You Have A Southern Accent

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I feel like you and Michael would equally tease each other about your accents, like you’d always mimic and copy each other. He’d probably be the type of person that whenever you said something like “y’all,” he would say something like “Oh look at me I’m (Y/N) and I live in America, y’all. I ride horses to school everyday,” while you’d be like “I’m Michael and I have a pet kangaroo and I spell color with a ‘u‘“and that kind of shit.

Calum would be a cocky little shit. He’d be the type of guy to say that he can’t understand what you’re saying because of your accent just to annoy you. He’d make you repeat what you said multiple times before he finally “understood it.”

I can just imagine Luke being totally fascinated by your accent, because it’s so different than his. He’d probably think the slang you use is the most adorable thing ever, and he’d often find himself accidentally speaking with it, or with a slight accent.

Oh god. Ashton would probably giggle a lot. Whenever you’d say anything relatively southern, or if your accent is stronger than usual, he’d just, you know, do that Ashton giggle thing. Although he finds it silly sometimes, he adores your voice. 


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