Seeing Each Other For The First Time Since He's Been Gone

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Aww okay so Calum would be the one that, as soon as he saw you, he’d come running towards you and pick you up and swing you around and kiss you and he’d just be really excited and happy to see you again because he was gone for so long.

Luke wouldn’t let go of you. You’d be in his arms for at least the rest of the night, whether you’re hugging, cuddling, or he just has his arms around your waist or shoulders. 

I imagine Ashton not being able to stop telling you how much he missed you and loves you. He’d constantly remind you that nothing was the same without you and that he’d wished you could’ve been there with him while he was gone.

Michael… oh god Michael would just be so happy. He would be smiling the whole night through, and he wouldn’t be able to take his eyes off of you. As soon as you guys were alone, you’d have to make up all the lost time. 


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