He Says A Joke About You And You're Sad

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Michael : " I’ll be back in two hours" , Michael told you, kissing your forehead before leaving. He had a live interview with the boys so you went to your couch, turning up the TV. A few minutes later, you saw your boyfriend on TV, making you smile. 

" - Michael, I was looking at Calum’s recent keek when y/n and you are trying to reproduce Dirty Dancing’ scene, but failed. It was really funny, I showed it to my wife, the presenter told, as everyone was laughing.

- Yeah, she can be heavy sometimes, he giggled. “ 

You hardly swallowed. Did he just insinuated that you were fat ? The questions continued and the subject changed, as you were trying not to cry. At the end, you went to your shared room and looked at your reflection in the mirror. Sure, you were not a model, you have curves, but Michael always told you that he loved them. You lifted your top and grabbed your skin. 

" - Hey babe, I’m home, Michael said, as he put his keys on the table. "

No answers. He mumbled and crossed the appartment, looking for you. He finally find you in your bedroom, sitting, your back turned. 

" - I was accustomed to warmer welcomes, he smirked, kissing your shoulder. "

His smile disappeared when you didn’t answer. He took you by the shoulders and turned you in front of him. 

Your make up was destroyed, your eyes were red and you were gritted your lips, trying to retain your tears.

" - Oh my god, y/n, what happened ? He claimed, his eyes analysing your face.

- Do you.. Do you think that I’m fat? You sobbed

- What? No! Not at all! He replied.

- So why did you tell the world that I was heavy??! You yelled at him. “

You were trying to be angry but a sob stopped you. He held you in his arms, pressing his body on yours as hard as he can, his hand rubbing your shoulders, trying to calm your sobs. When you were more calm, he took your face in his hands, his thumbs wiping away your tears. Then, he kissed you. One of thoses kisses where all the emotions can be transmissed. And this one was full of love. At the end, he pressed his forehead to yours, looking you in the eyes.

" - I. Love. You. he says, kissing you between each words.

- I love you too, you giggled as he began to kiss your neck. “

Luke : You were sitting on the sofa, lowered on your boyfriend. You were zapping when his last interview was on. You turned up the volume, smiling at him. 

" - So guys, what do you think of Luke and y/n relationship? The presenter asks the guys.

- She’s really nice actually, we all get along with her, Ashton said, smiling at Luke.

- Well, you’re the only one! Luke winked at him. “

Your jaw dropped as Luke was kissing your neck. You turned off the TV and face him. 

" - What the hell did you say ? You yelled at him.

- Here we go, Luke respond, rolling his eyes.

- Don’t you dare rolling your eyes in front of me! You yelled again, escaping from his grasp.

" - I’m sorry I don’t have loads of friends, that I’m unsociable, that I’m a mess and .. and… You tried to hold back your tears but it was too hard. You tried to cover your tears, hidding your face in your hands. You felt strong arms surround your waist and lifted you off the ground. 

" - I didn’t mean that, it was a joke, a very bad one I admit. I love you y/n, I’m so sorry, he murmured, his lips on your neck. "

You hold him tighter to respond.

Calum : You were backstage from one of the boys’ interview, waiting for your boyfriend Calum. 

" - So Calum, is y/n a musician? Are you trying to teach her how to play the bass ? The presenter asked him and you smiled. You were actually taking bass lessons, and Calum helped you sometimes, well, when you two were together, that means, not very often. 

" - I tried, but I think she have two left hands, he giggled and the others boys booed him. "

After the interview, he came to you, tried to kiss you but you turned your face away, directed yourself to the car. The way to the hotel was silent, where he tried several times to grab your hand, but you refused. You passed throught the fans crowd and runned to your hotel room, as Calum was signing a few autographs. You fell down your bed and cry. A few minutes later, you fell Calum’s hand on your back,  gently strocking it. It calmed you and you turned your face to him.

" - I don’t have two left hands, you said, very seriously.

- You don’t have two left hands, he repeated, smiling.

You knock his shoulder before he gave you a hug.

" - You’re an asshole, you mumbled on his neck.

- I love you too, he giggled. “ 

Ashton : " - So, who is single in this band? The presenter asked." 

Michael and Luke raised their hands and Ashton and Calum smiled at the camera. 

" - You two are lucky, Michael mumbled.

- I can tell you that you don’t know what it is, Ashton says and Calum laughs too. “

You were backstage with Calum’s girlfriend, and you began to feel really bad. 

" - I think I’m gonna go home, you said tonelessly.

- Oh come on y/n, you know that they’re kidding! She encouraged you.

- Yeah but… I really gotta go, and you run away before she can tell anything. “

You drive to your home, blinded by your tears and when  you enterred the house, you run to your bedroom. You were trying to catch the suitcase which was on the top of wardrobe. 

" - What are you doing? you heard a voice behind you and you blenched, seeing Ashton standing again the door.

- Well, you know how hard it is to be in a relationship, so help me catch this damn bag and I’ll leave you free, you told him, your voice shattered by your sobs. “

He grabs the hand you held out to the suitcase and forced you to look at you.

" I’m not grabbing this suitcase, because I don’t want you to leave, because I love you. I told that to Michael because I know that he is not ready for a long relationship, but I am. You’re the most obstinate girl I ever know but I love you the way you are, he launched in one go. "

The tears streamed down your face and he wiped them with his thumbs, and give you a sweet kiss on the forehead.

" - I love you too, you murmured, hugging him. "

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