He Teaches You To Play An Instrument

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You entered the garage, smiling as you were greeted with the sight of the boys rehearsing Eighteen for the tour. They all turned to look at you as they continued to play, and Luke managed a little wave while the rest nodded at you in acknowledgement. “She’s got me waiting in a queue for a bar I can’t get into, I’m not old enough for you, I’m just waiting till I’m eighteen. I’m so sick of waiting till I’m…” Luke turned to Ashton with a smile, “Eighteen!” Calum did a little jump as he strummed the last chord, and the boys finally finished the song. They were all sweaty, which made you bit your lip a little - although you were best friends with all of them, they were all still very attractive, and sweaty band members were like a gift from the heavens above. “I call a twenty minute break!” Calum says, running out the room as the three other boys followed. You should your head, plopping down onto the nearby couch. You could hear there yells and laughter from the other room and you sighed, looking around the garage. It was just your typical lounge of some sort, and of course, the drum kits and guitars in the middle of the room. Your eyes landed on the drum kit and you smirked, looking to check if the coast was clear. You made your way to the drum kit, sitting down on the stool before grabbing the drumsticks Ashton left nearby. You bit your lip as you began to bang on the drums randomly - you’ve always wanted to try drumming because it looks really easy, but you frowned as you couldn’t get the beat right. “Here, it goes like this,” You jumped when you heard Ashton’s voice right behind you. You hit him on the chest playfully and your cheeks heated up, and you shook your head to shake it off. “You fucking scared me,” you muttered, and he gave out that adorable giggle of his. “Sorry, but do you want me to teach you how to drum?” He asked, as you looked up at him. You furrowed your brows slightly, “U-um, sure?” He took your arms and began to guide you, banging the drums gently, and you smiled, “It’s all about the beat. You have to remember the beat or else it’ll all fall apart,” he explains. You nodded, trying to process what he’s saying into your head, “So I guess the beat’s like this?” You tried to drum the beat for Try Hard, but failed and sighed. “I guess I’m not really made to drum,” you chuckled, handing the drumsticks back to him. He pats your head, planting a kiss on your forehead, “Don’t worry love, you did great. Really,” he reassures you and you smiled, feeling your heartbeat race as he did. You heard the loud laughter of the three other boys, and you plopped yourself back on the couch as they continued their rehearsal, leaving you to wonder if you have feelings for a certain drummer or not.


 You watched him intently, focusing on his fingers rather than his face, and gasped at how fast his fingers moved. You literally could not believe how skilled he was in playing the guitar, he must have been playing for a long time now, judging from how fast his fingers moved. Once he finished the song, he smiled at you, putting the guitar down. “Was that good?” He asked, and Luke nodded with a huge grin. You were with Michael and Luke in the studio, and they were tracking guitar for their album today. It was one of those electric guitars, and you came because you were interested in how they did things here in the studio. “Okay Luke, it’s your turn, we need to record your solo this time,” one of the studio people said, and Luke gave him a firm nod. He patted your shoulder and stood up, entering the booth and you fixed your gaze onto Michael. “Hey, do that again, I really like to watch you play,” You tell him, and he picked the guitar back up, positioning his fingers with a smirk. He began to play the intro to Heartbreak Girl, but then he stopped midway, looking up at you instead. “Hey, why don’t I just teach you?” He says, and your eyes widened. You shook your head at him, but he just rolled his eyes at you, placing the guitar in your hands. He got behind you and placed your fingers in the correct places to play the chord. “Strum,” he instructed, and you tried to, and it ended up horribly. “How do you strum?” You asked with a pout, and he demonstrated by strumming the strings, and you shot him a look. “I really can’t play Michael,” you told him, but he shook his head at you. “Come on, don’t give up now, you can do it,” he replies, making you frown a little bit. You tried again, and again, and again, yet you still couldn’t get it right and so you began to tear up out of frustration. “I’m so fucking terrible at this stuff, I can’t even get it right, I’m such a failure, I’m a piece of shit who cant do anything right!” you sniffed, the tears beginning to make it’s way down your cheek. He put the guitar away and wiped the tears away with his thumb, shushing you. “I’m sorry I forced you to do that, it’s just that I wanted to teach you. You’re perfect alright, and you are not a failure. I’m sorry,” he says, pressing a kiss onto your cheek. “You’re perfect, you are not a piece of shit. You can’t get it right the first time babe, don’t feel bad. You’re perfect,” he whispers, making you smile a little, lifting your spirits.


