You're BFFs And You Like Him But He Doesn't Feel The Same Way (Part 2)

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Calum :You were now lying on your bed, your face covered with your pillow. Your mother found you in the same position you were when Calum left you. She helped you to go to your bed, she knew that you didn’t want to talk about it. You were getting so tired of crying and began to fall asleep but you heard something. You sat up on your bed and heard another knock sound. You were analysing your room and saw a familiar face at the window. You sighed and get up, grabbing your sweatshirt and boots. You opened the window and sat on your house’s roof, next to Calum. It always have been your thing; everytime you two had a fight or was in a bad mood, you just sat on your house’s roof, just the two of you. You didn’t have the courage to look at him in the eyes, so you looked at the sky, not saying a word. You felt Calum’s hand on yours and you finally turned to him.
" - I don’t wanna lose you y/n. You’re too important for me, I cannot imagine my life without you. And yeah, that’s selfish but I want you in my life. So yeah, I was thinking that maybe… Maybe we could give it a try. See what happens and if it didn’t work we could be friends again and if it did, well, that’ll be cool, he said in one shot, his eyes on you, trying to see your reaction. During his speech, you looked down your feet, twisting your hands, but at the end, you looked at him in the eyes.
- You’re sure you wanna try this? You murmured 
- Yeah, I’m totally sure, he replied. “
He smiled back at you and you blushed.
" - I guess that we’re a couple now, Calum laughed shyly.
- Yeah I guess we are, you repeated, smiling and looking at the stars. “
You were trying to understand what happened to you in the past few hours and you finally understood that it wasn’t a bad day after all when Calum grabbed your chin and slowly turned your face to him and pressed his lips to yours.

Ashton - his p.o.v : " - So, what happened with y/n ? I thought she would be happy to spend one more hour with you, Michael asked me when I went back to them.
- Well, she was on the phone with her friend and she told her that erm… that she didn’t told me about her feelings yet, I replied, scratching the back of my head. The boys just looked at each other sadly.
- We thought that you had noticed, Calum finally mumbled.
- What? You knew? You knew and you didn’t tell me? I yelled at him
- We all knew Ash, it was pretty obvious, but we promised to y/n that we weren’t gonna tell you until she did, Luke cut me off. Seriously, when you said that you had a girlfriend, we thought that you wanted to make her jalous.. “
I laughed ironically and walked away from them, 
Was it that obvious? I must have been really blind not to see that my best friend was in love with me… Or maybe I didn’t want to know? Y/n had always been my friends, and I don’t think I wanna change that.. But now, that all depends on her, if she still wanted me in her life…

Luke - his p.o.v : " - Hey Luke, are you okay? The girl next to me asked me.
- Yeah, yeah, I’m fine, I mumbled. “ 
That have been two days that I found out that y/n had feelings for me. I was in the cinema with my date but I just didn’t feel at ease. At all. She smiled at me, trying to catch my hand in hers. And at that moment, I just knew.
your p.o.v 
You were in your house, all by yourself. Your parents decided to have a romantic weekend and that you were older enough to stay alone. A normal teenage girl would have call all her friends to do a party or something, but you weren’t in the mood. You sat on your couch, in front of The Notebook with some Ben&Jerry’s ice cream. You were crying over Ryan Gosling’s beauty when you heard a knock on your door. You paused the movie, wiping away your tears and went to your door. You slowly opened it to see a nervous Luke and when he saw you, he just grabbed your waist, pulling you closer to him. You opened your mouth in shock and he took advantages of it, and kissed you. Before you knew, you were lying on the couch. When the two of you were out of breath, he just helped you sat.
" - Y/n. I’m in love with you. I’m such an idiot. I just didn’t know I was until now. I was out with this girl and I just … knew. He dropped. Please, say something.
- I just… wow, you giggled as he went red. You know that I love you too right? “ 
His face lights up and he kissed you, again and again. 

Michael : " - Ohh, cursed be you Tequila, you mumbled, as you woke up. "
You made your way to the bathroom to take a shower, trying to remember what happened the day before.
" - Oh my god. I told him. Oh my god, you yelled as you run out of the shower, tying your hair in a messy bun, taking a sweartshirt and a pair of jeans. You pulled your shoes on and ran outside, Michael was living in the same neighborhood and you made your way to his house as fast as you can. Luckily for you, he was in his yard.
" - Hey y/n, how do you feel, he smirked.
- Michael, I’m so sorry I told you this, I - “
You were cut off by his lips pressed against yours. You were kinda shocked by the act but something catched your attention. He stepped back and looked at you, frowning.
" - wow… That was… he began
- So weird, you finished, as the two of you began to laugh.
- I think we know each other too well for that, Michael said to you.
- Actually I think that too. I thought I will feel something but yeah, I felt nothing during the kiss.
- Heyy! Are you implying that I’m not a good kisser? He punched you in the arm as you laugh. 
- Okay, now let’s have some hangover breakfast, he smiled, pulling his arm on your shoulders, pushing you towards his house door. “ 

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