He Scares You

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Luke: “Finally some peace,” you mumbled to yourself as you sat on the couch and flipped on the TV. It had been an extremely long day at school, and as much as you loved Luke you were in no mood to hear his bandmates have their daily unofficial band practice at your shared apartment today. You’d walked in to an unusual silence lingering in the corners of the apartment usually filled by drum beats, guitar strums, and vocal notes. You had no clue as to why there was no one home and, in all honesty, you didn’t care. Especially not on a day as stressful as this one, you thought to yourself as you picked up the remote. Ten minutes after channel surfing you put your feet up on the couch and settled for a random show about ducks and rednecks, leaning back on the armrest behind you slowly. As soon as you did so, a pair of arms suddenly wrapped around your torso and picked you up off the couch, causing you to scream louder than you ever thought possible. One of the stranger’s hands moved to cover your eyes and you were being only held up by one arm, which would’ve worried you greatly if you weren’t convinced you were going to die already. You were still screaming and struggling and kicking the body behind you when you felt a pair of lips move close to your ear and whisper slowly, “Boo.” Your brain registered the familiar voice and you finally stopped moving and groaned. “Fuck you Luke that wasn’t funny and I hate you,” you told him, genuine venom laced in your words as he laid you back on the couch to your original position. He climbed on top of you and smiled down at you, causing you to have to fight back the usual urge to poke his dimples. “You don’t hate me,” he said lowly while you looked to your right to avoid his gaze, “In fact, you’re going to love me more than ever right now.” You scoffed, “Sorry but nothing makes up for you leading me believe that I was going to be murdered in my own home by some random stranger about one minute ago,” you said, still annoyed. “Not even if I told you that the boys aren’t coming today and we have the whole afternoon to ourselves?” Luke said above you with an amused tone. You finally looked up and met his shining blue eyes. “Really!?” you asked excitedly, your smile growing slowly. “Yes, really,” Luke said with a smirk as he kissed your nose. “Then I forgive you for scaring me you psychotic bastard,” you giggled under him, poking his dimple. “I was hoping you would,” he said smiling before he gently placed his lips on yours. Sinking down next to you, he moved your body on top of his where you would stay cuddled against his chest for the rest of the day.

Calum: “I can’t do this anymore,” you said burying your face into Calum’s chest as he continued to rake his nails up and down your back softly. Calum thought it would be a great idea to watch Saw IV with you, since he knew you’d be scared to death the whole time. “Y/N, this movie isn’t even scary, stop being a baby,” Calum said looking down at you with a soft smile. “Shut up Cal you’re only doing this so I’ll cuddle with you,” you grumbled into his shirt, causing him to laugh lightly. You hated gory movies, and you hadn’t looked at the TV screen once since the film had started. Suddenly, the movie made a horrendous chainsaw noise and you covered your ears, pushing your body even closer to Calum’s and wrapping your arms around him. You kept up your light groans and whimpers as the film continued and you’d made it through about half of the movie when Calum started pulling your arms off him. “Where are you going?” you said, desperately holding on to his NASA shirt. “Relax, I’m just gonna make some popcorn, you’ll be fine,” Calum said amusedly when he finally got free of your hold. “Okay,” you mumbled sitting up, “Just hurry back!” you said as he walked away. Calum smiled to himself and walked to the kitchen, leaving you alone to squeal in fear every time the movie would make a loud noise. Five minutes had passed and Calum still wasn’t back yet, and you were about to get up to go find him when you heard the clatter of a plastic bowl hit the floor. You jumped at the noise and were going to stand up when a pair of hands poked your sides suddenly, causing you to scream loudly. “FUCK!” you yelled as you pushed the hands away from you when Calum started laughing. You flopped face down on the couch so Calum wouldn’t see how scared you were and hid your face in your hands. “Move over, Y/N,” Calum said, still giggling, as he walked over to your side of the couch. “No fuck you,” you said, still not moving. You heard Calum shuffling and then your head was picked up and placed in his lap as he sat, causing you to turn over and stare up at him. “I hate you,” you said punching his stomach lightly. He laughed and looked down at you, “I mess with you because I love you,” Cal said putting the popcorn on the floor and kissing you sweetly. “Now for the best part,” he said as he pulled away with a smile on his face, “She’s about to get her arm cut off!” he exclaimed with a cheer. You groaned and hid your face in his shirt again, feeling his body shake lightly as he laughed at you, and the familiar feeling of his fingers beginning to trace random shapes on your back returned.

