Your Parents Don't Like Him But He Impresses Them

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Ashton: Your parents didn’t approve of the fact that you were dating a musician. Your father has lectured you about this for at least ten times now, but you loved Ashton too much to let him go. You didn’t understand why they didn’t like him, though, so you decided to ask you father about it. “Why don’t you like him, dad?” You asked your father and he furrowed his eyebrows. “I get that Ashton is a really nice boy, but the fact that he’s always touring around bugs me, princess. He meets lots of girls everyday, and who knows if he’s cheating on you with any of them? I just don’t trust him enough. Prove to me that he could stay faithful to you, and then I’ll give him my blessing.” You didn’t know how to prove to your father that your boyfriend was faithful, unless some elaborate scheme was involved in this, but you loved Ashton so much that you were willing to partake in an elaborate plan. You paid one of your girl friends to seduce Ashton while your father watched. You didn’t know for sure if the plan was going work, but you trusted Ashton enough. You hid behind some bushes and watched as your friend approached Ashton, and slung her arms around his. He looked at her with a smile and she whispered something in his ear. You glanced at your father who was glaring daggers at Ashton and crossed your fingers. You reverted your attention back to Ashton and your friend. You watched as Ashton tensed up and he gently pried your friend’s fingers off his arm. He smiles at her and pats her head, before she nodded and walks away sadly. You turned to your father and he had a huge smile on his face. He turned to you and said, “I want him over tomorrow night, I’m gonna have a talk with him.”

Michael: “This is your boyfriend?” Your mother asked, eyebrows furrowing upon seeing a picture of you and Michael on your phone. He was kissing your cheek and you were shooting a wink at the camera while you flashed your pearly whites, you two looked absolutely adorable. “Yes,” You replied with a grin, and watched as she continued to look through the photos of you two together. “He looks like a bad boy,” She says in monotone. You tensed up, knowing she only uses that tone when she disapproves of something, and you can tell it’s because of Michael. Michael may look pretty badass sometimes, but what would give her the impression of him being a badboy? The dude’s got pink hair, for fuck’s sakes. “Mom, he just looks like one but he isn’t one.” You say, as-a-matter-of-factly. She rolled her eyes at you and says, “I want to see for myself then. I want you to invite him over for dinner tonight, seven o clock sharp.” You did as you were told, explaining to Michael the reason for the sudden invite. “Don’t worry babe, I’ll win her over just like I won you over,” he wraps his arm around you with a wink. “Michael, you’re here.” Mom appears from the kitchen and squints at Michael who shoots a sweet smile at her. “Good evening, Mrs. Y/L/N! I’m your daughter’s boyfriend-” “I know that, I just called you Michael, didn’t I?” She scoffs and gestures for us to get into the dining room. You shoot him an apologetic look as you pulled him to the dining room. You had Michael sit beside you, which was rather unfortunate for him because it was directly in front of your mother. You were going to sit down when he stood up and pulled the chair back for you. He grinned and said, “Let me.” You looked up at him and returned the smile he was giving you, and sat down in your seat. You had started to eat when your mother brought up his hair color, and he smiled. “I dyed my hair for breast cancer awareness month, ma’am.” You watched as your mother’s lips twitched into a geniune smile, “Oh, I see. That’s pretty sweet, Michael. And what about your band? Tell me about your band,” You grinned as you watched them engage into a casual conversation and you knew almost immediately that your mother was impressed by how selfless he actually was. You intertwined your fingers in his under the table, as you laughed along to your mother when he told a joke. He glanced towards you and flashed his beautiful pearly whites at you, mouthing, “I love you.”

Calum: “Tell me about your boyfriend, honey.” You heard your mum say, and your face lit up at the mention of Calum. “Oh, his name’s Calum Hood. He’s seventeen, like 6’2”, he’s Kiwi and really cute. And he’s the bassist of his band-” “Wait, he’s in a band?” Your mother turned to you, eyebrows furrowed. You nodded slowly, “Y-yeah, he’s in a band.” She put the knife down and pulled her apron off, then she took a seat next to you. “Is that what he wants to do with his life? Just play in his band? What if his music career doesn’t work out then? Does he have plans for the future?” You looked down, biting your lip because you knew your mother wouldn’t like how Calum wanted to be a rockstar. You love Calum, and support his decision to become a rockstar and you’re watching him live his dream right in front of your eyes. But your mom didn’t think being a rockstar was a stable job, and she clearly dislikes Calum. “Mom, please-” “I want to talk to him, call him up right now.” You sighed, shaking your head as you pulled your phone out. There was no use arguing with your mother, and you know Calum could win mom over if he talked to her. You dialed Calum’s number and handed it to your mother, then she started to talk after a few rings. She heads outside to talk to him and you groaned in frustration, knowing you couldn’t hear what they were talking about. But by the looks of things, Calum was doing pretty good at winning your mother over, because you could see a hint of a smile on her pink lips. You watched in amusement as your mother burst into a fit of giggles, and the crinkles by her eyes made an appearance - something that you haven’t seen in a while. She nods and says a few words before she hangs up, and she returns to the kitchen. You greeted her with a huge grin on her face and asked, “Well mum?” She grinned and said, “You didn’t tell me he did soccer too. Well, he’s a pretty sweet kid and he really seems to like you. I’m sorry I judged him so quickly sweetie, but I approve of him.” She kissed the top of my head and handed my phone back to him. “Oh, he’s got a cute little bum too.” She winked and you flushed, remembering how Calum changed your wallpaper to a picture of him showing his ass off for fun, but you were too lazy to change it. “Mom!” You quickly hid your crimson face and shook your head at your laughing mother.

Luke: “Is it true that your boyfriend dropped out of school, Y/N?” You looked up to see your father staring down at you with a stern look on his face. You pulled on the hem of your sweater, biting your lip as you nodded slowly. “Well yeah, he had to drop out of school to pursue his music career.” He took a deep breath and then exhaled sharply, “I’d like to meet your boyfriend as soon as possible, Y/N. Maybe you could invite him to dinner tonight? I want to talk to him,” He says. You nodded and called Luke up, telling him about your father’s invite and he says he’ll go. He arrived later that night and you greeted him with a warm hug and a smile, “Luke,” you breathed in to his chest. “Hey babe,” he says, as he kisses the top of your head. You hear someone clearing their throat from behind you, causing you to separate from your boyfriend. “Good evening sir,” Luke smiles at your father and he just nodded. He gestured him to take a seat on the couch, and he did as he was told. Your father narrowed his eyes into slits as he watched Luke shuffle around uncomfortably in his seat under his gaze. You cleared your throat and your father lifted his gaze. “So, I heard you’re in a band Lucas?” Luke nodded and you could feel him growing nervous, so you just squeezed his hand for reassurance. “So you chose your band instead of finishing your studies?” He asked as he crossed his arms. “Actually sir, I also study while I’m on tour. My mum wants me homeschooled so I still receive tutoring even while we tour.” Your father’s eyes softened once Luke mentioned the homeschooling and his lips form a smile. “You still do schooling while on tour? I’m impressed,” he says as he stood up patting Luke’s shoulder. “Since you still do schooling, I’ll let you date my daughter. After all, it’s a good idea to have a backup plan when your music career doesn’t work out.”


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