I've Got This Friend (Song Preference)

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Ashton: "Can I have a minute? I’ve gotta tell you something. I heard that someone likes you, and I know nothing but he’s right in front of you"

Wasn’t this cliche? The boy was in love with the girl, but the boy is too much of a chicken to tell her how she felt. Why? They were best friends. Of course, he didn’t want to ruin their friendship, but you might not know, they might end up together. There’s only about one percent of that happening, since she sees every other boy in the world except me. We’ve been best friends for years, and she’s never seen me as anything more than just a brother. I wanted to tell her how I felt about her, but I just couldn’t, I was too scared. I was scared how she would react. I don’t know if she feels something for me, and I don’t want her to find out about my feelings for her. She might leave me if I do, and I never want to lose her. I can’t be without her, I just couldn’t. But I need to tell her how I feel soon, because never would be too late. “That looks pretty good,” she says, scrolling through this pictures on her instagram. I took a place next to her and took a deep breath, watching her profile closely. She looked so gorgeous upclose, I don’t even know why she doesn’t see what I see. Yeah, she’s flawed, but I don’t give a fuck. She’s perfect to me, and I love each and every one of her flaws. She glanced up at me when she noticed me looking and asked, “What?” I withdrew my gaze from her and shook my head, “U-um, did you know someone likes you?” I started, trying to find a way to tell her how much I love her. She quickly looks up from her phone and looks at me with a shocked and embarrassed look on her face. She tucked a loose strand of her behind her ear with a shy smile, “R-really? Who?” I bit my lip, and took a deep breath. Now or never, I thought. “I know nothing, but I know he’s right in front of you,” her eyes widened, and she looked down, then mumbled something under her breath. I didn’t catch what she said, so I wanted to ask her to repeat it, but instead, she stood up and ran out the room. A tear rolled down my cheek as soon as she ran, and I put my head in my hands, letting the tears wash away the pain in my chest. It was then that I realized that I had just made the biggest mistake of my life.

Michael: "He’s got nice eyes, don’t look back cuz’ he’s looking. I think you know him, but you just don’t know that he’s right in front of you"

"I heard someone likes you," I began, and she almost spit out her coffee. She coughs, and tried to regain her composure, while I chuckled under my breath. "Fucking hell, Mike, don’t say things like that out of the blue, you scared me!" She said, taking another sip of her coffee. I looked up at her with a quirked eyebrow, saying, "I’m serious, I heard someone really likes you." Her lips curled into a huge smile, and she looked like she had just won a lottery. Yeah, it was true that someone really likes her. In fact, he even loves her so much that he’d be willing to do anything just to be with her. What she doesn’t know though, is that boy is the same boy who’s just right in front of her. Yes, the boy I mean was me all along. But I can’t just tell her that, you know how it might go. There are only two outcomes if I ever tell her - she might love me back, or she might not. There’s a fifty-fifty chance of her feeling the same way, but at the same time, there’s a fifty-fifty chance of her feeling the same way about me. But I don’t want to tell her that yet, I’m not ready, plus I don’t want her to feel awkward just because she knows I’m in love with her. "Oh yeah? Who?" she was grinning by now and she looked extremely happy knowing that someone likes her. If you actually looked closely too, you could see a light pink blush on her cheeks and I smiled at how adorable she looked. "I think you know him, he’s got nice eyes." I smirked and she tried to look back, but I said, "No, don’t look back! He’s looking!" in a hushed whisper. She immediately turned back to me and she flushed, so she put her hands on her cheeks. "I-is he from any of my classes?" she asked, peering into my eyes. Yes, I’m in each and every one of your classes. We’ve been together since year seven, and I know you like the back of my hand. I’m in love with you and all your little things, don’t kill me for making a 1D reference in this because I wanted to, and I love you so fucking much, why can’t you even see that I’m right in front of you? Deep breath. "I think so?" I pretended to scratch the back of my head and she blushed even harder. If only she knew that the person I’m taking about is the exact same person who told her about this /boy/. This boy is just right in front of her, and she doesn’t even know.