Michael: You were sitting with your legs crossed in front of the TV with an Xbox controller in your hand. “Alright, blue portal there and I’ll put an orange one here and then-“ Michael was saying. “-Then I jump off the building to gain speed and fly across,” you said as you continued playing the game. “Yes exactly, you’re so smart Y/N,” Michael said with an amused tone next to you. “Thanks, I try to keep my IQ higher than a potato’s just to impress you,” you told him sarcastically, causing him to laugh. It was almost a daily routine, both of you dedicating at least one hour to video games before he had to leave to the studio. You’d both barely finished the level and were beginning to be insulted by the machine from the game when Michael’s phone rang. He took it out of his pocket and glanced at it before he stood up. “It’s Ashton, I’ll be right back,” he said as he went to the kitchen. You stretched your legs out from their current position and leaned back on your hands, relaxing your muscles for a bit. Only three minutes had passed and you felt that if you continued staring at the paused screen any longer you would spontaneously combust. “Mikeeeey, come back I miss you,” you whined loudly just as he walked back in the room and sat down next to you quietly. You looked him over and noticed something was off by the way he was sitting so straight. “Michael,” you said turning to him, “What’s wrong? What did Ashton want?” you asked with concern in your voice. His eyes met yours and you realized they were filled with worry. He took one of your hands in his and stared at it before speaking. “He… he said we have to head back to America tomorrow for an urgent recording meeting, I’m so sorry Y/N I’m so so so sorry,” he said looking up at you. You felt the color drain from your face as you froze. No, no, no, no this couldn’t be happening, he wasn’t leaving you so soon, he wasn’t he wasn’t. You were still staring at the floor in shock when you felt Michael giggle quietly next to you. Your face changed as you stood to your feet. “Piss off Michael,” you said before he completely lost it and fell into a classic Michael Clifford laughing fit, his eyes scrunching, his cheeks turning a bright pink color, and his loud laughter bouncing off the walls. You went to walk away but his arms grabbed you firmly and pulled you into his arms. “He wanted to know what color shirt I was wearing so we could all match at band prac today,” he said calmly, letting some giggles slip from his lips. “You’re a monster,” you said into his chest as you punched his leg. Michael was still trying to control his laughter. “I’m your monster,” he giggled into your hair with a smile, “and I’m not going anywhere,” he said placing a kiss to your forehead and hugging you even tighter.

Ashton: “Jesus you look like you’re about to die,” you told Ashton as he continued to grumble incoherently facedown into his pillow case. You stood at the side of his bed as the early sun shone through the window and made his shirtless back almost radiate the sunlight that stained his tan muscles. He’d called you up a couple of minutes ago telling you he was sick and needed someone to take care of him, even though you knew he just wanted you to be there so you could cuddle him. “So exactly what do you need, sickly boy?” you asked grabbing his sides and flipping him over. Ashton looked, well, sick. His hazel eyes didn’t shine like they always did, and he looked like a stranger without a smile on his face. “I feel like shit and I have bad news also,” Ash mumbled, petting the side of the bed next to him. Without hesitation, you climbed up on the bed with him and felt his arm drape behind your back so he was holding you close to him and rested his forehead against yours. “What is it, Ash?” you asked with concern, pushing his hair away from his eyes. “I’m pregnant,” he said as his eyelids began to slowly close. A small smile escaped your lips, at least he wasn’t sick enough to be his usual self. “Go to sleep dummy,” you said as you kissed his cheek. His eyes were completely closed now and you could feel his heartbeat against your chest. “Did I scare you?” he whispered, half asleep. “Yes, you did,” you said. “You’re an idiot,” you added as you placed your head on his chest, “But you’re my idiot and I love you so.” you mumbled quietly to yourself. Somewhere in a foreign land of dreams, Ashton heard the words and smiled in his slumber, unconsciously hugging you tighter in his sleep and sighing contently.


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