You're Married And He Has An Affair (His POV, Part 2)

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Ashton: I groaned as my alarm clock beeped suddenly. I wiped the sleep out of my eyes, attempting to get myself out of bed. Today was the day. I had been living on my own for the past few months and today was the day she wanted to sign the divorce papers. I didn’t want this. I’ve never wanted this. One stupid mistake has ruined my life. I got in the shower, still not wanting to go. Once I got out, I heard my phone ring. I didn’t bother to check the caller ID before I answered. “Hello?” “Ash?” I heard a familiar voice say. I smiled, “Hey.” “Um…Can we talk?” “Of course! What about?” I asked. She sighed, “Do you really want a divorce?” I shook my head, then realizing she couldn’t see me, “No I don’t.” She let out a relieved sigh, “Good me neither.” I smiled, “So does that mean we can work on us?” She laughed, “I sure hope so. I miss you.” 

Calum: "Daddy? What are you doing on the couch? Do you and mummy have a fight?" my youngest, Sophia asked, jumping on top of me. I groaned, not ready to answer her question. She crawled on top of me, placing a kiss on my cheek. "Daddy? Come on! Get up! Come play with me." I groaned, "Okay, sweetheart. I’ll be there in a minute." I sat up, rubbing the sleep out of my eye. "Calum?" I heard a familiar voice say. I looked up and saw Y/N leaning over the couch. "Yeah?" "I need to ask you something." I smiled a bit, "Okay. What’s up?" She sighed, sitting in front of me on the couch, "Why did you do it?" I sighed, taking her hand in mine, "You want me to be completely honest?" She nodded, "Yes, Calum. I want you to just be honest with me. I want to work through this." "Our sex life is just not there. I mean our relationship is fine, but I honestly just wanted some excitement." I watched as she began to tear up. "Please don’t cry." "Mummy! Come play with me!" Sophia squealed. "Coming sweetheart!" she called back, "We’ll talk more later I guess." 

Michael: I opened my eyes, glancing over to the clock. It read 11:21 am. I groaned internally, my head pounding. What the hell happened last night? I closed my eyes, my mind piecing the events back together. I sat up, noticing there was a tall glass of water and an asprin on the bedside table. I heard the door of the hotel room open and close. I glanced up and saw Y/N standing there. “You’re up.” she smiled slightly, “There’s a glass of water and asprin on the table. I’d take it if I were you.” I nodded, doing as she requested, “About last night….” She bit her lip, “Yeah um…” I stood up, walking over and wrapping my arms around her waist, tugging at the hem of her shirt, “I was drunk.” She nodded, “I know you were, Michael. But that doesn’t excuse what you did.” I nodded, placing a sweet kiss on her forehead, ” I know. No more drinking for me.” She sighed, pulling me in for a tight hug, “I love you, you know?” I smiled, “I love you too.” 

Luke: I stood at our front door, well I guess it’s her front door now since she kicked me out last night. I stared at the doorbell. Should I ring it or should I not? Before I could decide, the door opened. “What are you doing here?” Y/N asked as she cracked open the door. “We need to talk.” I responded. She sighed and nodded, “Come in, I guess.” I nodded, walking inside, following her to our shared bedroom. She sat down on the edge of the bed, me following closely behind. “Why Luke? Was I not good enough for you?” she asked. I shrugged, “Do you really want to know why?” “Yes, Luke! I want to know what I did wrong.” “What you did wrong? It’s always about you, isn’t it? Me this, me that. Did you ever stop to think if I was happy? If I was good enough? If I was appreciated? I did it because I found that she appreciates me more than you have lately.” She chuckled, “Oh bullshit Luke. I appreciate you. I always have.” I laughed, “She loves me. ” She shook her head, “No. I love you.” I sat there for a moment. I couldn’t remember the last time I heard her say those words. She loved me. I took her face in my hands, kissing her lips soundly, “I love you too.” 


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