Disconnected (Ashton Preference)

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His warm fingertips were brushing on her skin seductively, leaving a tickling sensation behind that made her chest vibrate influenced. Her eyes were closed as the harmonic, yet heated, moment continued with Ashton’s hands drawing on her stomach uneven shapes. His gaze was focused on her beautiful face, looking at it like a piece of art. For him, it was a masterpiece. His index draw an invisible straight line down her belly and did a delicate swift around her navel upsetting her a bit as it actually tickled her. He chuckled subtly and kept on playing with her soft surface. She opened her eyes, fluttering them like a butterfly did with its wings. A smile formed her lips as she observed his signature dimples that were decorating his cheeks. She raised her hand, her fingers tangling with his curls and caressing them gently. Their gazes finally met, time seemed to stop. A strange connection, a chemistry incapable of being analyzed, a fire impossible to stop burning. Unexplainable. That’s what their love was. Any couple would be jealous of their eye contacts. It wasn’t just a blank staring, not just a contest and none of them ever got bored of it. It was telepathy. Like they could each other’s thought, like they could say ‘I love you’ through their eyes, which was more honest than words. Words are the ones that cause misunderstandings. Body language though… that characterized their relationship. Honesty and true, pure love. The dirty blonde boy leaned closer, his pink lips matching perfectly with hers like God had planned everything out. Like their body’s where made for each other, to make the perfect connection. Their mouths moved in sync, lingering and passionately. The fire burning strong as always. She loved the sound their lips were making as they kissed, it helped her create a whole different image of the world around them. Like she could choose where to be. Maybe sitting on a wooden porch with white blossomed roses surrounding them and fresh air to blow her hair away. Or even in the middle of nowhere, an isolated intersection at midnight when the rain had just begun to pour on the ground, wetting their sweet cherish lips and inflaming the moment on its own way. Summer night rain was her favourite sensation and Ashton knew it. He’d promised her to kiss her like that one day, but until then they only had their imagination. That’s how they were. Together and away from the world that didn’t match their precious, unique love. That’s how they wanted to be. Disconnected.

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