Long Distance Relationship

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You woke up to your phone ringing and glanced at the clock - 3:16AM - and answered the phone not bothering to check the caller id. 
"Hello?" you asked sleepily into the phone, an arm draped over your eyes.
"Calum? Hey! What’re you-" you were about to ask him what he was doing up so late before remembering he was in a completely different time zone. "What’s up?"
"I know it’s late for you, but I have to tell you something, and I couldn’t wait all night," you could practically hear him smiling over the phone. 
"We’re going on tour!" Calum said excitedly.
You smiled, “Calum, that’s awesome! I’m so proud of you!” you spoke sincerely.
"That’s not it. (Y/n), we’re coming to (your city)."
You sat up immediately. “What?” you asked, not sure you heard him correctly.
"Babe, I’m gonna get to see you!" 
Your end of the line was silent, you weren’t even sure you were breathing. Finally, you got out a quiet “oh my god,” before bursting into full of happy tears.
Neither of you could speak, you both just laughed out of pure happiness. 
"I love you, (y/n)."
"I love you too."

He answered within the first couple of rings, his video instantly started loading next to yours.
"(Y/n)!" he grinned.
You gave him a sad smile, “hey Luke.”
Luke’s smile faded, “babe, what’s wrong?”
Your lip started to tremble, and you closed your eyes to keep the tears in.
"(Y/n)? (Y/n), talk to me," his voice full of concern.
You opened your eyes, vision blurry. “Luke… y-you know I love you, right?”
"Of course! And I love you!" he responded.
A tear rolled down your cheek, “and- and I want the best for you, I want you to be happy, and-and that’s why I can’t do this anymore,” you took a deep breath. “Luke, we can’t do this anymore.”
"What?" he asked, trying to comprehend your statement in his mind.
"We-we have to break up," your eyes started to rain, tears chasing after each other one by one.
"(Y/n)…" Luke started, his eyes wide and watery.
You cut him off, “no, Luke. It’s-it’s for the best. You deserve someone who you can hold and kiss and take on dates and who will be there with you and can talk to you at normal times, and no matter how much I wish I could do that, I can’t,” your voice cracked and wavered, not sounding promising at all. “It’s for the best… the best…. I promise..” you repeated, more to convince yourself than him.
"(Y/n), please…"
"I’m so sorry-"
"(Y/n), we can make this work. You’re the only one I want, I love you. I don’t care about the other things," Luke had pools in his eyes.
"I wish…" you gave him a tiny smile through your tears. "Who knows, maybe someday when we’re older we’ll actually live on the same continent and get married," a short laugh, "but that’s not today. I just want the best for you. I love you so so much, don’t ever forget that."
"No, (y/n)…"
"Goodbye Luke."
You ended the call and shut your computer before your lips had the chance to betray you and let any more words leave your mouth. I’m so sorry. I love you. I didn’t mean it. Please don’t let me leave you. The words taunted you throughout the night until all your tears were shed and you could finally get some sleep.

You held Michael’s unoccupied hand, the other one trailing a suitcase behind him.
You made it to the gate in silence- the farthest you were allowed to go. The two of you came to a stop, unspoken words hovering over your heads.
Neither of you could think of anything to say, so Michael just took you in his arms, holding you as close and tightly as he could.
"I don’t want you to go," you whispered, just loud enough for him to hear.
"I don’t either," he responded, rubbing circles in your back.
You drew away and rubbed your itchy eyes. “I wish you could’ve stayed longer…”
"Me too."
You looked into each others eyes, letting the background noise of the airport drown your silence.
You heard an announcement ring over the speakers, announcing some flights that were now boarding.
You looked at Michael with sad eyes and brought yourself back to his chest, not wanting to ever let go.
"I love you, (Y/n)," Michael said, pulling back so he could look into your eyes. "I’m so glad I could come in the first place, and I wish I didn’t have to leave," he licked his lips and you nodded. "I’ll be back as soon as I can, and I promise to call you the second I land, okay?"

You gave him a small smile, then stood on your tippy toes to kiss him, your arms wrapped around his neck. 
"I love you," you said, giving Michael one last peck before he had to take off.

"This is the kitchen…" you said, pointing your phone in every direction as you watched Ashton’s reactions on the screen. It wasn’t much, but facetime sure did make talking to your boyfriend a little easier.
After Ashton made remarks like “that’s a beautiful sink,” “those dishes are so clean!” and “I love the flooring,” you walked over to the living room.
"And finally, this is the room that I waste too much time of my life in," you said, explaining just how comfortable to couch was, and how addicting netflix could be. 
Ashton laughed as you told him random stories, whatever you could think of that popped in your head.
"And that is my house," you said, finalizing the tour with a ‘ta da!’
"I love it," Ashton said, smiling.
"It’s really quite boring, actually," you replied, smiling back at him, your camera in front view now. 
"But it’s yours, and that makes it perfect."
You rolled your eyes but laughed, “so when do I get the grand tour of your house?”
Ashton bit his lip and smirked, “soon. Sooner than you would think…” the boy rummaged through his desk until he pulled out a paper, beaming, as he held it to the camera. “I was gonna wait to tell you, but…” you squinted, trying to make out the small print,” I bought you a ticket. I’m flying you out to see me. In 2 months,” the boy grinned while your mouth hung open, speechless.
"You - I - 2 - oh my god!"
He laughed and nodded happily, “I just couldn’t wait any longer. I need to see you.”
Your cheeks hurt from smiling so much. You wanted nothing more than to hug and kiss him, but that would have to be saved for later. “I love you so much, Ashton!” you said, blowing him a kiss and him pretending to catch it.


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