You're An Artist

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“Whatcha drawing?” Luke asked, hovering over your shoulder trying to get a peek at your sketchbook.
“Nothing,” you say, covering the page from his sight.
“Aw c’mon, let me see!” Luke pouts.
“It’s not very good. I’m probably going to throw it out anyways…”
“Pleeeease let me see it?” he pleads, giving you puppy eyes.
You sigh and hand over the drawing. Luke took it in his hands and stared at it for a few seconds before breaking out into a grin.
“Is that us?” he smiles.
You blush and laugh out of embarrassment, “yah…”
Luke laughs and kisses your forehead, just like in your drawing. “I love it.”


You sat across from Michael, sketchbook and pencil in hand. Every time you looked up, Michael was there observing you with wonder, and you would shake your head amusingly as you got back to your drawing. The both of you sat in concentration as you perfected your portraits of each other.
Finally, you both dropped your pencils.
“You first,” Michael said, clutching the paper to his chest.
You put the drawing in front of you for him to see.
“Okay, that’s just not fair,” he laughs as he hands over his drawing to you.
You grin, “this is beautiful. I think I might need to take some lessons from you!”
Michael grins back at you, “definitely. I charge one kiss for one lesson, and judging by your technique, you’re going to need a lot of lessons.”


“Hey Ash?”
“Yeah?” Ashton replies.
“Would you do me a huge favor?” you ask.
“Of course, what do you need?”
You bit your lip, “well for my art class, I have to do a study on the human body, and I was wondering if you could model for me?”
Ashton laughed, “I can try, but only for you.”
You smile gratefully “you’re the best. Okay… So I’m going to need you to stand right here…” Ashton follows your hand and moves where you’re pointing. “Great, okay now you’re going to need to take your clothes off…”
Ashton stopped making funny poses so he could gape at you, “take my clothes off? Like all of them?”
You press your lips together in effort to hold in a laugh. “Did I forget to mention? It’s a nude study.”
“I think you left out that detail, yes,” he replied, still looking bewildered. “Aren’t there other guys for this kind of stuff?”
You raised an eyebrow, “would you rather I have another guy pose for me?”
Ashton sighed, “you cannot tell ANYONE about this,” and you nod with a smirk. “I guess this is what I get for dating an artist,” he mumbles, as he begins to strip.


“Can I try?”
You looked up from your painting to see your boyfriend, Calum, admiring your work. Raising an eyebrow at him, you set out another canvas on the opposite side of the table and gave him a few paintbrushes. “Knock yourself out,” you said, laughing.
As you continued to work on your piece, you watched Calum painting feverishly. When you tried to look over, he would block you from seeing his masterpiece.
“Not yet!” He’d say every time you glanced over, and you’d just shake your head and focus back on your project.
Finally, Calum held up his piece to himself to admire it. With a nod of satisfaction, he turned it around for you to see.
“Finished!” he exclaimed, grinning proudly.
“Is that me?” you questioned.
Calum gave you an excited nod, “What do you think?”
You smiled widely at your boyfriend and his painting. “It’s perfect.” 


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