Amusement Park (Ash Imagine)

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You and ash walked around the carnival. It had been an hour since you’d got there and already had been on nearly all the rides. 
“(Y/N) I’m bored” he whined. 
“Shut up ash, were at a carnival there is so much we can do!” 
“Lets go for a walk. Or we can go on that ride” he said pointing to the biggest there. 
You froze. There was no way you were going on that. You shook your head quickly after his suggestion. 
“Nuh uh. There is no way in hell I’m going on that” you mumbled
“Aw your no fun! We will walk then” he grabbed your small delicate hand in his giant one. You felt safe under his touch. You walked along the board walk with the sound of the waves hitting the wood and the the smell of salt drifting through the air. You loved the coast. It was somewhat magical. Ashton changed position and slipped his arm around you waist. You loved moments like this where you could talk about anything. 
“I really don’t wanna go.” Ash said looking down at the ground 
You knew he was referring to the up coming tour. You have to admit that you were really sad that he couldn’t bring you but it was fine because it is such a big moment in his career. 
“I’m gonna miss you” you whispered
“I’ll miss you to” he whispered back bringing you into his embrace.
Your head laid against his chest. A smile formed across your face when you heard the beating of his heart. Everything was perfect. 
He took your face in his hands and pressed a kiss on your lips. After he had pulled back you wanted more. You kisses him back. It lasted for about 4 minuets. 
“Oi you two! Get a room! There’s kids around here!” A man yelled at you, clearly aggravated. You were a bit pissed at first but then saw his children. You felt Ashton tense a bit. You put your hand on his arm signalling for him not to do anything stupid. 
“Sorry” he breathed out. 
“I’ve got an idea” he smiled.
He grabbed your hand and pretty much dragged you to an old fun house. The sign on it said out of order so you immediately new what he was planning. 
“Ladies first” he said removing the chain 
You walked through with Ashton following. You giggled and laughed at all the fun you two were having. You pushed Ashton into the ball pit and laughed more. He put his hand up wanting you to help him out. You did so only to be pulled into the ball put with him. Everything fell silent. 

“It’s kinda romantic when you think about it.. Just you and me in an abandoned amusement ride” he smiled 
You leaned in and connected your lips with his. He placed a hand on your waist and one on your cheek, deepening the kiss. This was one of the moments you were never going to forget. It continued for half an hour untill you saw a torch light shine in to where you were. 
“Hey! Get out of there! Now!” He big man with a uniform on yelled. Ash jumped up and grabbed your hand running towards the slide. The room filled with laughter as you and Ash slid down and ran towards the exit of the amusement park. 
“We could have got caught!” You shrieked hitting his arm laughing. 
“It was totally worth it though” he laughed
“I guess so” you replied kissing him once more.


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