You're Sick And They Care For You

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It was almost two in the afternoon, and you were still in bed. You heard the front door click shut as your boyfriend, Michael, got back from the recording studio. 
"Y/N?" he calls out.
"Upstairs," you croak hoarsely, feeling terrible; your throat was sore, your head was pounding, and you felt like you might throw up at any moment.
"Wow, I thought I was lazy!" Michael laughs, entering your bedroom.
"Shut up, I’m ill!" you complain, throwing one of your pillows at him.
"Aww, sorry baby," he apologises, sitting on the bed beside you as he puts his arm around you and places a gentle kiss on your forehead.
"Want me to make you some food?" he asks. You give him a questioning look, not sure you trust his cooking skills, but he stands up and heads for the kitchen anyway.

A little while later, he walks back into the room carrying a bowl of steaming hot soup. You know it’s probably from a tin, but it’s the thought that counts, and you accept it gratefully anyway. The two of you sit there, almost in silence, as you eat the soup, and Michael does something on his phone. Once you’ve finished, you place the bowl on your bedside cabinet.
"Thanks Mikey," you smile. The two of you lay back on the bed, his arm around you as he holds you close. You stay there for a while, talking occasionally, but mostly in silence as you try to prevent your throat from feeling any worse. After a while Michael stands up, walking over to the TV. He turns it on, and then reaches into one of the drawers nearby.
"What are you doing?" you ask curiously.
"Video games make everything better, right?" he replies, holding up a controller. You shake your head and laugh at him as he hands you the controller, and sits beside you with his own. The two of you spent the rest of the day gaming, huddled under your duvet and cuddled together.

Can we take a rain check on today? I’m sick :( xx

You press send on the text to Calum, groaning at how awful you feel. You’re currently sitting on your bathroom floor, by the toilet to be exact, waiting for your body to finish deciding it needs to eject the entire contents of your stomach (which is about as pleasant for you as it sounds). When you’re finally convinced that you can manage to leave he bathroom without vomiting, you stand up steadily, your legs a little shaky from the illness. As you’re heading back to your bedroom to try and get some sleep, you hear a knock at the door, and slowly make your way downstairs to answer it. Upon opening it, you find Calum standing there, the familiar smile that you love plastered across his face. A smile tugs at the edges of your mouth at the sight of him.

"What are you doing here?" you ask.
"Well you’re too ill to make it to our date, so I thought I’d bring our date to you…" he smirks. "Just don’t make me ill, okay?"
"Oh thanks Cal! It’s alright for me to be ill, as long as I don’t pass it on to you," you say, shaking your head.
"Exactly!" he laughs, stepping inside and closing the door.
"Now come on, back to bed!" he orders. He reaches to pick you up and carry you upstairs, but you warn against it, fearing that it might make you be sick again. 

Half an hour later, the two of you are snuggled up under your duvet with hot drinks that Calum made for you. Thankfully, you’ve managed to keep it down so far. Calum has put on your favourite movie, and his arm is around your shoulders, hugging you closely as he absentmindedly rubs circles onto the bare skin of your arm.
"Do you want me to get you anything else?" Calum asks, and you shake your head to decline.
"Are you feeling any better?" he asks, worried.
"A little," you inform him, smiling at his sweetness concern. 
"Good," he grins, kissing your cheek. "I love you Y/N."

You’re sitting on your bed, surrounded by pillows and blankets, and with a seemingly endless supply of food courtesy of Luke, who is currently downstairs doing who knows what. 
"Luke, stop messing about and come back upstairs!" you call out. "You’re not going to be sick are you? i can get a bucket or something if you are…" Luke yells up the stairs, ignoring your requests for him to return. You sigh to yourself.
"Luke, I’m not going to be sick, I just have a cold and a headache, now come back up here. Pleeeaase!" you reply, desperate for him to return so that you can watch a film. 
"Are you sure you don’t want me to get you anything else?" he asks as he enters the room again, a mug of tea in his hand for you, fussing over you for what feels like the millionth time. You shake your head.
"Luke, all I want is you to stop asking me that, and sit down to watch this film with me," you smirk as the opening credits of your favourite film start to play.
"I just want you to feel better Y/N," he says, sitting down next to you to watch the DVD. You snuggle against his side, and he presses a kiss onto your forehead as the film starts.
"Thanks Luke," you smile, realising just how lucky you are to have him.

"Not feeling any better then?" Ashton asks with a sympathetic look as you answer the door in your pyjamas, huddled in a blanket. You shake your head, standing back to let him in.
"Good job I brought supplies then!" he smirks, stepping inside and holding up a plastic carrier bag full of ‘supplies’. He closes the door behind him and sets the bag down by it, before setting his hands down on your shoulders, and marching you towards the living room. He makes you lay down on the sofa, and tucks your blanket around you tightly. He turns on the TV, and hands you the remote to choose what you want to watch, before disappearing out of the room.

"Ash, what are you doing?" you call out croakily when he still hasn’t returned almost ten minutes later.
"Nothing, two minutes!" he replies from the kitchen. You sigh, turning your attention back to the TV. A few moments later, Ashton returns, carrying a tray in his hand. He places it on the coffee table in front of you, and you see that he’s made hot chocolate for the both of you, got your favourite chocolates, and brought some of your favourite films to watch. You smile, shifting position to let him sit down beside you.
"Now, you’re not allowed to do anything today, other than stay right here with me; doctor’s orders,” he smirks, handing you your mug of hot chocolate. 
"Thanks Ash," you grin, resting your head on his shoulder. "You’e the best."

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