He Has A Nightmare

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You woke up to Michael tossing and turning on the ground next to you. The two of you had thought it would be fun to build a fort and spend the night in it. Unfortunately, neither of you fell asleep until close to 3:30 in the morning, and Michael had to get up rather early that same day. "Michael? Are you leaving already?" You asked groggily. "No!" He shouted, sounding pained. "Alright, alright, I just thought that... Mike?" You said, turning to face him. He was writhing in pain, groaning and screaming out. You sat upright and shook his shoulders. "Michael!" You yelled. You spotted a few stray tears on his face as he collapsed, feeling almost lifeless in your arms. In fact, you would have presumed him dead, if not for the heavy rise and fall of his chest. "Michael," You said, softly this time. He slowly opened his eyes, which had dark circles under them. "Oh my God, oh my God, I love you. I love you so much. God, you don't even know." He sat upright, holding you close to him. You relaxed into his chest. "I was really worried. You kept screaming and you sounded just awful," You mumbled, wrapping your arms around him. "I'm safe... I'm okay now. It's okay..." he told you, kissing your head.


Ashton had gone upstairs early to catch some sleep after a very long day at the studio. "They're always at that studio," You mumbled to yourself, picking your favorite movie, She's All That, off of Netflix and settling down with a mug of tea and a blanket. You were wide awake, even though it was nearing 2:00 a.m. You could have sworn you heard a thud from upstairs, but you chose to ignore it, because when they investigated strange noises in horror movies, they almost always died. You were just at your favorite part, when the main character gets her complete make-over, when you saw a figure out of the corner of your eye. You jumped a little, but when you fully turned your head, you realized it was Ashton. His fear-stricken eyes and tear stained face made you rush over to him and hold him tightly. "What happened? Are you okay?" You looked him up and down. "Are you hurt? Please tell me no one's threatening you, Ashton." He just bit his lip, as if talking would induce crying. You led him over to the couch slowly and pulled the blanket over the two of you. "Hey, look at me." You said, taking his hand in both of yours. "I-I had a nightmare," he whispered. "About... a-about..." he started to cry again, and you leaned into him, letting him hold onto you for dear life. "It's okay... it wasn't real. You're okay..."


"(Y/N), Mali!" Calum shouted from the white hospital bed. He thrashed back and forth, his heart monitor beginning to increase it's beeping sounds rapidly. "Calum?" You sat upright, worry lacing your words. You looked over at the rest of his bandmates, who looked just as worried as you felt. He was panting, and gave out an occasional yell. "Michael, Ashton!" He shouted even louder, grasping the sheets for dear life. "Luke!" His last scream was loud enough to make your heart hurt. You could almost feel his pain. You grabbed his hand. "Calum! Calum, wake up!" You urged, squeezing his hand tightly. His eyes snapped open as he looked around wildly. "What... but... I thought you... you were dead." His voice cracked and his eyes flooded with tears. He saw the other boys. "And... and you..." he whimpered, looking back at you. You placed your free hand on the side of his face, abesentmindedly rubbing your thumb over his cheek. "Did I die, too?" he asked you weakly. You shook your head and smiled sadly. "No. You... you were in a car accident, Calum. You've been in a coma for weeks." He looked over at you with a relieved expression. "You're alive... you're... you're all alive." He sighed, closing his eyes, still holding your hand. "Never leave me... any of you..."


You had stayed up late to finish your book, the last in its series. You were on on the last few pages when you heard Luke grunt in pain. You looked over at him, his expression unreadable. You looked over at his clock. 1:46 a.m. 16 pages left. You turned back to your book, eager to find out how the author would end the book when Luke cried out. "Are they... there?" he panted, turning to face the wall opposite you. "Luke?" You asked, folding the corner of the page of your book and closing it. "No, they're... not... not dead..." his voice grew weaker as he curled up into a ball. He looked fragile, and vulnerable. You'd only seen him like this a few times before, when he was conscious. His next cry was muffled by the sheets, but it made you yourself tear up. You didn't want to see him like this ever again. "Luke!" You shouted, grabbing his arm. He gasped and sat up, looking over at you. His expression read anger and fear, shortly followed by shock and relief. "I can't believe it. You're here. I thought I'd lost you for sure..." he hugged you as tight as he possibly could. He looked up at you, his face stained with tears. "Oh my God..." he whispered, burying his face into your neck, his shoulders shaking violently.


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