You smiled as you watched your four boys play up on the stage. They were having their soundcheck for their show tonight, and of course, being their best friend had it’s perks - you could get into them immediately. Calum looked down at you as he sang, a huge smile plastered onto his tan face. You bit your lip when you caught sight of his tattoo peeking from under his shirt, your cheeks flushing as well. Although you were best friends with all of them, you had a crush on the Kiwi one, and he doesn’t know about it at all. They finished one song, which was Try Hard and you averted your gaze when you saw the glistening sweat on their foreheads. They’ve been here for like an hour now, and the show doesn’t start until eight, which meant they still had three hours. “Can we take a break? I think I need to pee,” Michael groans as he hurriedly ran backstage, leaving the rest of his bandmates on stage. You heard Luke sigh, and Ashton giggled as he ran a hand through his hair. “I’m gonna drink water,” Luke says as he shoots Ashton a nod, and Ashton also decided to come along with him, leaving Calum all alone on the stage. He was strumming mindlessly on his bass guitar, and you shouted at him, “Hey Cal, aren’t you gonna join them backstage?” He turned to look at you and his eyes crinkled as he smiled - one of the little things about him that you loved so much. “Nah, I’m staying here,” he says, as he watched you ascend the stage. You smiled, your eyes fixed onto the bass guitar, “Hey, can I try that? I’ve always wanted to try playing the bass,” His eyebrows shot up and he gave you a smile, before handing the guitar to you. You began to strum on the strings, but groaned when you remembered that the chords to the guitar and the bass guitar were completely different, making Calum chuckle. “No, come here,” he says, and fixes the placement of your fingers. “I-is this the right one?” You asked, biting your lip as you fixed your fingers once again, check if you placed it on the right ones. You looked up at Calum, only for him to catch your lips with his. It took about a few seconds for it to register, and you found yourself kissing back, cupping his cheek with your hand. He pulled away with a smile, “You look so cute. But yeah, that’s the right one.”


He wrote down something onto the piece of paper, and when he finished, he played around with a few chords, trying to find a nice one. You tucked a loose strand of hair behind your ear as you watched him. He had a flawless profile, and you sighed, still not sure if he actually exists, because someone as flawless as him couldn’t possibly exist. Sometimes you still have to pinch yourself to see if he’s real, and thank god, he actually is. He then looks up and gives me that sweet smile, which made my heart go into overdrive, “What are you looking at?” He asked, and you shook your head slightly. “I was just watching you play, you’re pretty good at what you do, you know,” you replied, shifting positions. “Pretty good at what?” He asked once again, strumming a little bit as he looks down at the guitar. He bites his lip in concentration and you could feel the heat rise to your face, how does he do these strange things to your heart, it’s not fair. “That, I mean, playing the guitar. How many years have you been playing that anyways?” You asked curiously, tilting your head to the side as he stopped strumming, and turned to look at you with a small smile. “I think about four years now,” he says, furrowing his eyebrows as if he wasn’t sure. “Is playing the guitar hard?” You asked, because you have never really tried to play the guitar before, and you were never really interested in learning. “Do you want me to teach you?” He asked, but before you could say no, he was already behind you, positioning the guitar on your lap, and placing your fingers correctly. “So this is a C chord,” he says, and you looked behind you to see him smiling at you, teeth showing, which made you blush a little. “Now strum it like this,” he demonstrates by strumming on the strings, and you bit your lip, trying to mimic what he just did. You gasped when you tried to strum, “Oh my god, that sounded really nice,” you commented with a smile. But you noticed that pressing onto the strings actually hurt, so you withdrew your fingers with a frown. “It kinda hurts though,” you pouted, and he took your hand with a smile, kissing the slightly calloused fingers gently. “It hurts at first, but you get used to it,” he murmurs as he kisses your fingers. He then smirks and dips his head, claiming your lips with his.

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