Bad Dreams (Song Preference)

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Ashton: ”It started out just harmless fun, now you’ve got me thinking you’re the one”

You didn’t think that it would be like this - it all started out as harmless fun. You remembered that day very clearly, you were sitting on a bench one fine summer day. It was a fairly beautiful day, the sun was beating down on you, but you didn’t care. You loved the sunlight so much and you smiled when it made contact with your skin. “Hey,” You looked up and smiled when you see one of your friends, Ashton grinning at you. You patted the seat next to you, scooting over to allow some space for the curly-haired blonde. He sat down next to you and sighed, “It’s such a beautiful day!” You agreed, pulling out your earphones and plugging it in your iPod. “Hey, umm,” He started, and you looked up from your iPod to his beautiful hazel colored eyes. “I was thinking, would you like to go on a date today? I was really bored, and I have absolutely nothing to do,” He smiles, his deep dimples popping out as he did. You raised an eyebrow at him, giggling at his choice of words, “So you mean you’re asking me out because you’re bored?” He put a finger on his chin, as if to think, and he bit his lip with a nod. “I guess, but now that you mention it, it sounds really wrong in a way. I just think you’re awesome and all, Y/N. I’m thinking this could be a casual thing, you know, two friends having fun but you consider it a date. Nothing romantic, of course, I’m not looking for a relationship right now and-” You laughed, pressing a finger onto his pink lips in an attempt to shut him up. “I get it, I get it. Alright, let’s do this then?” You stood up, holding your hand out at Ashton, who giggled and accepted, entwining his long fingers with yours. That was the start of everything, and basically, you enjoyed each other’s company since then. You’ve been going out on “dates” with him almost everyday, and you two would continue to talk even after the date, making you two grow closer than ever. And now, here you are, contemplating whether or not to tell Ashton about your feelings for him. You didn’t mean to fall for Ashton, but you did without noticing it at all. It only used to be harmless fun, until he began to mean much more to you than he did before. You thought he was the one, and you didn’t know if you should tell him. But you decided to anyways, what do you have to lose if you tell him? “I need to tell you something,” you said and took a deep breath, crossing your fingers. “I need to tell you something too, do you want to go first?” Ashton says, rubbing the back of his neck with his hand. “You go,” you smiled, pulling on the hem of your top nervously. “So, um,” he started, grinning as he did. “I know I said that it was only a casual thing, but things change and I-” “Are you saying that you’ve developed feelings for me?” You smiled, you couldn’t help it - you were just so freaking happy that he actually felt the same way. “Because I was going to tell you that I have as well,” you say before tiptoeing, kissing his pink lips softly.

Michael: ”You’ve got me under your spell, please don’t set me free”

Your lips twitched into a smile when you saw your boyfriend running his hand through his hair, he was literally everything you could ever ask for. He was beautiful, he was incredible, he was sweet and kind, he was talented, he was perfect. You’ve told him that a hundred times, but he never seems to believe it. His gaze met yours and he furrowed his eyebrows with a smile, “Why are you looking at me like that?” Your cheeks heated up and you looked away, realizing that he caught you staring at him, “N-no, nothing.” You felt him wrap his arms around you, and he rested his head on your shoulder. You inhaled his familiar scent, and smiled, he was exactly as you remembered. You’ve been in love with Michael for so long, even before you two started dating. But now that you two are officially together, your feelings for him intensified, and now you seem to think that you could not live without him.  You loved him, you loved him to the point that you’d break if he ever left. “Do you love me as much as I love you, Michael?” You asked, wanting reassurance of his feelings for you. “Of course, I love you more than anything, Y/N,” he replies, burying his head into your hair this time, and you giggled. You honestly feared the day he would leave you, and you never wanted that day to come - ever. He’s just so magical, sso perfect that he can do nothing wrong in your eyes. He made you fall in love with him, and you didn’t know how or why, but you did. It’s like he’s got you under this magic spell, and you didn’t ever want this spell to break or anything. “You won’t ever leave me, right?” You asked, biting your lip as you prepared for his answer. He pulled away from you and turned you around, so you faced him and stared right into your eyes. His eyes were a beautiful shade of green, almost emerald, and you could get lost in them all day. “Why are you asking me these questions when you already know the answers to them? Of course, I love you so much and of course, I’ll never ever leave you.” He says, sincerity present in his green eyes. You wanted to ask if he was joking, but it was clear that he was dead serious about it. You embraced him instead, as if you’d never let go and said, “Don’t set me free,” You felt him press a kiss onto the top of your head as he whispered, “Not a chance.”

