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Luke: Goodbyes were always the hardest part, it didn’t matter who was leaving because the two of you both always had tears streaking down your cheeks. They weren’t heavy, body-wracking sobs, they were silent tears as you held one another close, arms wrapped around each other, wanting to absorb the other completely so you would never have to be apart. Whispers of “don’t go” were echoed repeatedly, even though you both knew that it wasn’t an option; that you had to leave and return to your lives. You always whispered back and forth as a reminder the silver lining of your distance; that seeing one another again will be so much sweeter after so much time apart. Even though neither of you buy it completely, it is enough to get both of you to smile and try to make the best of your time apart.

Calum: No matter how hard you tried, no matter how many times you could unpack his shirts while he packed for tour, you know there was no delaying the inevitable. Going to the airport was the hardest part for you, but after a lot of convincing, a lot of tears, and a lot of kisses, you agree to go and see him off. The drive there is one you dread more than anything because it always goes entirely too fast. No matter how many jokes he makes and no matter how many times he brings your knuckles to his lips, you can’t shake the sadness enveloping you at the thought of him leaving for months on end. When the airport comes into view, you notice the sadness creeping across his face as well and know that for his sake you need to force yourself to be happy, to push away the sadness. He shouldn’t feel guilty about living his dream, and that was one thing you never wanted him to feel.

Michael: Neither one of you were really criers, but when it came to you leaving while he finished the tour, both of you were fighting back the tears with everything you had. Being in public at the airport seemed to help, but the seconds he pulls you into his arms, the walls begin to crumble and your tears slowly begin to fall. Both of you admit how unfair it is that fate continues to keep you apart, but you neither one want to ask the other to give up what they love. While you both cry silently, your heart swells with pride to know that he’s off doing what he loves the most and that no matter how much you will miss him, you would never ask him to choose. Much like he would never ask you to choose between him and your job, it wasn’t right, it wasn’t fair, and as much as you loved one another, you knew neither of you could ever be that selfish.

Ashton: Every time you tell yourself it’s going to get easier; that seeing him leave is going to be fine this time. However, every time you stand there, forced to tell him goodbye, you can’t help but realize just how much harder it continues to get. The thoughts of him meeting someone else had never gone away; it didn’t matter how many times he told you there could never, under any circumstances, ever be anyone else, you always came back to that worry. That was nothing in comparison to the emptiness you could already feel creeping into you though as you bury your face in his chest, holding him close as you can. He says nothing aloud for he knows his voice is too shaky because he is too close to tears and you hate to see him cry. So instead he holds you close, pressing soft kisses to your head slowly as you take deep breaths, trying to breathe him in enough to get you through the next few agonizing weeks without him.


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