Calum: “I have to tell you something, he plays the bass guitar. He thinks you’d like him better, if I had him covered and he’s right in front of you”

"So, Cal, tell me more about this friend of yours who has this crush on meeeee," she sang with a huge smile on her face. I looked up, meeting her beautiful eyes and her bright smile. She looked a lot like a little kid who was waiting for a bedtime story, and she was the most adorable thing I’ve ever laid my eyes on. I put a finger on my chin, pulling a thinking look before saying, "I heard he’s in a band," I smirked, watching as her lips curled into a smile. I’ve been dropping hints as to who her secret admirer was for three weeks now. She hasn’t caught on yet, but the secret admirer is actually just me. I’m the one who leaves her little messages in her locker, I just change my handwriting. I’m the one who leaves chocolate in her bag. I’m the one who leaves post-its on her things, containing sweet one-liners that make her squeal. I want to reveal my identity to her, but I’m afraid of the consequences once I do. Would she stop talking to me? Would she hate me? Would she love me back? I’m not sure what the future holds and I’m scared of what it could hold. I want to keep the present like so, which meant that I had to hide my identity as Y/N’s secret admirer. "I love boys in bands," she grinned. If she likes band members so much, why doesn’t she ever see me as anything more than just a friend? I play the bass in my band for fuck’s sake! Yeah, she’d go to our gigs and show her support here and there, but seriously, why doesn’t she ever tell me that she likes boys in bands in general? I fall into the category for fuck’s sake! I ran a hand through my hair, trying to hide the frustration. I took a deep breath before I say, "He plays the bass guitar," I smiled. "And he thinks you’d like him better if I had him covered, so." I added and her smile grew even wider. "Tell him to meet me in the gymnasium after school, I’d love to meet him!" She says with a smile. Oh shit. Should I go and meet her? I know how she’ll grow upset if she gets stood up by her secret admirer, I mean who doesn’t get upset when they get stood up? Well, that means I have to meet her this afternoon and face the music - I had to tell her. "He’ll be there."

Luke"Cuz’ I’ve been that friend who can’t breathe without you, I’ve been that friend who can’t live without you, I’ve been that friend who wants to be with you, I’ve been that friend who wants to be near you. Cuz’ I’ve been that friend and I wish I could see, how this would end if you knew it was me?"

"Luke, I have something to tell you!" She yells as she runs up to me. The corner of my lips tugged to form a half-smile, and she grinned at me. "What is it?" I asked her, and she pulled something out from her pocket. "I just got this from this friend of yours the other day," she says, holding up the electric guitar necklace. I watched as her eyes twinkled upon looking up at the beautiful piece of jewellry and I couldn’t help but crack a smile as well. She looked so adorable, like a little kid who just received a present for Christmas. "It looks pretty good," I say and she giggled. "Tell him I said thanks, oh, and could you maybe put this on me, Luke?" She handed me the necklace and she turned around, gathering her hair in her hand and getting it out of the way. I put the necklace on her neck and locked it. She turned back around with a huge grin on her face, admiring the piece of silver resting on her chest. I couldn’t help falling in love with someone as wonderful as her. I told her a month ago about this friend of mine crushing on her, and ever since then, this friend has been sending her gifts everyday and even writing some sweet letters to her every once in a while. But the thing about this is that she thinks that this friend of mine is the one leaving all of these stuff for her, but in reality, it’s only just me. I asked Calum to help me with my brilliant plans, and he agreed. But it isn’t gonna take her long to find out that it’s me all along, no secrets could be kept forever. She’s gonna find out eventually, I’m just gonna have to be ready for that day. Later that day, I met Calum at Panda Express so I could talk to him about my latest surprise for her, it was going to be legit. "Luke," he starts, looking up at me. "This has been going on for way too long, aren’t you gonna tell her?" I dropped my gaze and found my hands a lot more interesting than Calum at the moment. I’ve been in love with her for years, and Calum’s been pressuring me to tell her how I feel. He says it’s better if I tell her now before it’s too late. "I-I want to tell her, b-but.." "But what?" He asked, raising an eyebrow. "I don’t know how," I frowned, looking up at him. "Just… tell her how you feel. It’ll become easy from there." I raked my hand through my hair and said, "Oh yeah, it’s that easy. Hey, Y/N, I’ve been in love with you for years now. I’m sorry I never told you before, I was just too scared and I really hope you feel the same way. P.S, I was the one leaving all those gifts and notes in your locker and-" "What?" I froze when I heard her voice. She walked up to me and she had her eyebrows furrowed, "What did you just say, Luke?"


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