Calum: "You’ve got me feeling strange cause I love to hate you so damn much"

Words could not describe how much you hated him so damn much. Calum Thomas Hood didn’t know the effect he had on you, and that’s what you hate the most about him. Every little thing he does affects you in so many ways, you don’t even know how he managed to capture your heart like that. All you remember is that he meant absolutely nothing to you, and then, he just appeared out of nowhere, stealing your heart and just ran away with it. You rolled over in your bed, and you were face to face with an angelic looking Calum, who was fast asleep with a small smile on his face. He looked absolutely peaceful, and you couldn’t see a single flaw in him. He was absolutely flawless, so flawless that you can’t believe a person like him actually existed in the world. Your eyes wandered over to his tattoo, making your heart race in your chest. You didn’t know how long you spent staring at him like that, because time seemed to stop when you did. Your fingertips traced his features, from his eyes, to his nose, his cheeks and his perfectly plump lips. You wanted to press your lips against it so bad, and he’s asleep so he probably wouldn’t know anyways. You slowly leaned in and brushed your lips against his, and next thing you knew, his hands were tangled in your hair, kissing you full on the lips. Your eyes shot open and you pulled away in surprise, making Calum stick out his bottom lip. “I was enjoying that,” he whines, crossing his arms like a little child. You hit him on the chest and he put his hand on his chest, and pulled a face. “You hurt me,” he says, and you rolled your eyes at him. “Why didn’t you tell me you were awake, you dick?” You asked, looking up into those beautiful chocolate colored eyes you’ve grown to love so much. “It’s because you were touching me and I liked it,” he giggled, wrapping an arm around you. Your cheeks heated up at the realization that he was shirtless - you didn’t sleep with him last night, but the two of you sleep together on the same bed. You still haven’t gotten over the fact that you two could sleep together in the same bed, it still hasn’t registered that you two are dating and it’s been a month already. “I love you,” he whispers as he sighs, and you wrap your arms around him as well with a smile. “I love to hate you so damn much Hood,” you huffed. “But I love you even more.”

Luke"But I can’t think of leaving, cause you’re what keeps me breathing"

You glanced up from your book and fixed your gaze on your best friend’s profile. He was reading a book as well, rather intently as his mouth was slightly opened as he read one particular page. Luke Hemmings has been your best friend since you were children, and you have loved him for a long time. He was literally everything you could ever ask for in a guy - nice, sweet, a gentleman, intelligent, had a great sense of humor, had a nice smile, smelled good, tall, blonde, blue-eyed, plays guitar and can sing. You thought he had now flaws, because he was everything you’ve ever wanted and he could do no wrong. He laughed, causing him to look up from his book and at you, while you just smiled at him in return. “This guy is so funny,” he remarks, pointing towards the book. You nodded with a chuckle, leaving him to return to his book. Your smile turned into a frown when it sunk in once again - you can never have someone like him. Although he was your best friend, he was actually pretty hard to reach and you know for sure that he doesn’t feel the exact same way you do. Well yeah, he loves you but not in the way you want him to. He loves you as a sister, but your love for him runs so much deeper than his. Sometimes, you would think of leaving because waiting gets really tiring in the end, and you didn’t want to keep waiting when you didn’t really know what you were waiting for. You might have been waiting for a miracle, because it’s been ten years and Luke still doesn’t have feelings for you. You thought that if you spent so much time with a guy, one of you would develop feelings for one another. You believed it because it always happened in the movies - the girl or the guy falls for the best friend, and they end up together in the end. Why can’t your love story be like the ones in the movies? Why can’t Luke see that he belonged with you, and that you were so in love with him? You bit your lip and let out an exhale, running your fingers through your hair. No matter how many times you’ve thought about walking away from him, you just couldn’t. You knew that you couldn’t ever survive without him, because Luke was like the sunshine for you - you couldn’t last long without him. He keeps you breathing, and you’ve gotten so used to his presence because of your ten-year friendship. You ignored the heaviness in your chest as you sadly reverted your attention back to your book, a tear escaping your eye as you did, dripping onto the page of your book.

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