Your Relationship Was A Bet

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Luke: You had gotten the day off, so you decided to surprise Luke at the studio today. You knew he was busy and didn’t want to interrupt anything, so you quietly made your way inside. As you were about to walk in, you overheard him and the others mention you. You froze, waiting for them to speak. “I don’t know guys. I’m starting to fall for her.” You heard Luke admit. You smiled to yourself but frowned instantly when you heard Calum chime in, “Luke she was just a bet! You weren’t supposed to actually fall for her! The goal was for her to fall for you!” This, in turn, earned a few chuckles from Ashton and Michael. Devastated, you let the tears fall freely onto your cheeks, before making yourself seen. “Y/N.” you heard Luke gasp. You held up your hand in attempt to stop him from trying to comfort you. “I was just a bet? How could you do this to me?” “I—I’m sorry Y/N. I…” “Save your apologies for someone who cares, Luke. You let me believe that you liked me for the past 5 months. How could you? Even after I told you how I’d been hurt before? I knew I shouldn’t have trusted you. I’m so stupid.”

Michael: “You know he’s just playing you right?” a girl, who looked to be a fan, judging by her 5sos t-shirt mumbled in your ear. You glanced over at her, giving her a questionable look, obviously confused to what she was talking about. “You are so clueless, you know that right?” “About what?” you asked, wondering what on earth she could be talking about. “Your boyfriend is just playing you. You were just a bet. You think you’re so special because you’re the fan he chose to be with, but you’re not.” “And how would you know this?” you asked, a bit nervous and hurt that she would make this accusation. She smirked, “I overheard him talking to Ashton about it. You’re just the joke of the fandom. I really hope you know that.” You nodded, walking back over to Michael’s side, as he was now finished signing autographs and taking pictures for the afternoon. You held his hand as you two walked back inside the hotel, getting onto the elevator. “Can I ask you something?” a hint of nervousness in your voice. “Yeah, what’s up?” You sighed, “Was I just some bet? Are you playing me?” “Y/N….” “No. Don’t Y/N me. I’m serious Michael. Are you just messing with me? Is this relationship a joke to you?” You watched as a tear suddenly fell upon his cheek. “Yes and no. I’m so sorry. I never thought you’d find out like this…”

Ashton: Calum and Ashton had made a bet about 3 months ago, regarding your relationship. Funny enough, Ashton was your best friend and decided to have you in on the bet to mess with Calum. So, on your 3 month anniversary, you and and Ashton were extremely lovey dovey and once you made an excuse to leave the room, Calum mentioned the bet,  “You do realize that the bet is over right? You don’t have to stay with her.” Ashton shrugged, “I kinda fell for her though.” Before anything else could be said, you ran into the room, like planned and yelled, “How dare you! You made me think you actually cared! I thought you were different but I guess I was wrong!” You then followed your statement with fresh tears falling freely and a hard, angry slap across his face.

Calum: “Michael, what do I do? I took it way too far and I actually fell for him. This wasn’t meant to happen.” You and your cousin Michael made this stupid bet about getting Calum to fall for you; but, you were actually the one to fall for him. “I don’t know. You’re the one who got yourself into this mess. Fix it.” Michael replied nonchalantly. You gave him a glare, “I can’t just fix it, Michael.” “Fix what Y/N?” You heard a voice ask. You turned around to find Calum leaning against the door frame. You were lost for words. He sighed and shook his head, his heart now shattered, “I heard everything.” “Everything?” You questioned. He nodded. “I heard everything and I just can’t believe that you could be so heartless.”


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