, that's all." You shrugged as the waitress came back with a bill. "I hope you and your sister had a great meal." She beamed. "We did," Luke replied, smiling up at her. She looked scarily like Mila Kunis. "I left my number there for you. Call me sometime." She gave another flirtatious wink and dragged her hand down his arm before walking away. You stared at him in disbelief. "Your sister?" You asked, a bit frustrated. "Well, she just had me kind of..." he sighed, looking off to where she disappeared. This was so unlike Luke. He was usually so attentive and sweet. "She's really hot," Luke pointed out. "And she's got a nice bum," he muttered under his breath, thinking you couldn't hear him. "Yeah, I know. A nice rack, too." You rolled your eyes, standing up. "You should call her tonight, seeing as we're about to take a break." You lifted your purse over your shoulder. "I don't know what had gotten into you lately, but you aren't acting like the sweet, funny, and charming Luke Hemmings I fell in love with anymore." You said sadly. "That's because he was always made fun of. He never got the girls." He replied. "You had me," You pointed out. He remained silent, realizing his mistakes. "It's a shame. I really liked the old Luke a hell of a lot better." You shook your head, a tear rolling down your cheek.


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